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Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) 2014 Summer Meeting Pensées

Blaise Pascal, who penned the original Pensées (French for 'thoughts'), would likely be disappointed in part of what follows; for that this scribe takes full responsibility. As we approach the 2014 MHI Summer Meeting Sunday-Tuesday, what should we expect? What should be our hopes following the event?

What should we be talking about while there?

A very thoughtful message went out from a state executive to others, so the Masthead has been told; it is encouraging MHEC execs to avoid a certain “…distraction…” so that the attendees would focus “…to our number one priority, securing financial reform for the manufactured housing industry.”

Certainly, focusing on financial reform of Dodd-Frank is critical!

Non-Partisan Issue

That Danny Ghorbani and yours truly have disagreed at times is no secret, but one thing I would have to concur with him on is his statement that manufactured housing is a non-partisan issue.

We as industry pros ought to be warmly embraced by Democrats, Republicans and Independents. We ought to be embraced as a necessity that should bring cheers by HUD, CFPB and a host of other alphabet soup agencies in DC as well as in every one of the United States.

When the Boston Globe, CBS News, the Atlanta Constitution Journal and more in the mainstream media are starting to 'wake up' to modern manufactured housing (MH), it only makes sense that elected and appointed public officials get fully up-to-speed on the latest on this subject.


fleetwood-plant-tour 6-2-2014-for-congressional-representative-flores-550x512- (1)

Because MH offers an option that could make tens of billions of dollars a year in difference to government budgets, and could make a similar difference to our industry! As D. J. Pendleton, Karl Radde, Gay Westbrook and others observed in this article about the plant tour that Congressman Bill Flores was given this week, MH means thousands of jobs, and could mean tens of thousands more, so long as we play our cards right.

Furthermore, we must not allow ourselves to be marginalized into being viewed as solely for the "poor and lower-middle income," as noble as serving those groups is. If you've not watched that CBS News Sunday show video carefully, then please do so today, it is linked above.  We offer quality home options from the ultimate in entry level all the way up to those who are millionaires. 

We have huge opportunities, so long as we embrace them. There are savvy ways to do so!

Which leads me to Bill Matchneer's important pensées.

The Bill Matchneer, JD, MH Initiative?

bill-matchneer-hud-manufactured-housing-division-cfpb-mhpronews-com-100x100 (1)If I could wave a magic wand, and get industry pros to focus on a subject long enough to start the movement, I would encourage them to read, ponder and act upon a suggestion from a previous HUD manufactured home program director.

That man is Bill Matchneer, who has also been "…on the elevator with Elizabeth Warren…"

Please. Don't miss it. Bill is onto something, and it's an understatement to say that is “big.”


The Trans-Associational Trans-Corporate Profit Plan?

If I could get a discussion topic apropos for the various mixers and meals, it would be the one an actively retired gent has soundedbob-vahsholtz-author-dueling-curves-battle-for-housing-posted-industry-voices-guest-blog-mhpronews-com-manufatured-housing-professional-news-50x50- (1) off on here in the Industry Voices guest blog, which I'm told is drawing early support among some state and corporate leaders.

rick-rand-great-value-homes-manufactured-home-pro-news-industry-voices-guest-blog-Bob's comments are just the tip of the iceberg shared privately with me or others.

Let me commend Rick Rand, who will be at this meeting, for taking another public position that when enough truly forward-thinking leaders make this their own and act, it could transform our industry, attract more new capital and make all of us able to earn more while serving millions of more Americans. Please check out Rand's

Advancing Manufactured Housing Intelligently.

As You are Waiting at the Airport…

There are a few who pilot a plane to meeting like the one in Indy. Based upon geography, some will make drive. But dozens will fly, and for those waiting at the airport, let me suggest you consider watching the videos or reading the new featured articles linked here.


As an aside, we guessed this June would be Read Hot. It has been!  We are off to record pageviews this month.

But what I want to draw your attention to are the select videos below. The reason?  They represent views from savvy pros that ought to be considered on topics that include financing, government's role in our industry and much more!  These two merit conversation in Indy, from border to border and coast to coast.

Video Comments that include content of importance to topics MHI is engaged in

Eugene Landy

Chris Fisher

Ron Thomas Sr.

Dick Ernst

HUD's Pam Danner, Esquire

HUD's new manufactured housing program director – Pam Danner, JD – is planning to attend the MHI Summer Meeting. It would be interesting to chat with her, don't you think?

If you happen to be going, I'd make the effort to talk to her one of my priorities.


We aren't going to comment – not yet, anyway – on the stuff in the background. There are plenty of far more important topics to focus on!

If you are going to the MHI Summer Meeting, I hope we get a chance to say 'hi' to each other.

If you aren't going to the summer meeting…why not? ##

(Editor's Note: are you on our emailed Industry News, Tips and Views updates list? Thousands in MH, government, non-profits and investors are; and more keep signing up. You and your team should be in the loop too. Sign up free in seconds at: – fyi a glitch in our system is back on track. If you are on our list and missing an email, check your spam filter – that happens from time to time – white list us!)

L. A. "Tony" KovachL. A. 'Tony' Kovach | | Business and Public Marketing & Ads: B2B | B2C Websites, Contract Marketing & Sales Training, Consulting, Speaking: | | Office 863-213-4090 Connect on LinkedIN: 

