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Manufactured Housing News; Modular, Prefab and ‘Mobile’ Home News

News can be addictive. So can commentary and opinions; even if we disagree, they may well ‘hook’ us. News and views are certainly healthier than cigarettes, caffeine or coke! But what some people miss is the potential VALUE of news and views. Let’s look into the practical value for you and your business that can be found in manufactured and factory built housing news and views below.

News is often seen as ‘good or bad,’ and certainly there are both elements to be found in many industry news stories and reports. But the reality is that one person’s misfortune can be valuable to others. This happens every day, such as when a property goes into foreclosure, and someone else buys it at a reduced price. Knowing about the problem allows someone to seek to fill the void. When Manage America or Ken Rishel’s Precision Capital Funding look at the chattel credit dearth, they see it as an opportunity to serve a market in need. This is necessary in a free (or relatively free) economy.

When you read or hear on our News at Noon Podcasts that some are laying off workers in factories, but that other factories are expanding or opening, the intelligent person must ask, what is going on here? What does the growing company do right? What does the shrinking company do wrong?

We hear all too often that retail centers are closing. A state exec I spoke with recently told me that about 90% of the retailers in that state are now gone. So when that many close, but some are opening, or doing well, or expanding, we have to ask, what do the ones who are doing well know? What did the ones who failed have in common?

When UMH or Green Courte Partners acquire new locations, don’t we take notice? Doesn’t that send us a different message from those who have lost one or more properties?

The point is that information – news and views – gives us potential POWER. There is a reason that thousands log on every week here, why over a thousand visitors daily logged on the first days of this month! Is it because they are news junkies? They like to read feature articles from top pros to pass the time?

Or is it because some – nay many! – see the value in knowing what is happening, and seeing what the news and views of others tells them!

Let’s say you want to retail homes and need to expand or obtain a floor plan. You could learn about an option for that right here.

What if you wanted retailer financing? Did you know that right here at Manufactured Housing Marketing Sales Management ( you could also learn these options that others miss?

It is funny in a way, how some execs pretend not to read here, but may have staff doing it for them; or they are just quietly reading or downloading and listening themselves. Some openly admit they read and listen, and say so to us and others. Yes, there are many who don’t read ANYTHING in their own industry, and shame on tons who call themselves professionals and don’t take the time to keep up with what is going on in their own industry! Imagine a doctor or an attorney who didn’t keep up with the news and changes in their fields!

Would you want to go to a doctor or attorney who didn’t keep up with the latest info?

You get the point. Staying plugged in daily to our News at Noon Podcasts, to our leading news, views and feature articles – these are priceless to you and your team! If you are wise, you encourage your team to read, or listen to podcasts or to do both.

Because the ones who are growing do.

The professionals seeking new angles and ideas are here reading and listening to, too.

Sure, we are pleased every time we get a call, email or post that says, good job or thank you. Every kind word makes the work better. But the 1000 to 1400+ visitors who may log on today, the 30,000 or so logons monthly, wow! That is a testimony to value!

So you can either learn from the news, be entertained or bummed out by it, or ignore it.

For my money, it should be obvious that knowing is better than not. Thinking about and discussing the news with associates, even better. Sharing tips and news, always terrific!

If you have followed us from the beginning or just joined us in recent months, you see steady progress here. A growing team, more features, more supporters and sponsors.

Why does that matter to you?

The day that the next rush of sponsors comes on board here at will be one of the best days ever for the industry. That may seem bold, but it is true. The next plans for growth for will be even stronger and better ways to help YOU build YOUR careers and/or business!

We have a wonderful mix of seasoned industry pros and news faces on our pages every month with feature articles. We have the most news daily of any source that covers ‘mobile home’ (read pre-HUD code homes), manufactured home, modular or prefab housing news; because there are so many types, ‘factory built homes’ is a great and useful term!

Listen, read, learn and earn.

Listen, read, learn and earn.

As a newcomer to the Industry in 1981 to the present, I have read and attended the sessions that helped me stay up with and grow professionally in the Manufactured Housing Industry. Having walked the factories; worked at marketing/sales/management at retail centers and manufactured home communities; attended the home shows and meetings, closed the loans, etc., I can listen to most people in this business and say, “I understand this. I may not know something as well as you do, but I understand what you are telling me.”

That insight, and others like colleagues such as our Bob Stovall has, gives us the unique ability to share:

Innovation – Information – Inspiration for Industry Professionals!

As new sponsors come on, as more readers and listeners logon or do so daily, you will continue to see the growth and development of this Industry media platform. You and our team of writers and staff make it possible. But if you aren’t getting everything out of this trade media resource that you should, well, look in the mirror!

Because it isn’t just about addiction to news; it is about news and views you can and should use!# #

Some News and Views You Can Use:

