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Nettlesome November – Egos, Associations, Media and an Overly Sensitive Industry?

Manufactured housing is awash in documented opportunities. Yet we are advancing at only a snail’s pace. Why?

This Nettlesome November 2015, we’ll explore what some people think is part of the problem, while ironically others see the same thing as a key part of the solution.

Associations – perhaps most notably MHI – draws considerable flack, from within and without. As disclosure, we’re association members ourselves, and believe in associations. As independent trade journalists, we must explore each side of the issues involved. Fair and balanced, “We Provide, You Decide.”  ©


On the Record (OnTR)

Another Cup of Coffee with...Don Glisson Jr., sheds light on this topic from a powerful voice inside MH. Don admits in the interview that some will be upset by his comments. We applaud his candor. That exclusive interview is linked below.

We published a read-hot interview with Frank Rolfe, who has been on the MHI/NCC stage more than once. Yet Frank took dead aim at them, see link here, and isn’t a member. We were widely praised for sharing that interview unedited.

We’ll look at this nettlesome topic broadly, noting that we’re publishing some 10 articles on associations this month, including 3 from MHI, 2 of which we invited from them.  That needs to be emphasized, so there is no misunderstanding about the objective and fair approach we are striving for in this column on this highly controversial issue!


Off the Record (OffTR)

While some will speak up, others are smiling while gripping at lunch, dinner, the coffee shop, meeting halls or the bar.

Quoting OffTRs:

  • It’s a big boys club, independents are invited, but have no effective voice.”


  • The reason MHARR exists is because MHI tilts towards larger firms and their interests.”


  • I was in the (MHI) office, and heard how they handled a telephone inquiry by a researcher. It was shocking when they said, ‘We don’t keep those kinds of statistics, so you may want to try a Google search.'”


  • Dealing with (person at MHI) made me think, you arrogant ——-. You’d never know they faced bankruptcy not that many years ago, and would have tanked had a rich member not bailed them out.”


  • I’ve served on committees for years, and one day, they just tossed me aside like all that work meant nothing to them.


  • Anyone that follows some of the attacks on the industry in the mainstream media last spring noticed that news reported MHI as an arm of the larger players. Until that perception changes, no amount of PR they do will be worth a d—.”


  • There are terrific people at MHI, and then there are some that kiss the — of the big guys, while acting like they are God Almighty with other members. Two-faced.”


  • It’s a revolving-door culture there.”


  • I warned leadership about the SAFE Act in HERA 2008. They were so focused on DTS, they privately and later publicly admitted they did not see the SAFE Act’s impact on MH coming.”

Don’t shoot the messenger.

Does-Truth-Matter-To-the-extent-we-allign-ourselves-with-the-truth, we thrive-to-the-extend-we-deny-it-we-suffer-dr-keith-ablow-photo-fox-poster-credit-MHProNews-com-

Please note that none of these OffTR quotes above are from the open or avowed enemies of MHI.

Those openly or slyly hostile voices in MHVille have their own (smaller) vehicles and tools, which they use for tagging MHI, and Don Glisson’s point in his interview on those enemies using attacks on MHI to recruit for themselves and their own business interests is worthy of a close look.

Strong Examples of The Defense and Advocacy

I think one of the strongest defenses of MHI comes from their honest, fair minded critics. They are members, and they are hanging in there, or are even more active than before. Why? Because they see the importance and value.  MHI is very close on key issues, as articles below by Lesli Gooch clearly state.

FYI, my take on the topic is linked among the featured articles, found below. I’m in the association, and plan to say. As I’m writing this, a message came in about my article linked below on the topic, that OffTR comment read as follows:

Well done, most will understand, the ones who don’t are the problem already.”

You’ll see why as an independent we’re in MHI, go to 8-12 national, state or regional association meetings a year, and plan to stay engaged.

If you read all the association-focused articles this month, found linked below, you may come to a similar conclusion that I have. “We Provide, You Decide.” ©

Side note…there is not much negative commentary coming of late about MHARR. Let me rephrase that, the negatives tend to come from those in the other camp. Within MHARR, it has been pretty quiet this year. Note too that MHI’s new chairman has signled and/or started initiatives that could well correct the complaints that are shared above.

We’ll keep an eye on all of this for our readers, of course. If my opinion changes, you’ll know, but my thoughts and reasoning reflected in my own article on this big topics stands, please do read it.

State and Community Executives are once more getting the positive attention and credit that their work so richly deserves. While national associations meet with DC based regulators, policy advocates, Congressional staff or members, its the state and community associations and their members who are the “boots on the ground” that makes it all happen. Ideally, each serves a vital role. National and state associations are best when they work in tandem.

Pivoting to State Associations

State associations have their critics too. Let me share some OffTR comments from execs, below, as to what they hear, and what they say. These too are honest, and accurately reflect what we also hear, and are thus a key part of the conversation on this topic.

We asked state association execs to comment, some did via articles you’ll see linked below, others elected to comment OffTR. To one exec, we sent the following questions, and you’ll see the reply.

What are the common objections you’ve heard to association membership? “Selected few don’t see the benefits.”

