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MHI and MHARR my day?

October will be a busy month for most of us. Fall meetings – such as the upcoming MHI annual meeting – all the business pros want to book in advance of winter and budgeting are among the items which keep us busy. With national, state and local elections upon us, many are busier still. Let’s peek at some of what’s hot, happening and not.


The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) will see the changing of the guard on their board during their October annual meeting in San Antonio, TX. That meeting will be the first one that many will meet Jenny Hodge, MHI’s National Community Council’s (NCC) new executive. Because of her extensive MH background, the advance reports on Jenny are that she will hit the ground running.

Jenny Hodge, National Communities Council

Richard ‘Dick’ Jennison is increasingly coming into his own at MHI.

It is clear that Dick is moving from ‘learning the industry’s ropes’ stage to focusing on issues. A reading of his October column that will appear in Featured Articles module on the home page later this week will make the point. Please check Dick’s column out when it goes live. Jennison is savvy, thoughtful, approachable and confident. We are wise to keep our eyes on this gent who will have an impact on our Industry.

Bruce Savage has been retained as MHI’s part time communications consultant. Take a look at Bruce, then and now in an October Featured Article that goes live this week in our October issue. Bruce has been around the block, as you will see.


The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has an interesting initiative underway. MHARR’s president sent letters pleading for the industry’s relief to Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Those letters were also issued as press releases that have been picked up by the mainstream media. You can see those letters and related linked here.

Any and all such positive efforts are certainly praiseworthy.

What is of concern is the steady return of the negative drum beat from Danny Ghorbani regarding MHI.

For example, there is a routine call by Danny for a new ‘post-production’ association. If Danny’s vision were to happen – which is doubtful – it would presumably be made up of retailers and communities, perhaps others too. Some have suggested an even more splintered approach in mind, with retailers and communities each in their own national associations. Ouch! But none of these look likely to happen, still, they are a distraction. These MHARR what should be that organization’s positive efforts in already difficult times.

Danny is an engineer and a seasoned, savvy industry member. Danny and MHARR VP Mark Weiss are very well informed on federal laws regarding HUD Code manufactured housing as it applies to their work. They are often right on the facts of such topics as the fire sprinkler issue, the MHCC, HUD Code home pre-emption and much more. Their research and insights are important to follow, as they do sincerely seek to protect our industry from regulatory over-reach. There are times – for example, on the fire sprinkler issue – that I think MHARR gets it right and MHI has missed it.

What that means is, they need to communicate and coordinate better.

With the above deserved kudos and related said about Mr. Ghorbani and MHARR, let’s move to the problem area. The problem is not MHARR, in my view. It is a passionate (and let’s say, well intended) Danny going off the reservation in ways that serve neither MHARR, MHI, the Industry at large or himself. Let me take a step back, before proceeding with this analysis.

Part of the art of Association work is being able to engage with those that you may not agree. Be it regulators – such as HUD – or other associations – such as MHI and MHARR – doesn’t it make sense to reach out in constructive ways? Of course.

Here is where habit or temperament comes in.

MHI’s Richard A. ‘Dick’ Jennison (left) and M. Mark Weiss from MHARR, right.

My impression of attorney Mark Weiss, observing him in MHEC meetings with state association or MHI staff, is that he is routinely cordial. I’ve seen him laugh with MHI staff and other associations leaders and members. Mark can disagree and be friendly about it. So I don’t picture Mark as a bomb thrower; at least not on his own initiative.

By contrast, Danny for some time now has lobbed round after round of explosives at MHI. This is done quite publicly. Since that is so, what is said and done in private?

The Feds are Watching

There are many good reasons to bring this up.

From our software, messages, comments and queries, we know that HUD and other regulators are routinely on our pages at The Feds are researching! As George Orwell colorfully put it in his book, 1984, Big Brother is Watching.

That is one of many reasons pros ought to be in the know too. Do you want the Feds to know more about what is going on in your industry and how that impacts your business than you do?

FYI, we know with considerable certainty Congressional staffers and other non-federal regulators are also on our pages. So is it a stretch to guess they read other sites and other emailed industry commentary?

The point is that there are no ‘secrets’ out there. I’m not saying what they do with what regulators read. But for those of you who think that some of the Feds don’t hold us near or dear to their hearts, well, isn’t it logical for our national associations to do their best to get along and work smarter with each other?

Since my impression is that one side of the aisle, so to speak, is and the other side’s leader is not…

…thus this column.

