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Nuclear November 2014 – Energy or Explosions for Manufactured Housing?

As the headline implies, this brief intro to our monthly line-up of featured articles isn’t about environmental or energy policies, as important as each may be. Rather, we’re using a metaphor of releasing nuclear energy in a way that will be productive, or we risk energy that is destructive instead.


Darlington Nuclear Generating Station – Canada

nuclear-bomb-credit-wikicommons-posted-masthead-blog-mhpronews-com-The atom – and then the nuclear – bombs are the most destructive forces generally known to humanity. But harnessing such “nuclear energy” powers the electric grids in many homes and businesses worldwide. That principle is our brief thought for today.

When you read

> Marty Lavin’s article,

> Cup of Coffee with…Ross Kinzler or

> Tim Connor’s article on management,

or other commentary in Industry Voices, there is an unplanned but common thread! That thread – IMHO – includes leadership, but it also includes channeling energy and facing challenges. Ignore a challenge, and it will sooner or later catch up with you or your firm, as have the finance-or-image issues for our industry.

Someone suggested we are trying to start a revolt by raising the leadership issue, not so. We are simply giving voice to those who are already talking about these topics.

I recall a MHEC meeting about 3.5 years ago, and a veteran state executive turned to then MHI President Thayer Long, and said,‘Thayer, with all due respect, you are not getting the job done.’ Was it a coincidence that not long afterward, Thayer resigned and went on to other association work?

The point is that it is best to have issues like leadership – when they are being so widely discussed already – voiced. Let people see precisely what others are thinking. That gives others the opportunity to adapt as needed. As a leader at a publicly traded firm told me, ‘Tony, there are advantages to transparency.’

We’ll provide a periodic forum for that sort of leadership discussion, so long as the topic resonates with MH Industry pros and enthusiasts like you.


We are ‘recruiting’ new team members. As I describe our industry via videos and words – written and spoken – part of what I share is a vision of our being agents for positive, profitable change for Manufactured Housing in America.

In a trillion dollar a year U.S. housing industry, we can and must muster the will and wisdom to triple or more our new home shipment levels. When that happens, most all engaged in the mix will benefit.

Some cower or are angered by discussions of changes needed in MH. Being afraid of the public discussion is about as smart as being afraid of a virus you know how to avoid or treat. And if you don’t know how to treat a virus, then its time to learn.

Experts and Informed Opinions!

I deliberately reach out every month to those I know will have a different point of view than mine, because how else can we see where the truth is without comparison between varying ideas?

Agree or Disagree – let us know, with your own OpEd or letter to the editor. What is certain is that the energy – negative and positive – flowing through the manufactured and modular housing’s “power grid” must be tapped and channeled, or it will become destructive.

Speaking of energy, we bring you three different views in one article below on the DOE Energy standards for manufactured homes. “We Provide, You Decide.” (c)


Image credits – WikiCommons

Speaking of Finance…

There are articles by Marty Lavin, Dick Ernst and from MHI to the FHFA, all relating to finance issues. “We Provide, You Decide.” (c)

Speaking of Change…

You’ll see articles on changes we are making here to better serve you. We walk the talk. Please check them out.


Adieu in French or Adios is Spanish have the original meaning of “God go with you,” or “Fare Thee Well!” Matthew Silver share his Adios message, please see that linked below. Parting is sweet sorrow!

That said, let’s jump into the strongest line up of experts, insights, analysis and more on the #1 – and still growing! – factory built housing trade media platform, found via the links below.

November 2014 Featured Articles

Featured Articles and Reports for Vol. 6, No. 2, 2014

Alphabetically by Category



• Foreclosure and Insurance Proceeds

by C. William Dahlin, JD

bill-dahlin-hkc-law-california-posted-manufactured-housing-pro-news-com-50x50-Any person or entity who lends money for the purchase of real property can, of course, become a secured lender. In simple terms, that means that the lender, in California, has a Deed of Trust recorded.

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• “You Should Get a Spanking…”

by Nadeen Green, JD


…if you are being naughty when it comes to fair housing and familial status issues. Actually, you would likely prefer a spanking than what you might get for your misbehavior with rules for children at your community.