What are the reasons those in give when they quit, leave? “Cutting back or not in the – (name of the state) – market anymore.”

Another exec sounded off in more detail, here are those comments, with only the ‘tells’ that would give away who the writers is, edited.

Thanks. It is hard to show value to people who won’t give us an opportunity to see the obvious value. I don’t understand how those outside the associations navigate the laws, rules and regulations; and would you want someone else (the association) determining the future of your livelihood without your input? Not me, I can assure you. That last point to me is so obvious I cannot believe everyone is not involved and clamoring to be a board member.

Let me ask anyone who is not in an association or who isn’t active, to carefully consider those words!

They are powerful. So too are the examples of how MHI, MHARR and state associations are leading the way on a variety of issues and are providing opportunities for people to protect and grow their businesses. The examples from every association that shared columns this month is worthy of a good, close read.

Here’s another set of OffTR comments from a state exec. Keep in mind the questions put to executives, shown above.

The one guy who did quit as a retailer was still getting paper and told me I was not sending him enough paper. When he finally did join the electronic era, he never signed up and never gave me a reason.

One other guy said he was so marginal he only sold one or two homes and year and did not find it worth his while.

Maybe a fourth of those licensed as retailers in (name of state edited out), all independents of marginal size (or so I estimate), are impervious to all suggestions and attempts to get them to join and never respond. Let me give you examples.

Our membership is $— for a retailer and $— a floor. I offered each instate independent a free registration to come to the convention ($—), so I offer them a membership for $— and they can come to the convention for nothing. Not one response.

But here is the bigger kicker. Our dues are $— a year for communities (no matter how large) and $— for contractors.

So to try to induce them, I tell them if they will submit a $— membership check to me (no pain, no gain, I think), then I will give them a free registration ($—) to the convention (where everything but their room is covered for two days). So I write and tell them I am going to PAY them $25 to join the association.

Know how many joined or even responded? I can’t get them to join when I’m PAYING them. You have it.

The one fairly good size independent retailer who will not join had problems with the previous management and people who ran the association, so for that reason, he won’t join. No sense in talking with a turnip.

I say the contractors will never join the association, until the manufacturers or retailers pressure them someway, or just say the contractor should bill them whatever the membership fee is on the first invoice and that payment goes to us and we enroll them.

It is really crazy. The lack of feedback from anyone is mind-boggling. I ran a story in my latest newsletter about MHI efforts to get retailers to join directly by cutting the fees as an inducement. I’m going to be curious if anyone responds.”

We could share more such commentary, but they are akin to what you see in the above.  My thanks to everyone who took the time and effort to reply.

  • Do you see why this is an important topic?
  • Do you see why shredding light on this critical issue, while briefly painful to some, is utterly necessary if positive change is to occur?
  • Do you see why we say, some of this revolves around egos?

But other factors are truly a matter of false perception or the wrong attitude about association membership. You’ll see why, in my commentary on associations, linked below.

The Full, Robust November Line Up!

All told, we have a whopping 22 Featured Articles on our home page this month. You’ll see those by category and author, all linked below.

But let me take a few moments to draw your attention to all of the various features on MHProNews, that’s available 24/7/365. It’s amazing to note that our site statistics clearly show we have a 24 hour a day audience. There are plenty of readers in the middle of the night, as well as all hours of the day. Our sheer breadth and depth is why, according to those who read and know.  Thousands flock here to the Masthead many times weekly.  

But far more dive deeply in to MHProNews, which will have more readers in the next one to two days than attends 9 days of the top three MH industry events.  That speaks volumes.  The average visitor reads over 10 pages per visit. Amazing!


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With no further adieu, let’s dive into Nettlesome November’s strong line up of featured articles, reports, commentary and more.

Featured Articles and Reports for Vol. 7, No. 2, 2015

Alphabetically by Category




• “A peek behind the curtain…”

by Nadeen Green, JD

nadeen-green-mhpronews-comWhen Dorothy and her friends were able to see behind the curtain of the great and powerful Oz, they found he was not so great and powerful after all.

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• You say “tomato” and I say “tomate”…

by Nadeen Green, JD

nadeen-green-mhpronews-com…you say “potato” and I say “patata.” If you have ever wondered (as I have and as I have been asked many times as a fair housing teacher) what the difference is between “Latino” and “Hispanic”, I have finally figured it out.

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• How did the Retailing of new HUD Code Manufactured homes diminish? 

by Steven Lefler

steve-lefler-vp-modular-lifestyles-newport-pacific-manufactured-homes-mhpronews-com-50x50= (1)The Retail Dealer network (Manufactured home sales arm of the HUD Code MH Factories) has been reduced in numbers since 2008 due to market conditions, image and the perception of the Mobile home, the MH Communities and its public appeal.

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• How Low Can You Go?

BlairRugh-ChiefComplianceOfficer-Temenos-postedMHProNews-com-50x50-by Blair Rugh
The purpose of HMDA (Regulation C) is twofold.

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• A State and National Perspective on the Value Proposition of Association Membership

by Mark Bowersox
mark-bowersox-indiana-manufactured-housing-association-rvic-posted-mhpronews-com50x50-Tony – Thanks for the chance to comment on your upcoming articles about association membership.

