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Manufactured Housing’s Moneyball – Only Challenging the Status Quo will achieve MH Potential

You don’t have to be a baseball fan to learn the lessons of Moneyball, a movie staring Brad Pitt based on a true story of a low-dollar losing-baseball team which turned around and became winners using new thinking, science and approaches.

Before diving into a few very brief thoughts, let’s first run through some movie clips and selected quotes, while encouraging you to watch the entire movie. The quotes follow below each movie clip.

There is an epic failure to understand what is really happening.”

What I see is an imperfect understanding…” of what is happening.

Baseball’s thinking is medieval. They are asking all the wrong questions.”

We have to question everything.” – Brad Pitt, commenting about the movie.

People are overlooked for a variety of biased reasons...”

The first guy through the wall always gets bloody.”dinosaurs-same-old-same-old-shutterstock-masthead-blog-mhpronews-com

I believe that Science offers an answer…”

You’re threatening the way they do business…”

Threatening the way that they do things…”

Whenever that happens…the people holding the reigns…go bat sh-t crazy” when new ideas are advanced.

Anyone not tearing their team down right now, and rebuilding it using your model, they are dinosaurs.”

More than Talk, More than Thoughts, Action

We challenged the status quo of manufactured housing when we launched this industry news, tips snd views pros can use website during the lowest point in MH history.

Others, not us, said that we demonstrated the value of our resource for our key role in providing useful professional education and digital promotion via

Others, not me,praised our work as being the Industry’s best.

Others made my LinkedIn Profile consistently one of the top viewed in MH. Others – without “trading favors” – rained praise on us for our twin public and professional publishing, as well as for ourwebsite/online marketing, sales and consulting services.

You and thousands of others like you every month here have made our team the runaway #1 in MH trade publishing. Here you find the news, tips and views pros can use to boost your career and company.


The Rewards

Being the first through the wall can indeed be painful. As in Moneyball, there are going to be mistakes made, and while the praise is for a team achievement, ultimately the mistakes rest at my feet. With and, the buck stops here, with me.


But what has transpired is not just praise, but rewards for us and others too.

Our training is consistently top rated. Free sessions are rated 4 or 5 out of 5 by attendees. But paid training is routinely rated excellent 5 out of 5, or as one recent team said with their owner present, 11 out of 10 on a ten point scale.

More important, that firm saw a rise in performance the very month they started training.

Self Evident Truths

The logic of factory building is self-evident. So too the logic of using new ways to attract people with cash and better credit scores to buy ourballons-up-lightbulbman-posted-masthead-blog-mhpronews-com- industry’s manufactured and modular homes. The fact that we can change the image at an individual or local level clearly implies we can do so regionally or nationally.

We do that without mountains of money. We do via common sense training, marketing, science. But there is nothing common about the results from doing what we do.

Manufactured and modular housing combined shipments shouldn’t be around 80,000 total, as it is today. It should be no less than 6 times that amount, at a minimum. Anyone who thinks differently needs to take Zig Ziglar’s advice and get a check up from the neck up.

Frankly, with 20 million new housing units needed by 2030, per Census Bureau based figures, why shouldn’t the bulk of those new orders be factory crafted homes?

Come Witness the Future

You can witness what we do differently at the rapidly approaching 2015 Louisville Manufactured Housing Show. We plan to bring a new-comer to our marketing and sales systems, who will share with seminar attendees live some of their experiences, and how implementing it is revolutionizing their business.


The perfect storm of market, regulatory and “the old ways” of doing MH took us into the worst downturn our industry has ever seen. Does your organization seriously wants to continue going down that road?


Come and see first hand – or if you can’t wait, call – and see how your firm can Profitably become a part of changing MH for the better.

Don’t be dinosaur heading for extinction! Like Moneyball, it doesn’t take huge piles of money to make this happen. It starts with new l-a-tony-kovach-us-supreme-court-washington-dc-posted-masthead-blog-mhpronews-com-thinking, new approaches, confidence, forging the right team and putting them to work.

Come, see and hear for yourself. As in Moneyball, the odds are good that you’ll be glad you did. ##

(Image credits: Shutterstock/MHProNews)

By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach


