Top and U.S. Housing Markets for 2025 Interactive Graphic on Buying Power Based on Tax Foundation Studied Data by U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis–Manufactured Housing Opportunities-MHVille FEA
Donald Trump’s Election Victory Speech–Full Transcript plus CNN-Kamala Harris and Kevin Roberts-Transition Insights with Vichy USA Commentary and Analysis
Yardi-Linked Multi-Housing News Manufactured Housing Institute CEO Lesli Gooch Interview vs Mark Weiss Interview Responses Compared on Key Manufactured Home Industry Issues with Revelations
HUD Admits Decades of Delay as Election Approach-Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) say HUD Took 10YRs to OK Multi-Family Manufactured Homes After They Raised Issue
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Patrick Waite – Equity LifeStyle Properties EVP COO and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Executive Committee Member – Dumps over $1.4 Million in Shares of ELS; William Lutz on Doublespeak
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Marching-On for Manufactured Housing, 2016 

Before diving into our main topic today, two quick topics.  The first is a reminder that the rapidly approaching 2016 Tunica Show’s professional education day is March 22nd. There’s a hunger for practical, professional Education in manufactured housing, and our panel of Retailers, Community Pros – our Lenders Panel with their hottest plans – and our popular SuperCharge Marketing and Sales are all the afternoon before the main show opens, March 23-25th.  For updates and details on the 2016 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show as they happen, click here


Next is a reminder of how we got to this relative low point as a nation, which harms us all personally and professionally.  The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution were the greatest safeguards for individual liberty ever conceived prior to that time in human history. Those 18th century documents provided for limited government, separation of powers and local authority. Those limits on government kept individual liberty high, and allowed people to keep the fruits of their labors and thus encouraged innovation, jobs creation, etc. That Constitution was the answer to the tyranny of the kings and lords of the past, or the 20th and 21st century dictators and oligarchs. 

Image credit – Famous Quotes.

The nation slowly, over time, slipped those moorings of limited government. Those who want to rule over others, under whatever pretense or disguises one can imagine, tried and increasingly succeeded in creating the scenarios we see and live under today.  

Oligarch definition credit – Google.

Bloated, wasteful and corrupt bureaucracies, quasi-legal powers that stand outside of the normal law enforcement and judicial system, a tax code written for the powerful and the spending/appropriations that long ago violated the principles of Article 2, Section 8 of the Constitution. The Founders would be in shock.

Image credit – Like Success.

But as Dr. Ben Carson reminds those willing to listen, the founders imagined such a time could come, and they believed that we the people would wake up in time to save our freedom, free enterprise and our Republic.

That Liberty is what is at stake in 2016. Sorry to say that no one on the Democratic party side that is still in the race raises such issues. They are addressing the symptoms of the problems they claim to want to cure, by giving Americans more of the cause of the problems. Bigger government is not the solution. Socialism economically ruined Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and other lands. Much of Europe is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, thanks to socialism.  

Image credit – Kansas Policy.

Among the Republicans, the real reason for their street brawl is that the powers-that-be – the so-called Establishment, lobbyists, political influence peddlers, et al – they are seeing their system/power being threatened. Thus they are willing to do any and every nasty thing one can imagine, because if you throw enough mud, their professional string-pullers and manipulators know some mud will stick. 

Those establishment geniuses in both major parties (FYI – once more, I’m an independent, not registered in either party – and speak for myself, not for others) have for decades through policies like those mentioned, given us the problems we face today. Examples:

  • the large and growing mess in the Middle East;
  • gave us porous borders and a much abused immigration/visa system for decades – look at how “rapefugees” are terrorizing Europe, do we want those kinds of problem here?
  • Created the $500 billion dollar plus annual trade imbalances with China and others, which in turn decimated our industrial base – costing Americans millions of good jobs:
  • that in turn creates more unemployment, more welfare programs, more budget deficits…;
  • a tax code that costs us billions of man hours a year to comply with;
  • ObamaCare, that is a jobs killer that has driven up the costs of medical care rather than cut them;
  • regulatory codes that choke off new businesses, and favor large business over smaller ones – thus choking off job creation;
  • handed over tens of billions to Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism;
  • gave us decades of energy dependence, while trillions of dollars flowed out of the U.S. that created those gleaming cities that rise from the deserts of the oil rich Arab nations, some of which in turn…;
  • …are funding the Islamic terrorists that we are spending hundreds of billions of dollars defending against them, defending against China, Russia, Iran, North Korea...who created these gigantic messes and stratospheric debts and deficits?

Answer. Establishment politicos in both major parties. And it was made possible only because the U.S. Constitution is being routinely

kurt kelly american insurance agency aia 50x50
Kurt Kelley
DJ Pendelton

ignored. Please read the brilliant article by Kurt Kelly and DJ Pendelton on the Supreme Court, linked below, because it sheds a telling light on why this is so crucial to you and all Americans today.

Having teed up future articles with the above outline – because our nation’s future is hanging in the balance – lets pray for wisdom and courage to deal with these issues, which harms our industry, so many others and the people of these great United States of America too.

