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Measure Twice, Cut Once – Getting It Right

A reader told us recently that when we goof, admit it and move on. 


There’s no doubt we as a publication, or myself personally, made errors over the years in serving manufactured housing. 

Some will argue that we’re 

  • too tough,
  • too slow,
  • too fast,
  • too…whatever. 

Right or wrong, we try day by day to get the facts right as we know them to be. Allegations are reported as just that, but evidence available is routinely shared to compliment concerns.

Since we do critiques, we are obviously open to being analyzed too.  We’ve invited public debates via video for later playback for all who wish to see.  Why no takers?

Adults get and give reviews. You or we want to start politely.  But if necessary, at times, reviews and fact checks must be more direct and firm.

The best cross check is you, our audience.

You’re here by the thousands on the Daily Business News, or other parts of our busy MH Industry trade media website. 

I’ve personally invited other professionals hundreds and hundreds of times to sound off on topics we believe are relevant. Those views are routinely shared, on and off the record, as the source prefers.

We invite those with opposing views. 

We respect the free speech rights of others.  We also believe that there are objective truths. 

Truth is knowable, for those who seek it.

Too often, 

  • opinions,
  • or knee jerk reactions,
  • emotions,
  • or someone’s “gut” reaction is mistaken for reality. 
  • Zig Ziglar is right. The solution to an issue begins by first understanding the problem. 


 TheFirstStepSolvingProblemRecognizeThat DoesExist.ZigZiglar-TonyKovachMastheadCommentaryMHProNewsGraphicStock

In doing the industry’s runaway most popular trade media – or in consulting, or business development – there are certain similarities.

We ask questions.

We get responses.

We publish, or share results, with the appropriate people.

Find a topic we’re dead wrong on, or need to correct something in factually? By all means, bring it to my attention, personally.

Got a hang up about style? Those are opinions. We can differ on opinions, right?  Frankly, our style has changed, of necessity. 

EveryoneIsEntitledTotheirOwnOpinionsButtheyAreNotEntitledTotheirOwnFactsDanielPatrickMoynihanMHLivingNewsLet me thank the thousands who come, the hundreds who’ve messaged. 

The industry’s needs have evolved.  9 years ago – in Oct 2009, when we began publishing – the need was to encourage the industry to believe in itself. To survive, and grow again.


Once that was accomplished, the need became to see what are the factors that hold the industry back? 

About 3 years ago, we began to politely raise important questions in public.  We started that process only after those concerns were first raised in private, and were not addressed in Arlington


We continued to support Preserving Access long after that post linked above.  But as more and more facts came out from Arlington and other sources – in the search for industry-advancing solutions – and given that quieter or behind the scenes efforts weren’t working, more robust fact checks and exposes were, IMHO, needed.


Praise continued to come in, from including from MHI leadership and other members, along with others in the industry. 

Facts matter.  The truth matters. Good communications and strategies, matter. 

Frank Rolfe Video

For an in depth look at the facts behind this Frank Rolfe video, below, click here.

Avoiding engagement with the industry and its trade media, that matters too.


Where I come from, we continue to be goal, truth, justice, and solution oriented.  

Our thanks to our sponsors, supporters, sources, readers and all who’ve made and continue to make this site possible. The best, God willing, is yet to come. ##  (Principles, analysis, commentary.)

(Image credits are as shown above, and when provided by third parties, are shared under fair use guidelines.)


By L. A. “Tony” Kovach,
Industry consultantservice provider, and managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC – the parent company to the industry’s top trade media and




