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MHI Executive Committee Member Emails MHProNews, Sam Zell’s Comment$

A few days ago, an MHI Executive Committee member sent an email, which he asked that it be treated as not for publication. We respect the request, replied late yesterday afternoon, and made a like request about our message to them.

The Masthead blog on MHProNews makes no predictions about this. Just an FYI to the MH Industry.

#War #Peace #AmericanEagle

The seal of the United States bears the image of an eagle. One talon grasps arrows, the other an olive branch.  That speaks volumes.

War? Peace? “Don’t Tread On Me.” “From the Many, One.” These are just some of the lessons of America’s historic success, part of the American Way.

That’s the real American Way.

For the believers in the audience, recall that Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers.  Why?  Because those leaders were “thieves” who were cheating and misleading the people.

We won’t rehash the numerous quotes from MH Industry pros – several of whom are MHI members – published two days ago. It’s ‘read hot.’


Instead, we will remind readers about what other Industry pros said on the record, in the captioned images in today’s Masthead blog commentary.  “We Provide, You Decide © if the commentary and quotes all fit, and make sense to you.

On the record quote to MHProNews. Graphic by MHProNews.  It should be noted that the quotes by third parties, like the one shown above, were not provided with this specific Masthead post in mind.  Readers will need to discern for themselves if the statements shown fit the facts, allegations, and concerns about MHI.
We Provide, You Decide.” © is one of MHProNews’ long standing slogans.

Texas Hurricane Tragedy

There are not enough words to capture what millions will be going through in the next few days.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those whose lives are impacted.  Especially so, with the forgotten and marginalized.

Manufactured Home Necessity, Potential

Why won’t MHI admit the obvious disconnect between what Chairman Tim Williams (21st Mortgage) accurately said, and what Warren Buffett has said – which are polar opposites?

The truth about MHI is in several ways hiding in plain sight. But the MHProNews exclusively obtained document from Tim Williams speaks volumes. Click here to see the brief, yet powerful, report.
L. A. “Tony” Kovach is one of the most popular speakers in the manufactured home industry, yet MHI – sometimes through surrogates or by applying pressure on others – has systematically, allegedly, attempted to keep Kovach from addressing the industry’s members. That said, they can’t silence the industry’s leading trade publication, which you are reading.

At MHProNews and MHLivingNews, we have a unique vantage point because:

  • we hear from MH Industry members across the spectrum,
  • we work with industry pros across the spectrum,
  • we speak and listen to the public,
  • we communicate with investors – foreign and domestic,
  • we engage with media,
  • engage with experts,
  • engage with advocates,
  • engage with public officials and politicos,
  • we research, and
  • we fact check.

The industry has its biggest opportunities ever. The need in America for manufactured housing has never been greater. As Daily Business News readers know, in Australia, manufactured homes are in some ways advancing better there than here, yet this is an American invention.  There would be widespread agreement on these points.

So where has “MHI’s leadership” been during this time of a growing affordable housing crisis?


Isn’t there an obvious conflict of interest between 21st Mortgage and Vanderbilt Mortgage (both Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway companies) not providing data to the GSEs, and yet MHI claiming that they want the GSEs to do chattel loans?


Why won’t MHI publicly say what’s going on with moves like Lois Starkey leaving MHI, and ending up at HUD?

Yes, the industry is growing, and we should be happy about it, but we should be unhappy with how low the total sales volume is at a retail center, a community and the industry at large. When you look at the bulk of the mainstream media accounts, isn’t Tom Fath correct? Isn’t the industry under attack? Where is MHI’s defense of the industry?

Why won’t MHI call for Pam Danner’s removal from the HUD Code Manufactured Housing Program office? Isn’t it a farce to say they want HUD to back off on regulatory overreaching, when they won’t call for Danner – who approves those moves – to leave the HUD MH program Office?

This image above appeared on the business website shown, and was modified to fit this page. When HUD’s own data proves that manufactured homes have their best quality ever, why is Danner pushing for more and costlier regulations? Why isn’t MHI calling for Danner’s replacement, asap? Click above for more details.

If MHI were right on the issues, why won’t they answer questions on the record?  With us?  With mainstream media?

Doug Gorman’s location was bought out by Clayton Homes, so can we still expect the multiple MHI award winner to speak out against MHI’s failure about asking for the replacement of Pam Danner?