Now let’s turn to the primary topic for this month of March for manufactured housing professionals.

Photo credit, WikiCommons, poster credit, copyright (c) 2016, All Rights Reserved, LifesStyle Factory Homes, LLC.

Marching On for Manufactured Housing


A Cup of Coffee with…Barry Shein, Commodore Homes – this is one of the multi-decades stalwarts of our industry.  Barry brings keen insights, and you’ll likely learn things you will see or read no where else in MH publishing.

The interview also provides a thoughful example that MHProNews is ok with perspectives other than our own.  We’ll publish well reasoned comments of those who disagree with me, and will publish it on our own pages. 

Triad Financial Services – Don Glisson Jr.. This is part two of our in-depth Inside MH Road Show Video with TFS’ Chairmen and CEO.  Part 1 was a hit, part two will be too!

Cartoon credit – L. A. “Tony” Kovach, Copyright (C) 2016, all rights reserved, by LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC – parent company to &


This month, we might have called this legal scholars month. With no less than 5 articles by attorneys (“suits”) among our featured articles, all of which are listed and linked below. 


We might also call this finance month. Part Two of our hit Inside MH Road Show video with Triad Financial Services, Don Glisson Jr. Team SACU introduces what you can expect from them at the 2016 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show. Michael A. Parham, JD talks Duty To Serve (DTS) manufactured housing, and yours truly breaks down a misunderstood part of the recent Buffett Letter on Clayton Homes and their related lenders. All that and more are linked below.

MH Retail 

Clayton Homes joins us this month with insights on their recent acquisition of G&I Homes. A must read for all who follow the industry’s dominant player.

Inside MH Video with MH Retail Pros. This video also features insights into how Sunshine Homes works hard between departments and sneak peaks into the plant operations to help insure a great product and experience for home buyers and retailers alike.  This is “must see, MH TV.”  

Submitted to us by an MHProNews reader. Cartoon credit – Dixon Diaz, Politically Incorrect. Other thoughtful perspectives, letters to the editor and OpEds are encouraged and welcome.

MH Communities 

Kurt Kelley, JD, raises an question many in the MHC world will find timely, because it is ripped right from the headlines.

Nadeen Green, JD, dives deeper into why Fair Housing issues have to be handled properly. Miss this read, and it could be costly.

Two new posts by MHRE’s Christopher Nortley.

JLT Associates latest market report on MI. 


Dennis Hill gives you an in depth updates on the latest official news for the Tunica Show.

WHA’s Laurie Mercurio giving you a recap on the Hill visits and MHI’s annual meeting. Sunshine, CU Factory Built Lending, Triad Financial, MHWC and others are sharing articles that have tied to the rapidly approaching 2016 Tunica Show.

Inspirational – Motivational

Legendary Zig Ziglar, and living legend Tim Connor each provide food for thought that feeds the mind while inspiring the soul.

CFED and CFPB’s logos are the respective properties of each organiation, and are used here under Fair Use commentary guidelines. Cartoon by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach, LifeStyle Factory Homes LLC. All Rights Reserved. Click here or the image above to learn more.

Marketing & General Industry

Tifanee McCall on the value of extended warranties in selling more factory built homes.

Wayne Coakley returns with another timely look at why online reviews  – and how you can make them pay – is so important.

Story Telling – L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach – brings you topics that every week are changing the way thousands upon thousands are understanding manufactured housing.  Millions of visits and rising sales for those using these tools MH storytelling  resources are proof that this approach makes sense for manufactured housing.

MHARR News and Commentary

While these aren’t technically featured articles this month, it’s because of timing and other issues, so we do want to draw your attention to recent items shared with us from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) president, M. Mark Weiss. See this link here.

With no further adieu, here is the link to our featured articles for Marching On for Manufactured Housing.

Featured Articles and Reports for Vol. 7, No. 6, 2016

Alphabetically by Category




• “It’s Not Over Until the Fat Lady Sings…”

by Nadeen Green, JD

nadeen-green-mhpronews-comFair Housing…it’s the right thing to do! This has long been my mantra as a fair housing teacher.

Read more…


• Why Your Strongest Vote Isn’t at the Ballot Box

 by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony- kovachLet’s clearly state up front that voting in elections is important. I do it, as do millions of motivated citizens.

Read more…


• Justice Antonin Scalia: The Verdict of 2 Manufactured Home Industry Lawyers

by Kurt D. Kelley and D.J. Pendleton

kurt-kelly-american-insurance-agency-aia 50x50THE JUDGMENT – A differentiating feature between an economically vibrant country and a Banana Republic is the functionality of their respective judicial systems.

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• What If My Park Is The Next Flint, Michigan?

by Kurt Kelley, JD

kurt kelly american insurance agency aia 50x50If you follow any mainstream news or social media, you have likely seen or heard about the recent Flint, Michigan water contamination crisis.

Read more…


• Community Closures in Arizona

by Michael A. Parham, JD
MichaelAParnham-JD-WilliamsZinmanParhamPC-PostedMHProNews-com50x50Over the past year, Manufactured Housing Communities of Arizona (MHCA), representing the owners of communities, has assisted the residents of five communities when their community is closing.

