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Manufactured Housing 2013 Top 30!

At the end of the day, "the people" decide in so many ways. The powers that be spend time and money getting folks to do this vs. that, why? Because those powers need something from we the people. So it is always interesting to see what the professionals – you and your colleagues! – who are into manufactured housing find to be topics of interest!

We will share below 2 ½ dozen 'people's choice' hottest topics (an average of the top two and a half top stories per month looking back through 2013), plus a few just under that benchmark as we close out 2013 and look ahead to 2014.

So what follows are the topics you and your industry colleagues and peers read the most!

As you review this list of the top 30+ reads for 2013, keep in mind that as the top trade media publisher in the factory-built housing industry, this list makes these the hottest read items in our Industry.

Note that some of these have tremendous staying power, being read months (or in some cases, years) after the article was first published.


Let's declare the following to be in no particular order, in groups of 5 for easier reading, and then get started.


The Top 30+ Stories Drill Down!

If we drilled these top read features down, we'd see interesting patterns emerge. The top topics relate to:

– Financing

– MH Image Improvement and Professionalism.

– Industry Politics

– Industry Events

– Industry Personalities, or MH People

– Industry Product

– MH Retailing and MH Communities

– Legal topics

A large number of other stories that did not quite make the top 30 cut fell into a similar pattern.

Among our top modules on MHProNews:

The above are not necessarily in sequence of readership, although all are among the top read modules.

That said, even our 'other' blogs and news modules have more readership than most other publishers in our field. Each one is there for good reason, and the fact that pros like you read them suggests they bring you real value.

Coming to a theater near you? Writ of Mandamus

Please let me start with a confession of sorts.

writ-of-mandamus-rick-robinson-amazon-posted-manufacturedhome-pronews-masthead-.pngYour commentator here reads non-fiction daily, but it has been a while since I've read a fictional book. It was de rigueur to pick up and read MHI's new general counsel's volume, by Rick Robinson, JD. So I dove in.

Robinson published an award winning domestic/international political-thriller novel, entitled Writ of Mandamus. The duty to read quickly dissolved into pure enjoyment, as the pages practically turned themselves.

So I can't wait to ask Rick about a reference on page 69, the screen saver mentioned on page 94 or about his Persian character, and if he visited that Florida swamp and other locations described in the finely crafted Writ of Mandamus.

If you like authors such as Tom Clancy or John Grisham, then you'll love Mandamus.

Having made that comparison, you can tell that attorney-author Rick Robinson is his own man, developing believable characters and moving the plot along with comfortable mastery. No wonder Rick's won so many awards for his writing!

It would be no surprise if this novel becomes the story line for a good movie.

So it is with great pleasure for me to announce that among our first interviews for 2014, we will do A Cup of Coffee with…Rick Robinson. You'll see that interview next week among our new Featured Articles for January 2014.

As a semi-prediction for 2014, barring the unexpected, count on Robinson to become a popular force to be reckoned with in Manufactured Housing circles! This will be a must read interview.

Speaking for myself, I'm already glad he is on our side of the fence, instead of in some other non-MH organization's camp.

From Manufactured Housing's Third Coast

Speaking of award winning, on our Manufactured Home Living News side we will soon feature the Louisiana Manufactured Housing Association's (LMHA's) exec, Leonard "Lenny" Kopowski, in one of our new public-focused series of periodic interviews, A Breakfast withLenny Kopowski.

lenny-kopowski-jim-moore=excellence-in-communications-award-posted-masthead=blog=mhpronews-com-.pngLenny recently won the much-prized Jim Moore Excellence in Communications Award. He is one of several "grass roots" association pros to watch, as he is bound to contribute to the future of our industry in a variety of ways.

Let me wrap up 2013 by thanking you for another record year in readership here at, and also for making the Masthead the most read commentary in manufactured housing.

We are Number 1 because no one else brings you more diverse topics, experts, exclusive interviews with leaders, more sources, and balanced commentary. No one brings you more reader-supplied guest columns! We bring you MHI, MHARR and other association news, but we remain independent in our editorial views. So "We Provide, You Decide" is a tag line and a reality.

Hundreds of recommendations from clients and readers like you – plus record readership! – are all ways you 'thank us' for the honor of serving you.

Looking ahead to 2014

You don't have to look far to look for the importance of the largest industry trade event of the year! The 2014 Louisville Show is right around the corner! Please see the blog at the bottom of every page on the Louisville Show site for updates, and make sure you register. We are well ahead of last year across the board in all categories!

That's another good sign for the Industry going into 2014.

We end this year on a series of hopeful notes. We know we have challenges, but we also believe that Edmund Burke was right; all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing. Every day, let's invest the time and effort to make our selves and our industry an ever better option for a public starved for quality affordable living. We are in this together. See you again mid week, when the new January 2014 issue goes live! ##

(Image credits, MHI and MHProNews)

L. A. "Tony" KovachL. A. 'Tony' Kovach | |
Business and Public Marketing & Ads: B2B | B2C
Websites, Contract Marketing & Sales Training, Consulting, Speaking: | | Office 863-213-4090

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