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Manufactured Housing’s Red Hot news, tips and views pros can use in June 2014!

Each new monthly set of 'featured articles' brings a variety of pearls and gems. Thanks to true experts, interviews and featured writers, we've never had a new issue that was an embarrassment – they all have terrific talent exposed – but some say there are issues that are more eye popping than others!

The June 2014 issue is “live” on our home page's center module – just below the Daily Business News modules – and will set some manufactured and modular housing trade journal records for our industry.

We are becoming increasingly multi-media, as you will see below.

  • 11 new videos, virtually all of them MHProNews exclusive interviews with industry insiders
  • 27 articles (including the 12 with videos, 10 of these productions are courtesy of our friends at
  • 3 Industry Event Recaps (including two with videos)
  • Two A Cup of Coffee with…interviews – both with RV/MH Hall of Famers
  • 6 attorneys (plenty of legal insights designed to protect or grow your business or investments)
  • 2 Association leaders
  • Experts and leaders in: Marketing, Sales, Management, Economics, Financing, Communities, Retailing, Branding, CRM, Investing, Events, Planning, Regulatory, Legal, Inspirational and More!


It is highly motivating (as you may have noticed with part one of our video interview with Jim Clayton, last month) and also quite humbling to bring you the stories, wisdom and expertise of our writers and those whom we have the privilege to interview.


Our growing number of videos reveal keen insider insights, combined with the personal touch of 'meeting' a professional in an almost one-on-one fashion.

Combine written topics by experts with video interviews and the rest of our multi-media offerings, and you will see why we call this our read…err, red hot June issue!


Insights! Information! Excitement! Suspense! Controversy!

15-minutes-daily-masthead-mhpronews-com(1).jpgWhile we like to have some fun, but seriously every subject has value – and in spite of what some might think – we don't want to hype all topics.

The “FTM” MHC issue, for example, ought to bring sober reflection. But the right strategy will make a potential head ache avoidable for MHC pros; that and fair housing are among the must-reads for owners, managers, investors and association professionals.

By contrast, other topics will quite frankly essentially 'hype' themselves.

For Example.

When you interview a billionaire that is an industry legend, one who is candidly sharing keys to his success, any industry pro who has a wit and a pulse ought to view it with digital or paper note pad in hand.

We have a number of the industry's legends and leaders this month.inside-manufactured-housing-mh-with-eugene-landy-umh-properties-hosted-by-latonykovach-mhpronews-com-manufactured-homes-com-


We also bring in experts and seasoned veterans that may speak calmly on video, or are writing with deliberation, but are providing significant insights that can advance your career, location, business or organization.

One of the really powerful thoughts linked below is by an attorney who is sharing a strategy that frankly ought to make every association and corporate leader say, yes, he is right.

For those who carefully view the videos, they'll hear candid comments that will make some smile, laugh, cheer or frown. You may spot controversial views that could spark serious discussions.

That is also a key part of what this platform is about. We can showcase a variety of views on the same topic. Where else can you get that online today in manufactured housing?  We don't have to agree on every topic to learn from each other.

We are also introducing this month a new periodic feature.

The name of the person being interviewed will appear below the Inside MH (Manufactured Housing) with – Joe Stegmayer – or one of the others we are featuring this month! See them all below, along with our other 26 featured articles.


Some say, Tony, you put out so much information! How can you take this all in?


Take an article or two a day, and you can keep up with the blogs as well as with the industry's first and still only Daily Businessgreen-key-success-pc-free-digital-photos-net-mhpronews-com- News. You'll have the added industry insights and knowledge that can put you ahead of the crowd. “Learn – Earn – Return” – Jim Clayton.

In the modern era, applied knowledge is the key to success. Jim Clayton talks about how much reading Warren Buffett does. Do you think Buffett is reading, learning and growing still?  Jim Clayton says, yes.  

How about you?

Name an industry that is taken seriously which lacks good trade journalism. At any given time, hundreds of you are on this site.  You and thousands of other pros logon daily make MHProNews the run-away #1 trade journal in the factory-built home industry.