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• The 6th Circuit Court says Manufactured Homes aren’t Consumer Product

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony-kovach-2-50One of our legally connected friends very thoughtfully shared this article, republished from Law360, which is significant to our industry and directly related to it. Every association, builder, retailer and community has a direct interest in this case and its outcome.

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• Preparing For CFPB’s New Appraisal And Valuation Rules 

by Dick Ernst

dick-ernst-50By now industry participants should be very aware of the “Big 8” Dodd-Frank regulations that have been implemented since January of 2014.

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• MHI Letter Alfred M. Pollard, General Counsel – Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)

by MHI

mhi-logo-50x50Subject – Enterprise Housing Goals; Proposed Rule 12 CFR Parts 1282 – Blanket Loans on Manufactured Housing Parks.

Dear Mr. Pollard:

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• The 2015 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show Tunica, Mississippi – March 25 – 27, 2015 – A Phoenix Rises

 by Dennis Hill

dennis-hill-showways-unlimited-manufactured-housing-mhpronews-com-50x50-A Phoenix is a mythical bird that near the end of its life builds a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young Phoenix…arises, reborn anew to live again…So goes the Tunica Manufactured Housing Show!

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• The 2015 Louisville Manufactured Housing Show Kentucky Exposition Center Louisville, Kentucky January 21 -23, 2015 The Road to Success 

by Dennis Hill


The numbers really add up. Think about all of the exciting brand new homes. Think about the 2,500 professionals who were in Louisville in 2014, representing hundreds of organizations from virtually all aspects of our industry.

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A Cup of Coffee with… Ross Kinzler

coffee-501) Who, What and Where: (Your name, and your role/job title at organization or firm and where you are based.)

Ross Kinzler, executive director of the Wisconsin Housing Alliance based in the People’s Republic of Madison, Wisconsin.

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• Approaching Version 3.0 – Impacts You and Manufactured Housing Industry 

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach


Manufactured Housing Professional News – – is widely recognized as the runaway #1 industry professional trade journal serving the factory built housing industry, as numerous positive comments from industry leaders linked here demonstrate.

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• Where Are We Now? – A Second Chance

by Marty Lavin, JD


As we view the manufactured housing industry condition at present, one can’t help but wonder about its status now and in the immediate future. When I speak about the future I mean in the next 5 years. Even conjuring that far out is challenging, longer than that is outside my ego to predict.

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• Three Views on Manufactured Housing DOE Energy Efficiency Standards

MHI, Don Westphal and MHARR

spotlight-report50x50We’ll share without commentary three different perspectives on the DOE Energy Efficiency Standards for Manufactured Housing. We’ll start with MHI’s view, share Don Westphal’s letter to dozens of MH professionals and conclude with the MHARR’s M Mark Weiss reply.

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• About the MBA’s Lobbying, Conventional and Manufactured Housing’s Roles in U.S. Recovery 

by Rick Rand


Lucine Colignon‘s Daily Business News column on the MBA’s lobbying to change current regulations is a great article.  It raises a number of topics relevant to MH businesses, professionals, investors and associations.

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• Adios

by Matthew Silver

matthew-silver-mhpronews-comIt has meant a lot to me to work with Tony and Sohyela (at MHProNews – writing the Daily Business News articles), I have learned so much. I have the utmost respect for them and for their mission.

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• Look for Reality – Management 101

by Tim Connor, CSP

tim-connor-50Perceptions become reality in the minds of people.  What are the prevailing or dominant perceptions that exist in your organization? Are you in touch with the causes of those perceptions?

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• Top 25 Steve Jobs Quotes

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach


Girish sent these top 25 Steve Jobs quotes via Linkedin, and it was immediately apparent that this was worth sharing with our MH Industry. Jobs was about excellence, and manufactured housing can increasingly be about excellence that creates enthusiastic customers too.

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• ZigOn Integrity

by Zig Ziglar


This morning as I sat at my desk, I spotted a large hawk in the willow tree behind my home. Two or three small birds, which I believe were sparrows, were driving that hawk nuts!

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