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Never confuse activity with accomplishment

How to get ahead, and some practical tips and tools follow that will help you close more manufactured home or pre-fab housing sales.

It seems that many these days in the ‘mobile,’ manufactured home and factory built housing worlds are  ‘busy.’.  ‘Up at 5, at work by 6, don’t stop until 8 or 9  PM! I’m busy all day!’. Okay.  Reality check time…

  • How many sales did you do that day?
  • How is your team’s performance?
  • Are your vacancy rates increasing or decreasing?
  • Are your customers happy with your firm’s performance?
  • If you measured customer satisfaction by the number of referrals you get, how would your firm score?

If you flinch at one or more of these questions, you may need to do the famous Zig Ziglar check up from the neck up!

Vince Lombardi taught the importance of the fundamentals as a key to winning. Photo_courtesy_of_acopperpenny_001
Vince Lombardi taught the importance of the fundamentals as a key to winning. Photo_courtesy_of_acopperpenny_001

There are basic measurements for success.

  • How many calls?
  • How many presentations?
  • How many conversions to sales?
  • Are sales going up, or down?

How does your operation stack up on this scale?

Some may respond with:

‘But, Tony, that’s not fair!  Financing is tough today!  We have an image issue with the public, media and officials.  You know better than most what we face every day…’

Okay, so what are you busy doing?  Are you satisfying your customers?   Are you creating new lending relationships?  Are you attracting more traffic?  Converting more prospects into sales?

Are you training your team?  Recruiting our outsourcing needed talent?

Here at the Manufactured Home Marketing Sales Management online trade journal, we are excited, busy and growing. We strive to practice what we preach.  We don’t claim to be perfect, but we look at our plan and the goals, we check the measures of success and then we adjust as needed to keep moving ahead.

More important to you, we offer you and your associates the information, tools and resources you need to grow your business to the next level!

In college, they called it “MBO” – management by objective.  Today you might here phrases like ‘Goal orientation.’  ‘A Solution mindset regarding challenges.’  Some industry pros correctly speak bout setting the ego aside, and then ever reaching out for the resources and talent needed.  These are the ways of the winners.

Need inspiration?

Get it on our Inspiration blog, or if you have something inspirational, send it in with the proper quotes or credits.  Remember, growing the industry positions your business for growth too.  The reverse is also true; growing your business positions the Industry for growth!

If you want INdustry News and Views You can Use ©, you are at the right place.

Register free and listen every business day for our Erin Patla’s Factory Built Housing News at Noon ©. Registering also gets you access to our beat reporter Eric Miller’s Exclusive INdustry in Focus Reports ©.

Surf in anytime and read the tips and strategies of many of the top people in the factory built housing world, right here every month!  More top INdustry insights, from more top writers, from more leaders and association members than any other place on the world wide web, period!

If you’d rather listen to our writers’ great content, just download the podcast or listen live on line!  Listen while you shave (as one of our podcast listeners told us he does), while you drive back and forth to work, at your desk or at your leisure.

By the way, downloads have now become one of our most accessed features!  Don’t get left behind, find out why.  If you haven’t signed up yet, here is the registration link, do it in minute.

But as Nike says, Just do it.

Two national industry association leaders have taken the time on the phone to thank me for ‘all that you are doing for the INdustry.’ In turn, I have the honor of saying that it is our writers and team members make who us look good.

Further, it is industry pros like you who are, can or will fuel the INdustry’s Renaissance!

Let’s get down to specifics.

This past Friday’s News at Noon podcast has a potentially powerful tool for your sales pros to use.  In fact one community player who retails (if you don’t retail in the manufactured home community world these days, call me and tell me how you maintain or grow occupancy without selling ‘mobile’ or manufactured homes) said this:

‘We have been building a library of articles.  Some are for training purposes.  Some are for challenging and inspiring our team members.  But what we  are really excited about are the articles and podcasts that we are gathering to use as closing tools on tough customers.  Keep it up!’

Now there is a thought!   CLosing more customers!  Add the c to losing and now you’re closing more business.

That c stands for Complete.  Compete.  Competence. Conditioning. Confidence.  And C you at the top.

Never confuse activity with accomplishment.

Plan your work.  Work your plan.  Get the talent you need, inside or outside of your organization.  Bring in a speaker.  Do customized virtual coaching or training for your team.  Perhaps the most obvious, the most basic is to plug in daily  – like a growing percentage of readers and listeners are doing! – and get your daily does of…

Innovation – Information – Inspiration for INdustry Professionals.

Get it.  Just do it. Enough said.##

