A recent magazine article by Dr Ranit Mishori pulls together some interesting health facts about people who are optimistic having better health than those who are pessimistic. Citing numerous studies on groups as large as 100,000 people, optimists suffered 16% lower rates of heart attacks, among other findings. Okay, what does this have to do with the MH industry, your business and you?
Arguably, the optimist is much better positioned in business as well. The ‘doom and gloom’ of pessimism tends to negate the notion that we can influence our own destiny and thus improve our business, image, sales results or what have you. The optimist by definition approaches a challenge with the ‘can do!’ attitude, while the pessimist is waiting for nebulous marketing conditions to ‘improve’ and for people to come rushing to their doors.
Personally, my approach is a blend – I want to deal with realities that I face, but then deal with them from the perspective that this issue can be handled and resolved; so what is the best way for me to approach a specific issue?
So one can be an optimist and still admit that its raining! But the optimist doesn’t deny the rain, he simply looks for an umbrella, rain coat or some other solution.
We can’t deny that our industry is still trending down. All the shipping statistics still point to that direction. What we can do is ask ourselves, what can I do in my market, given my resources to make a difference? Or can I draw on other talents, other resources to help me improve my business and results?
Solution orientation vs. doom and gloom! If you practice looking at the solution, that too will lead to more satisfaction, a better bottom line, and as the doctor might say, fewer heart attacks as well. ##
Let me invite you to connect with me at http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach – industry connections welcome!