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• Including Manufactured Home Chattel Loans in GSEs Duty To Serve

by Michael A. Parham, JD

MichaelAParnham-JD-WilliamsZinmanParhamPC-PostedMHProNews-com50x50Editor’s Note:
 Susan Bretton with the Manufactured Housing Communities of Arizona (http://azmhca.comprovided this letter authored by Michael A. Parham, JD, for for publication by MHProNews.

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• Clayton Announces Addition of New York Home Business

by Clayton Homes

ClaytonHomes-logo-50x50Clayton welcomes 50 year old family-run business G&I Homes

Read more…


• 2016 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show Updates

by Dennis Hill
dennis-hill-showways-unlimited-manufactured-housing-mhpronews-com-50x50-The Tunica Show is the biggest display of manufactured homes in the nation! It will be better than ever in 2016.

Read more…


• Spotlighting Flawed Math by Media and others; What’s Clayton’s Lenders Repossession rate? 

 by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony- kovachFor any of us, the maxim “
a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing” can apply.

Read more…


• Retailers, Production and Service Professionals – Sunshine Homes – Inside MH Video

 by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony- kovachThe concept of capturing a story from the point of view of those who know the subject best is both simple yet profound.

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• Community Banks, Credit Unions and MH Community Manufactured Home Personal Property (Chattel) Lending – Don Glisson Jr., Triad Financial Services – Inside MH Video 

 by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony- kovachDon Glisson Jr, Chairman and CEO of the manufactured home industry’s largest independent personal property (chattel, home only) lender – Triad Financial Services – sat down with INSIDE MH at the Louisville Show to do an in-depth video interview.

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• 2016 JLT Market Reports Now Available for Major Markets in Michigan 

Darren Krolewski
darren-krolewski-vp-mhvillage-posted-manufactured-home-professional-news-mhpronews-com-55x55Datacomp, publisher of JLT Market Reports, is pleased to announce that our comprehensive manufactured home community rent and occupancy reports are now available for major markets in Michigan.

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• Building Integration Photo Voltaic (BIPV) in Manufactured Housing 

by Steven Lefler
steve-lefler-vp-modular-lifestyles-newport-pacific-manufactured-homes-mhpronews-com-AModular Lifestyles teamed up with Hallmark Southwest and DOW Chemical to build for an Ojai, CA. homeowner; a factory HUD home using the DOW CHEMICAL “Solar Roof Shingles” as its roof.

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• Why Consider a New Manufactured Home Warranty?

by Tifanee McCall

TifaneeMcCall-MHWC-ResidentialWarrantyCompany-55x55Why Consider a New Manufactured Home Warranty?Why Consider a New Manufactured Home Warranty?Why Consider a New Manufactured Home Warranty?

Read more…


• Washington, DC – MHI Capitol Hills Visits

by Laurie Mercurio
LaurieMercurio-WisconsinHousingAllianceCommunicationsDirector-postedMHProNews-com-55x55The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) held the annual 2016 Congressional Hill visits for the industry.

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• New Michigan MHP Opportunity!

by Christopher Nortley

ChristopherNortlyMHREinc=postedMHProNews-comy50x50-MHRE announces a new MH/RV Park in New Michigan.

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• MHRE | FL | 66 Sites | MH/RV Opportunity

by Christopher Nortley

ChristopherNortlyMHREinc=postedMHProNews-comy50x50-MHRE announces a new MH/RV Park in sunny Florida.

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• A Cup of Coffee with…Barry Shein, The Commodore Corporation 

1) Who, What and Where: (Your name and your formal title at Commodore Homes and where your company is based).

a-cup-mhmsm-comBarry S. Shein, President of The Commodore Corporation, Goshen, Indiana 46526.

Read more…


Redevelopment of Pacific Skies MHC at a Standoff

by Matthew Silver

matthew-silver-daily-business-news-mhpronews-comMHProNews last posted a story Jan. 25, 2016 concerning the standoff between the California Coastal Commission on one side, and the city of Pacifica, CA and Pacific Skies Estates manufactured home community on the other.

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• CUFBL and Mountainside Financial Exhibiting at Tunica Manufactured Housing Show 

by John Walters

JohnWalters-CUFactorylanding(Greensboro, NC) – CU Factory Built Lending(CUFBL) and Mountainside Financial, divisions of SACU and leaders in manufactured home lending will be exhibiting at the upcoming Tunica Manufactured Housing Show, March 23-25, 2016.

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• Are you climbing the wrong tree?

by Tim Connor, CSP

tim-connor-mhmsm-comThe analogy I’m going to use here is an analogy from the Garden of Eden – the tree of life and the tree of knowledge.

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• ZigOn Saying Thank You

by Zig Ziglar

zig-ziglarU.S. President Theodore Roosevelt has been described as founder of the Bull Moose Party, the man who led his troops up San Juan Hill in the Spanish-American War, a big game hunter, family man, civic servant and a host of other things.

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