
4 Quick, Documented Examples of Manufactured Housing Institute Leaders Publicly Ducking Out on Explaining Their Performance – or Lack Thereof – ELS’ Howard Walker

This under 700 word Masthead rapidly sets the table for an in-depth report linked below. That linked report carefully unpacks fresh evidence and prior facts ...
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CFPB Gives New Evidence of “Predatory” “Iron Triangle” “Sabotaging Monopoly” “Racist” Case Against Warren Buffett Led Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) Brands, Clayton Homes, 21st and Vanderbilt Mortgage, Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) 

An array of mainstream and other media have for years serious, evidence-based allegations against Warren Buffett led Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) owned Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage Corporation, ...
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Manufactured Housing Production Improves in 2 of 3 Categories, Official April 2021 Data, Trends, MHARR, Manufactured Home Pro News Analysis

Manufactured housing production in April of 2021 is down from March 2021, per the latest data provided by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform ...
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June is National Homeownership Month – NAR, NAHB, P.E.P. and Manufactured Housing Institute – Factual, Evidence-Based, Curious, Eye-Opening Comparisons

“June is National Homeownership Month, a time to share our stories and create opportunities for future homeowners. NAR encourages REALTORS® to celebrate with the American ...
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Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Buffett Bucks – Corruption, Scandals, “Tapestry of Lies” – Outrageous Spin, Coverups by Oligarchs, Bureaucrats – “Iron Triangle” WHO-Wuhan Institute of Virology – Killed Millions, Cost Trillion$ 

The federal government spends billions of dollars annually on intelligence and pandemic prevention. Additionally, billions has been paid by the U.S. and other governments to ...
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Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Openly Mock Congress, Challenge FHFA “Puppet” “Regulator” As Manufactured Home Securitized Lending By-Passed Again – MHARR Update – Experts Comments

Federal and corporate corruption. Sabotaging monopolies. Iron Triangle. “Sock puppet” regulators that bow to the regulated and special interests. Above the law. Thumbing their nose ...
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Documented Massive Rip-offs, Official Failures – ‘Lying to Investors, Regulators, Clients’ – Theranos, Enron, WorldCom, Solyndra, Madoff, WeWork – Investigating Tips Warren Buffett led Berkshire and Manufactured Housing Woes

Theranos’ “Elizabeth Holmes’ trial [was] pushed to August following [a] surprise pregnancy announcement. Prosecutors said they were “frustrated” to learn recently that Holmes is due ...
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When the Perfect is the Enemy of the Good – Bernie Madoff, Politically Correct Thinking in Manufactured Housing Gone Awry, Exposing Corruption – Deadly COVID’s Silver Lining?

The acclaimed thinker and best-selling author G. K. Chesterton famously quipped that “Sometimes the perfect is the enemy of the good.” That notion, for example, ...
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‘Seek First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness-All Things Will Be Yours’ – Jesus Christ, Matthew 6:33 – Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday Triduum

“But seek first his [God’s] kingdom and his [God’s] righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.” – Jesus of Nazareth in Matthew ...
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“Pimple on an Elephant’s Ass,” “Shell Game” – L.A. “Tony” Kovach, Manufactured Housing Institute, Manufactured Housing Assoc for Regulatory Reform Speak at Enterprise Housing Goals FHFA “Listening Session”

FHFA hosted a virtual listening session today with various nonprofits and interested parties in the Enterprise Housing Goals (EHG) for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. ...
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Pragmatism 2021 – Democrats vs Republicans and Affordable Manufactured Housing’s Future

Pragmatism is not only a good thing, it can be a necessity for anyone or any group that seeks to do something other than posture. ...
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Warren Buffett’s Ally, Bill Gates – Is Gates and his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation too Powerful and Influential? Report and New Gates Video Exposé

The first segment of what follows is used by permission from the Defender’s website. It will be followed by additional information, MHProNews analysis and commentary. ...
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Behind the Curtain with Curtin’s Spotlight on a “Tapestry of Lies”

In the insightful review below is this colorful pull quote – “a tapestry of lies.”  It is credited to an English playwright Harold Pinter from ...
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“Man Obsessed With Monopoly Control” – “Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism, A Closer Look at Farmer Bill” – Largest U.S. Landowner & Gates Foundation – Robert Kennedy Jr.

About a week after the article below was first posted on the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) website “Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism, A Closer Look at ...
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Leo Donofrio – “Writ of Quo Warranto” – Legal Solution to ‘Election Fraud,’ POTUS Trump vs. Biden – Path to Stop Millions of Jobs Vanishing? Oligarchs Power Grab?

“The Writ of Quo Warranto“ is getting growing attention. Among the reasons? Advocates and colorful attorney claim that “The Writ of Quo Warranto” may be ...
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End of Trump Era? President in Exile? Welcome to #VichyUSA

There are those on the hard left, along with some anti-Trump RINO or “Establishment” Republicans who are happy-to-thrilled that President Donald J. Trump is out ...
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Patriot Grrr8Graphics Cartoonist Ben Garrison Asks – “What Does President Trump Have Up His Sleeve?”

