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Manufactured Housing History! Manufactured Homes Turns 40-End of Mobile Home Era

June 15, 1976. Assembly lines across America echoed the sounds of nail guns and power saws building new homes to strict federal performance standards for safety, energy and durability.  The mobile homes of the 1950s to the mid 1970s came to an end through federal legislation passed in 1974.  They evolved, becoming something different and better – manufactured homes. This wasn’t just a change in name, this was a truly historic advancement in quality, appearance, potential size, features, appeal and safety, as the articles and videos at the links below prove.  

The history of manufactured housing will reflect that in the early 1970s 60 Minutes and others in media lamented that some, but not all mobile homes then being built needed to be upgraded.  That negative attention sparked forward thinkers in the industry to address the black eye of unflattering news coverage, and moved MH Pros to help collaboratively establish the MH product improvement plan that followed.  

Those MH Visionaries then did not duck and run!  The Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards which MH Industry pros helped craft was passed into law in 1974.  Administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the federally preemptive manufactured home standards are thus commonly called the HUD Code, and went into effect on June 15, 1976.


To rephrase, the MH Industry faced its collective challenges some 42+ years ago, tackled them head on and worked with federal officials to establish a preemptive set of standards that become today’s manufactured homes.

The trailer house of yesteryear could often fit into the kitchen or kitchen/dining areas of millions of manufactured homes found in the U.S. today.  Stills at top right were captured from the RV MH Hall of Fame. Photo collage credits, MHLivingNews, SunshineHomes and ManufacturedHomes. 40th Anniversary image credit, McAllan Rotary South.

Establishing a narrative that is accurate yet compelling is an important part of the continuing efforts all industry professionals should support.

The videos that yielded the stills above were made possible by goal-oriented operations like Sunshine Homes, New Durham EstatesUMH Properties and others who support the public and professional sides of MHProNews and MHLivingNews.  

The MH Industry’s various independent and corporate operations – along with the industry at large – get precisely the results that their public and professional educational and marketing efforts merit.  Perhaps we pros need to be shocked into reality, by realizing that today, new manufactured home sales are only 1% of all conventional housing stock being sold.  That tiny percentage is an ouch, but it also suggests a tremendous upside opportunity for modern manufactured homes.

NAHB, NAR and MH Industry statistics on new manufactured home sales compared to existing home resales and new home starts. Still from a slide from Tuesdays With Tony webinar.

We’ve taken an informal survey of some manufactured home builders in various parts of the country.  Some areas are reporting a rise, others are holding steady or have slipped in new home sales to retailers, communities or builder/developers.  

So its nice to hear that Sunshine Homes is quietly reporting a healthy increase in business, one that not all of their region’s colleagues can make that same claim.  Retail and community operations we’ve teamed up with are also reporting sales growth and more sales in the mid-to-higher price-points. We tip the hat and thank them and all who are supporting the MH Alliance – Partners in Progress efforts to promote the industry’s true recovery.

Image credit, calculated risk.


in 2015, MH Industry totals topped 70,000.  MH is six years into its recovery, but still no where near our industry’s great potential. Among the causes for lower MH sales today are regulatory factors, as the CFPB focused video and article here shows, and the historic analysis of HUD linked here reflects. There are also a growing number of MH Pros who agree with the Masthead position that MH producers ought to be doing half-a-million or more annual new MH sales.  The graphics above strongly point to the fact that MH’s upside potential is amazing.

For manufactured housing to reach its true potential – which we believe could easily be 8 to 10 times current new home shipment levels – MH industry companies and associations should team up with the MH Alliance – Partners in Progress for serious educational efforts that can grow sales as more Americans grasp the MH reality today.  

The Team Work of the MH Alliance – Partners in Progress have gotten us this far in producing the kinds of vidoes and articles seen below.  The effort can improve and broaden as more MH operations of all sizes join in raising the tide for the boats of those involved.

Dick Moore from historic Dick Moore Housing, which has provided over 26,000 homes since it started business in the late 1950s. Still from video with historic footage, click here or the image above to see the video featuring MH then and now, and a conventional house being moved!

Here below are links to videos and articles that help make the case for modern manufactured homes as radically different – and so much better! – than what hundreds of millions of Americans imagine.  

This list goes on and on to dozens of articles that explain why manufactured homes today are safer in fires, can appreciate and grow in value, why frugal millionaires update old mobile homes or buy new manufactured homes. An ever-growing list of topics help refute outdated mobile home era myths with the new manufactured home realities

In concert with others, we are proud to be part of the solution for making manufactured homes more appealing to the public at large.

Good story telling is an important part of the MH Rebirth as the obvious solution for the expanding U.S. Affordable Housing Crisis.  

By sharing the good news of manufactured home living through the eyes of home owners who love their homes, experts who know them, realtors and other housing professionals who’ve taken the time to learn the facts about MH today.   Knowledge in turn allows all pros to guide and benefit their clients that much better.  Its a case of everyone involved wins. These are all key steps toward a brighter future for manufactured homes.  

Today, we not only celebrate some history – a look back at the past that brought us here, but also the present and future. Visionaries will benefit potentially millions of more Americans, creating or sustaining good jobs in the process.  

We as MH Pros have every reason to overall be proud of our industry’s history, while acknowledging dark moments along the way.  We must now spotlight the stories that prove that we are a vital part of mainstream housing, that needs to be expanded.  

While we can, should and must celebrate the 40th Anniversary of manufactured housing, let us not forget that the mobile homes of yesteryear were a huge blessing to millions then seeking an affordable home of their own. We should celebrate the fact that many of those old mobile homes are updated, and today still provide a good, safe and appealing place for Americans from all walks of life to live. Still from Inside MH Road Show episode, click the still above or this link to see the interview and video.

The era of building new mobile homes has been dead for 40 years, but is not forgotten, as the CBS News video on this page linked reflects. Please watch for more features on the 40th Anniversary of Manufactured Homes here on MHProNews and on ##  

L. A. “Tony” Kovach is part of the team and sponsors who are leading the charge for the rebirth of modern manufactured homes.

By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

Managing Member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC.
Publisher of, and Inside MH video series.
MHI member, MHI Suppliers Division board member.
Consultant and service provider to the MH industry.

Office 863-213-4090.
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