We’ve challenged MHI senior staffers to a public, via video debate. Aren’t they confident enough to do so? What are they afraid of admitting publicly anyway?

We routinely give MHI a chance to comment, they hide behind no comment.  How can they claim to be ready to promote the industry, when they won’t defend it when wrongfully attacked?

MHI’s advertorials – often issued under Richard A. “Dick” Jennison’s name – have been a mix of useful and problematic claims. Some of their statements have drawn harsh criticism, like the example by Titus Dare, above.

Why does the inner circle there act, as an MHI board member told us, like a “secret society” – with only a few “in the loop,” and the rest of their members expected to go along?

Ross Kinzler was right, Washington D.C. picks winners and losers.

See Ross Kinzler, Donald Tye Jr., and other professional’s  comments in the story linked above.

But let’s ask a question.  Doesn’t MHI literally and figuratively do the same?

Photo credit, Marty Lavin. The use of these quotes here does not imply that the quote was requested for this specific commentary. Industry readers will have to judge if the quotes selected make sense in the context that this is being presented in.


After years of the same, why should the industry trust MHI?

What did they do for North Carolina when local media body slammed them with a pair of digital cheap shots?


They sent Rick Robinson to testify in Ohio, and loaned them ‘engage,’ both of which were token efforts. Losing the Ohio Manufactured Home Commission battle wasn’t a mere local issue.  IMHO, it was a significant setback for the industry. MHI failed to do whatever it takes to back up OMHA’s Tim Williams, when the state association and their state consumer group were officially on the same page.

How could MHI let that happen?

Editorial comments should not be construed as representing the views of parties that may be named. For example, OMHA’s Tim Williams specifically thanked MHI for their help. That said, your Masthead blogger asks – why didn’t MHI do whatever was necessary to win such an important fight?

But aren’t those just 2 of numerous examples of MHI doing little or nothing? What about

The list could go on and on. MHI can say whatever they like about their plans for an image campaign. Lavin’s points on that speak volumes.


Consider what an MHI veteran said to MHProNews, that “the big companies have figured out how to get the little companies to pay for what they want.”

Ouch. Lavin’s point on follow the money and pay attention to what people do more than what they say ought to be shining in bright lights.

Dick Jennison, Lesli Gooch and others at MHI have made repeated, unforced errors – and aren’t  they routinely harmful to the industry? Yes, their allies don’t like the analysis, but if they could defend it, why don’t they?

Goal and Solution Orientation

There are individual players who have reached out to us to explore replacing MHI and those in league with them.

Specifically, we’ve been asked about organizing:

  • trade shows – that would be both wholesale and public events,
  • networking events,
  • educational meetings, and
  • industry advocacy.

We are interested in learning more about their efforts and ideas and are open to supporting them, but have not yet made a commitment. Note MHARR is considering expanding, but no decisions there have been made.

Stating the obvious. There’s no good reason the Masthead on MHProNews can see for supporting or keeping MHI. Let the big boys have their club.

Why not let all the others have their own association, one that fights for their interests? One that promotes the industry, instead of silently undermining it?


Have you seen any clue that MHI is willing to reform?  While I’m happy to be wrong, and would gladly admit it, I’m not holding my breath over the message exchange noted at the top.

Somebody, please, show me something MHI does that isn’t or couldn’t be done better by others??

MHI has their stated and secret plans. Do you think their plans include you and your organization’s winning?

Why feed the hands that bites or fails yours?

IReportMHNewsTips@MHMSM-comMHProNews (1)

Watch for a report – the next fact check/expose – coming soon.

In the meantime, tips and comments are welcome (click graphic above). Want to sign up for our read hot emailed headline news? Click here. ## (Analysis, commentary.)

(Image credits are as shown above, and when provided by third parties, are shared under fair use guidelines.)

L. A. “Tony” Kovach fights for the industry’s advancement, day by day. Photo taken while Tony was questioning regulators in NY.

L. A. “Tony” Kovach’s Masthead blog commentary represents the views of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, and may or may not represent the views of sponsors or others.  MHProNews is open to a diversity of viewpoints, and we routinely get, ask for, and publish feedback from industry professionals that represents a range of diverse views and backgrounds.  MHI is once more invited to publicly debate via video, available both live and for later playback, their track record on protecting and promoting the manufactured home industry.