Your success can be boosted by the tips, insights, wisdom and experiences of the pros and experts that follow below. Discover the rising stars, the experts, veterans and the legends – all linked below.

With no further adieu, let's get started with what promises to be a read hot summer.


Featured Articles and Reports for Vol. 5, No. 9, 2014

Alphabetically by Category


• Cal Hawaiian $111 Million Judgment, Could it Happen in Florida?

David D. Eastman, JD


The manufactured housing industry was rocked by the news that a jury in California had awarded a $111 million judgment against a land lease community in a failure to maintain lawsuit.

Read more…


• In the eyes of the beholder… …keeping your Marketing Messages from leading you into legal headaches

by Nadeen Green, JD



As you develop the promotional strategy for your manufactured housing community, product or service, you will perhaps contemplate incorporating human models into your marketing pieces (whatever they may be) or staying with the tried and true depictions of exterior shots, interior shots, floor plans and views, or your housing product.

Read more…


• Observations on Failure to Maintain Litigation in Manufactured Home Communities

by William R. Hart, JD


Much has been written in the past several weeks regarding recent Failure to Maintain (“FTM”) litigation in California.


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• What if Godzilla attacks my Park?!?

by Kurt Kelley, JD


A curse of being an attorney who is also an insurance agent is that when I attend movies featuring colossal destruction, I can’t help but wonder who will pay for all that damage.

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• An Insider Look at Retail, Community and Inventory Financing; a Video Interview with Dick Ernst of

by L. A. 'Tony' Kovach

tony-kovach-2-50Double digit business increases. Where the time and money is being wasted. What manufactured home communities, retailers the CFPB and others needs to consider.


Read more…




• A Cup of Coffee with…Jim Clayton Part II


Part 1 of A Cup of Coffee with…Jim Clayton, is found at the link below. Part II starts below too. The previous and current video interviews cover different ground than the text (written) questions and answers, do dig thoughtfully into both!

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• Factory Built House on the Hill Video Slide Show

by Nancy Geer

nancy-geer-new-york-housing-posted-manufactured-home-professional-news-mhpronews-com-50x50-Here is our video slide show of this year's Factory Built House on the Hill.



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• Inside Manufactured Housing – Video Interview with Joe Stegmayer, Chairman of Cavco Industries – talks American Dream Builders and more

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

inside-manufactured-housing-50x50-posted-mhpronews-com-Cavco Industries took a bold step by backing a project that placed their manufactured and modular home operation on NBC TV'sAmerican Dream Builders.


Read more…


• Inside Manufactured Housing – a Video Interview with Chris Fisher of Ducker Worldwide

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

inside-manufactured-housing-50x50-posted-mhpronews-com-Chris Fisher was the keynote speaker on May 1, 2014 at the Manufactured Housing Institute's (MHI) Congress and Expo at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, NV.


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• Inside Manufactured Housing with John Pentecost, JD, discussing Manufactured Home Communities, Legal Issues, Operations and Investments

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

inside-manufactured-housing-50x50-posted-mhpronews-com-John Pentecost, JD, with Hart King Law is with a well known California legal team that specializes in manufactured housing issues.


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• Inside Manufactured Housing – Video with Mike Nissley with CBRE discussing Manufactured Home Communities Sector Investing

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

inside-manufactured-housing-50x50-posted-mhpronews-com-As scores of industry players know, Mike Nissley is the Senior Vice President on the National MHRV Team at CBRE, a global player in commercial real estate.


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• Inside Manufactured Housing – a Video Interview with Ron Thomas, Sr., Founder, Rona Homes – Midwest Manufactured Housing Federation and Louisville Manufactured Home Show Chairman

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

inside-manufactured-housing-50x50-posted-mhpronews-com-Let's start – at the end – of the interview with Ron Thomas Sr.! You don't want to miss the 'out-take' at the end of this video, so please don't stop at the closing credits, or you'll miss out on a few moments of pure fun!

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Inside Manufactured Housing – a Video with Eugene Landy, Chairman and Founder of UMH Properties Manufactured Home Communities, Investing and Industry Outlook

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

inside-manufactured-housing-50x50-posted-mhpronews-com-Eugene Landy has been involved in the manufactured housing industry for some 4 decades. As founder and Chairman of UMH Properties, he has seen the industry move from its pre-HUD Code 'mobile home' era to its evolution as modern manufactured homes.