Among the finest center-right #AmericaFirst #MAGA political cartoonists is Ben Garrison. Patriots, especially informed Patriots who do not yet know Garrison, should get familiar with ...
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EXCLUSIVE – President Donald J. Trump #MAGA #DeclassifyItAll White House Transition Letter to Joe Biden Draft

This EXCLUSIVE leaked draft from the 45th President of the United States to Joe Biden. It is apparently inspired by the Washington Free Beacon’s prior ...
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Will Armed Pro-Trump Militia Stop President-Select Biden Inauguration? If So, Will National Guard Stand Down or Protect Biden? Legal, Ethical Questions Loom

It was left-of-center NBC News, not MHProNews, that first reported that perhaps 1 million pro-Trump militia members are purportedly communicating via encrypted methods as they ...
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Join Those Making History! Executive Summary – Saving American Dream, Restoring Affordable Home and Professional Opportunities

Among the literally millions of individual visits to Manufactured Home Professional News (MHProNews) in 2020, thousands of readers like you selected those ranked in the ...
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Pragmatic “How To” #StopTheSteal – What Works to #StopTheSteal, Fix Rigged System, Unmasking Historic “Tension Between Truth and Half Truth” – Infographic

Much of the problems of America can be summed up in the phrase used by voices from the left and the right. “The System is ...
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Manufactured Home Investors, Pros, Public Officials, Alert – Mark Fusler, Director Financial Reporting Investor Relations – Cavco Industries Communications

A systematic look at each of the headline topics will frame the good, bad, and possibly ugly that merits a nuanced and information-packed investor, professional, ...
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“DemandingSiliconValleySuppressHyperPartisanSitesFavorMainstreamNewsFraudGlennGreenwaldSharylAttkissonDrRobert EpsteinPhotoDecryBigTechBigMediaBigMoneyCensorshipMHProNews

“Demanding Silicon Valley Suppress Hyper-Partisan Sites” to Favor “Mainstream News” “a Fraud”-Glenn Greenwald, Sharyl Attkisson, Dr. Robert Epstein-Liberals, Centrist Decry Big Tech, Big Media, Big Money Censorship

Preface. Let’s be clear. Erroneous, agenda-driven spin, or “fake news” can occur across the left-center-right spectrum. A recent message to MHProNews said in part: “You ...
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Facts or Evidence Don’t Matter For Those Who Will Not See or Hear

For those who will not see or listen, there is no amount of evidence that will change their minds. “There are none so blind as ...
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Democrats Biden-Harris vs Republican Trump-Pence Post-Election Battles – Historic Opportunities

Much of the mainstream media, including ‘conservative’ Fox News has “called” the election results in favor of the Democratic ticket led by former Obama-era Vice ...
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Power Attained Through Lies, Manipulation, or at Gun Point

Soheyla Kovach, as long-standing and attentive readers here know, is this writer’s bride and the co-founder of MHProNews. Some weeks ago, she submitted a letter ...
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“Pay-to-Play” Joe Biden Says “N-ger” On Video, Biden’s Klan Buddy Byrd, Racist and Corrupt Behavior Explored, President Trump + VP Biden

When a matter is in controversy, intelligent people look at each side of the issue objectively. When something as important as the upcoming election is ...
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President Donald Trump vs. VP Joe Biden 1st Presidential Debate Transcript, Video, 9.29.2020 Details

For good or ill, our profession and all others will be seriously impacted by the 2020 election results. So it only makes sense for independent, ...
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Democratic Party Insiders “Durable Competitive Advantages” – Democratic Backer Warren Buffett, Fellow Billionaires “Castle and Moat,” Political, Economic, and Media Edges

“Wall Street’s Big Money Is Betting On Biden And Democrats” – said left-of-center NPR on August 17, 2020. “The Clinton and Obama administrations had strong ...
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A Masonic Journey

Good fiction has its role. The novels Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four are examples of fiction that has significantly permeated part of our culture. But ...
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“We are a cancer and there is no cure,” MSNBC Producer Ariana Pekary Quits, Rips Them, Flawed News Industry Practices by Left + Right Media, Names Fox News

Now-former MSNBC Producer Ariana Pekary publicly posted her reasons for quitting the left-of-center network in the latest mainstream media message on the sad state of ...
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“A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth Is Putting On Its Shoes” – Truth or Consequences 2020

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” – is quote with a disputed attribution to Mark Twain, as ...
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Fisking Andy Gedo, ManageAmerica Partner, Defense of Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Acme Brick – Examining Gedo’s Debate Argument and Methods

ManageAmerica Partner Andy Gedo’s firm is listed as a member of the Manufactured Housing Institute. Gedo’s defense of Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and alleged monopolistic ...
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Eyes Only – for Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals, Investors, and Officials

Facts are what they are. Facts are not partisan. Facts are not opinions. Hard data has no bias. While facts make some happy and others ...
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The Big Lie

During the Republican President George W. Bush Administration, Americans were led into war against Iraq. During Democratic President Barack H. Obama’s time in the White ...
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“American Dream” – Rigged System vs “Positive Thinking” Success Books, Seminars, and Videos

  The headline in the strict sense is not an either/or proposition, but it does raise an issue that too few ponder. In the land ...
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It’s Dirty – Exposing Your Secrets

There are risks that can come from exposing personal or organizational secrets. Let’s look at this topic, step by step. We’ll start at the view ...
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As Evidence Mounts, the Question – Are U.S. Attorneys Joining State/Federal Probes into Allegations Against Manufactured Housing Institute Members, Activities?

It goes without saying that no reporter or researcher knows it all. The same can be said of public officials who are pondering or are ...
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Get Refund on MHI’s Congress and Expo by Reading, Acting TODAY – More from Lesli Gooch’s Message, Manufactured Housing Institute Member’s Tip to MHProNews

A tipster has supplied MHProNews with this following item that begins with how to get a refund on registration fees for the cancelled 2020 Manufactured ...
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China and Virus are Tip of Iceberg – Americans Re-Awaken to Mortal Threats – Can the End be New Beginning? What’s Next for President Trump?

Among the first televangelists in the early days of TV was the late Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Archbishop Sheen once told a story about a man ...
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