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Manufactured Housing in Oct 2013 – What’s Hot and What’s Not

Ever wonder what others in the factory built housing industry are thinking about? What captures their attention? Ever wonder why someone does what they do, or fails to do something? The answers to those sorts of questions interests me too. In this column, we are going to look at 4 broad categories of 'what's hot and what's not.' Plus a surprise or two along the way.

Let's dive in.


1) Fed Policy, Don Carlson/Automated Builder and Obamacare

Back when the long-running Automated Builder (AB) was still publishing, publisher Don Carlson would editorialize about a wide range of topics, including FED policy, often 'calling out' “Big Ben Bernanke” by name. That made sense, because factory-built housing is impacted by public policy, including monetary policy. Our industry is part of a great American socio-economic whole!

Some wince when I bring up national politics, so let me begin by reminding readers about our long published editorial policy, linked here. If you have a different viewpoint, no one else in MH publishing history has published more opposing or differing views on a wider array of topics than we have. The Industry Voices guest blog is yours to sound off on a wide array of Industry topics. Consider Industry Voices as your 'Letters to the Editor' or OpEd column for the professionals of our Industry.

Then let me say, that not only is ObamaScare, oops, ObamaCare – the so-called Affordable Care Act or ACA – the top story in the mainstream media, it is a highly read story here on MHProNews too.

More on that fact below, but for now, keep in mind that the ACA/aka ObamaCare is about as popular as the flu with most business people. Democrats running for re-election in 2014 are nervous. Republicans have been temporarily rescued from their unpopular part in the “partial federal shut down” theater drama. Even the administration has issued a 6 week reprieve on implementation of the individual mandate. High time, since so many sweetheart deals have been given to their political friends, including those in Congress.

When CNN and Fox News are both covering the same thing, and both are reporting about the unfolding 'train wreck' of the ACA implementation…well, you know that story is hot and is going to stay hot.


2) Manufactured Housing and the general Public…Hot and getting Hotter.

Manufactured housing is drawing more attention in the media and the public, and some of that coverage or attention is more favorable to our industry. Its about time.

Part of this is aided by non-profits who are pro-the Manufactured Housing product, and thus our industry's de facto comrades. Starting this past spring, as you read here in MHProNews, the non-profits began touting more vocally and visibly the quality, durability and value of Manufactured Housing. No one in our industry has covered that reality and topic more.

The latest such coverage is a popular read by Chris Nicely on the topic, at this link. More will come in one of two upcoming A Cup of Coffee with… interviews that will go live by the end of this week.

British journalists, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, TMZ and others are covering manufactured homes, in a mixed yet overall rather favorable light. The pro-manufactured home durability video linked on this page has gone from 10,000 views last June to 25,000+ views today.


If you haven't already seen and shared these three links above widely, please do so, starting with your co-workers. Because the rank and file in our industry often don't know the truth about our business. Tragic, but true. The future is decided by good little steps, taken daily.

Lady's and gents, we are sitting on an historic opportunity to shift the MH image. Let's not miss the boat.

3) Not hot yet in MH, but could be…A Potpourri of “Interesting” tidbits

When the latest MHARR (Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform) press release came out, I was somewhat surprised. We at MHProNews are on record as being sincerely respectful of the factories that support MHARR, for a variety or reasons, including the fact that the Louisville Show would never have come back without MHARR members!

That said, be it MHI (Manufactured Housing Institute) when they goof, as happened on the consumer "announcement" linked here, or when MHARR does something questionable, we are going to spotlight and question! Imagine if Car and Driver never reported on an auto recall. Trade journals report and editorialize.

Quoting from MHARR's latest public release:

“As part of its outreach seeking to end such discrimination and simultaneously expand the available sources of manufactured home financing, MHARR has engaged extensively – for nearly two years — with the National Manufactured Home Owners Association (NMHOA), an organization representing more than 18 million manufactured home owners and residents across the United States.  Based on that engagement, culminating in an October 3, 2013 meeting between the leadership of NMHOA and MHARR, it is clear that the nation’s manufactured home owners agree that a legislative remedy to expand high-volume manufactured home loan securitization and an expansion of the availability of such financing – especially chattel loans – is absolutely essential.”


The full context is linked here.


First, let's look back almost two years, at the so called 'engagement' referenced in the MHARR PR quoted above. At the time of the Congressional Field Hearings on Manufactured Housing, do you recall how MHARR publicly blasted MHI (not by name, of course) for not being prepared for Ishbel Dickens and Carla Burr's testimony on behalf of the NMHOA?

Hmmm…what was MHI supposed to do? For that matter, what did MHARR members or staff who also testified before Congress do? People can speak – or write – freely, even if foolishly.


Next, If the NMHOA has a a low 4 figures nationally as 'members,' well that would be about the max. So to say that NMHOA represents “more than 18 million manufactured home owners and residents” is spin taken to its highest degree. “It just ain't so!”

ishbel-dickens-the-enemy-mhpronews-com-masthead-blog- (1).pngThird, for MHARR to 'partner' with a group that hates community owners, and has referred to those professionals – you and me and others in our industry – as “The Enemy” publicly, has got to make community owners in the know look at the MHARR office in DC and ask, what are you thinking?

I've personally asked Ishbel Dickens about that “The Enemy” comment, more than once. She won't affirm it, but neither will she deny it. We have good sources that heard that public comment by an NMHOA member with Ishbel responding in agreement.

Fourth, anyone that lives in a land-lease manufactured home community that has an active cell of NMHOA or a like minded group in it knows that the organization turns off more residents than it turns on. While no resident wants to see a rent increase, most people are savvy enough to know that property taxes go up, apartment and rental housing rates go up, groceries and all other commodities go up. So too with MHC site fees. That's life.

To be fair and balanced, sources close to MHARR say that their outreach to NMHOA (National Manufactured Home Owners Association) does make sense on these levels:

  • NMHOA members love their manufactured homes.
  • They are supportive of the production side of the industry and the federal HUD Code program.
  • NMHOA is also supportive on financing issues that could be useful for home owners and the industry alike.

Let's also be clear. Dialogue is a good thing. Jim Ayotte pointed out that in Florida, they routinely meet with home owner groups and have a good, respectful working relationship.

But please, let's not exaggerate the numbers of the NMHOA group. Even when well intention, nor should one venture blindly into waters that one may not fully understand.

seek-win-win-if-not-win-win-then-win-lose-or-lose-lose-masthead-blog=mhpronews-com- (1).pngIn this case, did MHARR go in with the benefit of savvy land-lease community professionals to brief them first? Did MHARR staff go in with MHC owner/operators helping them, and then crafting any language that may come out of such a dialogue in a way that made sense to ALL stake holders?

FYI, we've repeatedly offered to interview Ishbel Dickens, and the answer has been – yes, no, maybe so – or, and this is good – wanting to have some control over the questions to be asked – etc., etc. Is that the way someone truly comfortable with their own stated positions operates?

Our editorial view of Ishbel – who is a very pleasant lady on a personal level – and NMHOA is simple.

However well meaning, their actions in favor of rent control, opposition to HR 1779 and more are harmful to their own interests, that of home owners and that of Manufactured Housing Professionals.

The protests NMHOA and the negative local media coverage they garner is harmful to the values of their homes in their area and harms the image of millions of manufactured home owners and our industry from coast-to-coast.

Some Canadians have a grasp of how rent control harms MHCs and affordable housing, as we reported with their video news story, linked here. Therent-control-harms-affordable-housing-period-mhpronews-com-masthead-blog-.png link/video above ought to be required reading/viewing for everyone in the manufactured housing industry!

That video also ought to be required viewing for everyone who is associated with Isbhel Dickens and the NMHOA.

Imagine if site built housing renters organized and protested the National Association of Realtors, Multi-Family Housing or the National Association of Home Builders. Forgettaboutit! Part of our industry's “image issue” is internal, but another element flows from that tiny group that bends the ears of local reporters. But that should motivate YOU and OTHERS in MH to be just as committed to OUR CAUSE as they are to THEIRS.


There are some state associations – the grass roots of the industry – who have done a terrific job on HR 1779, and others who have not – yet – moved the needle. But unlike MHARR's DC office, which has diligently refused to put out a public press release in support of HR 1779, I'm not aware of any other MH association that has failed to ask via their emails for support for the bill. Why not MHARR?

Again, in fairness, maybe it is because they think it isn't among the three issues they agreed on with MHI to support publicly. That said, this one should be obvious. Better to support HR 1779 late the never.

I know MHARR members who say privately they want the bill passed as badly as MHI members do.  Is there a disconnect on strategy between the MHARR office in DC and its rank and file members on this point of support for HR 1779?

what-are-you-willing-to-do-to-keep-grow-mh-chattel-lending-mhpronews-com-masthead-blog-.pngFor that matter, where are the other publishers in our industry on this topic?  Why are they not all taking a stand – for or against – HR 1779?  Besides ourselves and Texas MH Quarterly, I'm only aware of one other that has lifted a finger on the topic.

Please understand, that this isn't about finger pointing, because I could point out stuff on our own site that needs fixing!  Please be mindful of the Car and Driver Magazine analogy on auto recalls, shared above. "We provide, you decide." (c)

What this is about is challenging ALL of us to be engaged enough to lift the cradle on that phone, or dial your cell or smart phone and call the Capitol Switch Board at  (202) 224-3121 and say, put me through to my congressman! Or those who have not done so should go to and contact your elected officials by email.

The Senate side of this HR 1779 effort is moving. The CFPB regulatory relief efforts are ongoing.  We will have a report for you in roughly 10 days. Stay tuned.

FYI, as of Tuesday, there are 99 Congressman now on board!  That's about 50% more than we had a year ago. And while the clock is ticking, let me99-are-now-on-board-is-your-congressman-mhpronews-masthead-blog-.png remind you that unlike HR 3849, from last year's Congressional session, HR 1779 lives on into 2014!

There are 17 Democrats on this bill, besides 82 Republicans. It is perhaps the most bi-partisan reform effort on Dodd-Frank moving!If you have not already done so, please, just pick up the phone, email or do both until your congressman signs on.

Last thoughts for balance on the MHI, MHARR and association related before moving on for today. MHARR's Chairman, John Bostick has gone to DC on his own dime many times to argue before various federal officials on a wide range of issues, as have some of his peers from MHARR. MHI's Chairman, Nathan Smith, has flown and driven to DC and to states to meet with consumer groups, Senators, Congressmen, staff, et al to advance the cause of HR 1779 (and other issues).  So have a number of other MHI members. Texans alone have coughed up some $200,000 to move the needle on this national effort!

grass-roots-is-where-it-happens-mhpronews-masthead-blog-.pngThe point is that all of the associations are engaged on something!  The squabbles in the background about strategy – nor our analysis – should not be taken to mean more or less than the specific point being made. None of us, and none of our associations, are perfect.

We are calling for common sense, not turf struggles. We all need to take Jim Ayotte's advice to work together, redouble our efforts and get the grass roots was doing what the leadership is doing.  Once we do so, we'll have HR 1779 and a companion Senate bill already passed and more regulatory relief too. Or…

If you wake up mid-January 2014 and


4) A Lighter Note and What's on the minds of MH Pros?

What a person reads says a lot, and what groups of people read give us a glimpse into what the Industry's professionals in general are focusing on. So it is always interesting to see 'what's hot and what's not' in terms of which articles are being read the most during the month.

lease-option-rent-to-own-kosher-in-todays-cfpb-world-masthead-blog-mhpronews-.pngOur A Cup of Coffee  interviews are wildly popular, and thus it is no surprise when we say that A Cup of Coffee with…Wally Comer is an off-the-charts hot read in October 2013. It is also important to note that all our featured articles are well read, but naturally some are better read than others.

That said, would it surprise you if the Industry In Focus Report on the NCC Discussion on Manufactured Housing and the Rent-to-Own and Lease-option was a hot read right now?

Keep in mind that the article linked above was published less than 2 weeks ago, and already is in the top ½ of 1% of all of the over 8,000 accessed here during October in readership. That suggests that a lot of you are doing RTO/lease-options or are thinking about it.

If you are using lease-purchase or lease-options, please do read it and pass it onto your peers, as it may save you or them some fines, law suits or other regulatory head aches!  We don't need more avoidable black eyes.

Another hot read is “Is your State on this List?”

So too is the MHI Annual Meeting and Big Government is Over.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio's article is getting a real good work out too, a neck and neck contest with Mark Bowersox's take on Its Now or Never for MH Lending Reform.

To give you a sense of just how popular ANY one of the above articles are, if you took all of the readers from any of the other 'national' MH publishers, more pros have read any one of the above more than read another entire periodical. Wow! That means everything else is bonus territory on readership here on the industry's most popular News, Tips and Views Pros can Use website.

Among other hotly read topics and articles are:

The month of October is almost done, and November looms. Attendee Sign ups for the Louisville Show are growing, and booth space is nearly sold out. Plus, Louisville Manufactured Home Show space sold out weeks ago!

We have a pair of new A Cup of Coffee with… interviews – one with a lender who has not had nearly the attention they deserve – until now!  The executive interview of this award winning MH finance operation is about to take center stage, and with the combination of lending and our popular Cuppa  interviews, it will be interesting to see how high this one goes!

Another Cup of Coffee interview is with one of the oldest named manufacturers in our industry, one of the most successful corporate players you could hope to meet. I'm hoping for one more photo to go with that article, which will go live before the end of the week in our November Featured Articles.

My thanks to you, all those who read here, our writers and sponsors. You have made this the place to be for Industry News Tips and Views Pros Can Use. (c)

Now, go sell something that keeps our industry growing! ##

PS: Check our many Exclusive and Red Hot Featured Articles for November and see the other new stories at too.

L. A. "Tony" KovachL. A. 'Tony' Kovach | |
Business and Public Marketing & Ads: B2B | B2C
Websites, Contract Marketing & Sales Training, Consulting, Speaking: | | Office 863-213-4090

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