Our Elected Officials want to know too

When Congressmen go to state association execs and say, ‘What is it between your two national associations? Who am I to supposes to listen to on this issue? ‘

My fellow industry professionals, this happens!

That also clearly does not serve our industry. Here is MHARR trying Congressional and Presidential initiatives. That could be good. Do we think that if they succeed in drawing attention, that those being contacted won’t do some research?

Therein lies the rub! We need to be seen as our national associations – and their CEOs – as being willing to work together.

Pictures are worth a thousand words

The photo above of MHI’s CEO Richard ‘Dick’ Jennison and MHARR’s VP M. Mark Weiss speaks volumes. It makes the point stated in the paragraph it is posted by.

Richard A ‘Dick’ Jennison – MHI (l) and Danny Ghorbani – MHARR – (r) 

This photo of Jennison and Ghorbani also speaks volumes. Both are smiling, but look at the difference in the body language.

Without confessing to be a big Rodney King fan, one still has to like his famous line:“Can’t we all get along?”

Then and Now

Whatever beef Danny G may have with MHI, isn’t it likely based on past baggage rather than current realities? Why might one ask this?

The fact is that we’ve not seen a single attack by MHI on MHARR since Dick Jennison came on board. Have you seen anything remotely like what Danny puts out coming from Dick or MHI?

Word has it, there is a desire by Jennison to work with Danny and MHARR. So why is there such an obvious lack of reciprocity by Danny?

Let me emphasize the expression of ‘Danny’ here rather than MHARR. I claim no special knowledge beyond that of observation in saying that my impression is that Mark Weiss would respond to Jennison’s outreach. Danny Ghorbani should too.

But instead, Danny has been cool at best and lacking in collegiality in his published and emailed missives.That can’t serve the interests of MHARR’s factories. Nor does it help the industry as a whole.

Having met a number of MHARR members who own or run their factory built housing plants, my sense is they are good, honest, hard working professionals. MHARR exists because those owners believe they are better served by their independent association than by MHI. That’s okay. In my conversations with those owners – on other issues – I don’t see in them the flame throwers I see in Danny G’s missives.

There are many reasons this is important, but let me mention one of many again. The Feds are watching! Congressional staffs pay attention!

MHARR members should not toss out the good they try to do with the imprudent body slams that come from Danny in public towards MHI.

As an engineer and as an association pro, Danny’s behavior isn’t logical. MHI is under new leadership!

This is the time for bridge building, not bomb throwing

What follows ought to be common sense. IMHO, here is what should ideally happen:

1) Before any Congressional or regulatory meeting or comments filing, MHARR and MHI should meet by phone, GoToMeeting or in person and compare notes.

2) They should seek common ground when possible.

3) The two trade groups should publicly pat each other on the back when possible.

4) When they see an issue differently, that is not the time to get out the boxing gloves. They should nuance their views and work to present that in the best possible fashion.

Point 4, properly done, can still benefit the industry. I suggested – maybe just a bit tongue in cheek – to Jennison’s predecessor that if he and Danny were creative and collaborated, they could hone a fine good cop/bad cop routine.

But the thinly veiled public hits by Danny on MHI serves no useful purpose.

I’d say the same for some pundits who publicly play what they think is a coy game of tag with MHI, but don’t want to digress into those weeds on this post.

Danny brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. He needs to bring the gracious, gentlemanly side he possesses too. We have seen both sides of Danny. Can we find a way to encourage the good and while taming what needs taming?

It has happened and worked before!

Before DJ Pendelton’s time, the Texas Manufactured Housing Association’s Executive Director, Will Earle helped breach the gap between MHI and MHARR. That resulted in getting the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act (MHIA) of 2000 passed. It doesn’t have to be Texas that get’s that done! There are plenty of respected association and business leaders who can step up to the plate and make the calls that get that job done.

This is the time to try to forge a new consensus that benefits all involved.

About a year ago, 6 gents walked into a HUD meeting jointly. 3 of them were from MHARR, 3 from MHI. That signaled a new hope!

Danny needs to follow those leads, for the sake of all.

Our industry is way too small to have the two national associations be openly seen – through Danny’s missives – as not being on the same page. Those attack MHI missives only serve to MHARR our day, and MHARR their important association’s good work. ##

(Editor’s Note:OpEds or comments for or against the above – on or off the record – are welcome on this or other topics).

PS: Check our many Exclusive and Red Hot Featured Articles for September and see the

other new stories and ‘Purely Political’ cartoons at too.

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Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right. – Henry Ford