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• Consumers Trapped by HOEPA, and Sharing the Elevator with Elizabeth Warren

by Bill Matchneer, JD


Sorry to have missed the Las Vegas MHI Congress and Expo. Sounds like it was quite an event. As many of you know, I managed the Manufactured Housing Program Office at HUD for several years, though I spent the last few years of my government career at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, better known simply as CFPB.

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• Advancing Manufactured Housing Intelligently

by Rick Rand

richard-rand-50-50From Corporate to Association leaders, mom and pops to giant firms, the response to my OpEd on the Industry Voices guest blog has been overall positive.


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• A Cup of Coffee with…Ron Thomas, Sr.

cup-mhpronews-com1) Who, What and Where: (Your name, formal title for your company, association and show you are associated with and where you are based).

Ronald A. Thomas Sr.
CEO Rona Enterprises, Inc.

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• The Eastern Ohio Home Show Was a Resounding Success!

by Tim Williams


In spite of the cool temperatures and intermittent rain the Eastern Ohio Home show went off without a hitch. OMHA reported a solid turnout with the three day attendance of nearly 3,000 people.

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• Are you having fun yet?

by Tim Connor


One of my favorite questions to ask managers, business owners and executives is, “Are you having as much fun today in your position as you did in the past?”


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• Video Recap of the Manufactured Housing Institute's 2014 Congress and Expo in Las Vegas

by L. A. 'Tony' Kovach

tony-kovach-2-50We've said it before and will say it again. Video is taking over huge chunks of the internet! Some experts say that 90% of the internet will be video in the near future.


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• Does it really matter who you use to build a Manufactured or Modular Home Industry website?

by L. A. 'Tony' Kovach

tony-kovach-2-50The Internet is continuing its amazingly fast paced evolution. For example, yes, we had social media 5-10 years ago, but today it is almost expected.


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• You, Your Manufactured Home Business, Your Image and Bottom Line

by Brad Nelms 

brad-nelms-manufacturedhomes-com-posted-mhpronews-com-50x50Let's start with an obvious truth. You sell more, whatever your product or service is, with a good image than a bad or poor image! Does the car dealer with a positive reputation sell more than the car dealer with a lousy one?

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• Marketing and the power of love

by Ken Segall

ken-segall-photo-posted-on-mhpronews-com50x50Talking to attendees at the MHI Congress and Expo back in April affirmed something I have long believed.


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• Customer Lifetime Value, Part 2 – Referral Sales

by Scott Stroud

scott-stroud-50In last month’s article we established that it costs much less to reengage a past customer or upsell a current one than it does to attract a new customer. And while upsells and resells are good, referrals are the best source of new sales that you can cultivate.

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• World's Biggest Fish Fry and Manufactured Home Marketing

by Lisa Tyler

lisa-tyler-walden-university-posted-manufactured-home-professional-news-mhpronews-com-50x50-One of the biggest marketing obstacles in manufactured housing is changing the consumer perception of the product. Many consumers view manufactured housing as substandard and temporary.

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• The what, why and when of learning

by Tim Connor, CSP

tim-connor-50If you are not learning and growing – you are slowly dying – if not physically then mentally, emotionally or spiritually. What does learning have to do with your – body, mind, emotions and spiritual life?

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• ZigOn Failing

by Zig Ziglar

zig-ziglar-50Most parents experience the joy of watching their children turn over, then crawl, then stand up and then take those first steps. With outstretched arms they stand two or three steps away and encourage the little one to come to them.

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• Staying in touch is no longer a luxury!

by Tim Connor, CSP


During challenging economic times it is vital that you take consistent action to stay in touch with your best clients and prospects.


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L. A. "Tony" KovachL. A. 'Tony' Kovach | | Business and Public Marketing & Ads: B2B | B2C Websites, Contract Marketing & Sales Training, Consulting, Speaking: | | Office 863-213-4090 Connect on LinkedIN: 