Read more…


• HUD issues On-Site Manufactured home Completion Rule, Effective 3-7-2016
by Mark Brunner
MarkBrunner-MN-ManufacturedModularHomeAssociation-postedMHProNews-com-50x50HUD recently issued its final home rule establishing a procedure whereby construction of a new manufactured home that is substantially completed in the factory can now be completed at the installation site, rather than in the plant.

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• Court of Appeals Overturns DLI Fire Sprinkler Mandate
by Mark Brunner

MarkBrunner-MN-ManufacturedModularHomeAssociation-postedMHProNews-com-50x50On October 13, 2015, the Minnesota Court of Appeals unanimously overturned the MN Department of Labor and Industry’s MN Chapter 1309, residential fire sprinkler mandate; in part, asserting that DLI failed to meet statutory rulemaking requirements by not presenting the requisite evidence to justify mandating that all new homes greater than 4,500 sf, must include residential fire sprinklers.

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• What Do Manufactured and Modular Housing Associations Do?

by Tyler Craddock
tyler-craddock-executive-director-virginia-manufactured-and-modular-housing-association55x55Factory-built housing associations are sometimes misunderstood and under-appreciated.

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• Another Cup of Coffee with…Don Glisson, Jr.

  1. a-cup-mhmsm-comWho, What and Where: (Your name and your role/job title at Triad Financial Services).

Don Glisson, Jr., Chairman and CEO of Triad Financial Services, Inc.

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• Congressional Budget Deal Paves the Way for Fiscal Year 2016 Appropriations Process 

by Lesli Gooch, PhD

LesliGooch-PhD-MHIvicePresident-GovernmentRelations-postedMHProNews50x50-This week Congress and the White House reached a deal on the federal budget, which provides a framework for federal spending legislation for the next two years.

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• MHI Calls for Changes to Federal Manufactured Housing Lending Programs and Regulations to Help Combat Poverty and Promote Housing Affordability

by Lesli Gooch, Ph.D.

LesliGooch-PhD-MHIvicePresident-GovernmentRelations-postedMHProNews50x50-This week, MHI submitted a series of recommendations to the House Financial Services Committee, offering constructive suggestions on how to improve programs and regulations affecting manufactured 

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• Top Reasons against and for MH Associations

by Ross Kinzler

ross-kinzler-wisconsin-housing-alliance-executive-director-posted-industry-voices-manufactured-housing-professional-news-mhpronews-com-50x50Top 2 reason for not joining or quitting:

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• Deer Valley homebuilders Featured in New Video

 by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony- kovachDeer Valley homebuilders (DVLY) is featured in a popular new video on MHLivingNews.

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• Objection, Your Honor! Sunshine homes and ROC USA jointly Refute the Depreciation Myth 

tony- kovachby L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach
There are those who claim that manufactured homes depreciate as soon as they are pulled off the sales center lot.

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• How to Share the story of Today’s Manufactured Housing

by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach

tony- kovachIf a picture is worth a thousand words, a graphic that captures statistics should speak volumes too.

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• Industry Solutions, Manufactured Housing Associations, MHI and You 

by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach

tony- kovachWe’ll begin by drawing attention to something that in perfect times needs no added spotlight.

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• Manufactured Housing Resource Group (MHRE) – Manufactured home Community (aka ‘mobile park’ Listing! 

by Christopher Nortley

ChristopherNortley-mhreInc-Manangingdirector75x75Property Overview – 
Payne Creek contains 70 sites, which was built in 2000, on 19.74+ acres with a density of 3.54 units per acre.

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• The Image Problem, State 2 of Three Stages

by Bob Vahsholtz

bob-vahsholtz-author-dueling-curves-battle-for-housing-posted-industry-voices-guest-blog-mhpronews-com-manufatured-housing-professional-news-50x50-All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Attributed to Arthur Schopenhaur.

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• On HUD’S 50th Anniversary MHARR Urges New Efforts To Advance The Purposes And Objectives Of The 2000 Reform Law

by M. Mark Weiss, JD

M-MarkWeiss-MHARRPresident-ManufacturedHousingAssociationRegulatoryReform-posted-MHProNews-com-50x50-Washington, D.C., October 27, 2015 – 
In response to an invitation by House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) to “bring new ideas to the table on how best to fight the problems of poverty and housing affordability” on the 50th anniversary of the legislation that established the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), MHARR has submitted a white paper to Congress

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• 3 Wisdom Tips – Emotions, Self-Improvement, Uncertainty 

by Tim Connor, CSP

tim-connor-mhmsm-comWe’ll look today at Emotions, Self-Improvement and Uncertainty. We’ll define Wisdom is the blending of – information, knowledge, experience, truth, reality, maturity – to achieve dreams, goals, life purpose, inner peace and happiness.

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• ZigOn Drinking Alcohol

by Zig Ziglar

zig-ziglarToday many people are looking for excuses to justify drinking.

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• What does each Vacant Site or Missed MH Sale Cost You?
tony- kovachby L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach

MH Companies large, medium and small are all suffering from a similar problem.

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