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Painful, Inspiring Realities – Summer 2015 State of the Manufactured Housing Industry

Without both positive and negative polarities, there is no power in electricity. Similarly, while one can focus on the good, it can’t be done so without taking note of the negative challenges faced. Maximizing strengths, while minimizing weaknesses and turning them into strengths, is how professional power is achieved.

So we must see both positives and negatives, which properly tapped is electric – sparking more rapid, sustainable and profitable advancement.

USsenatorJoeDonnellyD-IN-posted-Masthead-blog-ManufacturedHousing-MHProNews-com-Our big June issue will include an exclusive comment plus added insights from U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly, sponsor of S 682.

We will publish our June issue in the next 48 hours. It will include a State of the Manufactured Housing Industry report. We will have over a dozen expert, professional and guest writers and videos, plus other eye-opening reports, useful for MH Pros and investors in manufactured housing.

For example.

We will have information that demonstrates that there is a broad bipartisan consensus that agrees there is a need to reform Dodd-Frank, and agrees that MH is being harmed by the current state of the CFPB regulations.

We are mulling when to publish a report that shows what we believe is a serious problem at CFED regarding MH policy that Doug Ryan has acknowledged, but so far has decided to ignore in follow up statements. We may publish that with the new issue, or we might do a special report on that, you’ll see when the new issue goes live.


Coming in the June 2015 issue’s Featured Articles,
which should go live late Monday night or Tuesday.

As is often the case, we have so many possible Featured Articles, videos and reports, that we will limit this issue to 18 articles, and hold the rest for a later time. But you will see a cross section of experts and pros in manufactured housing sound off in areas of their expertise.

We’ll also publish a very nice letter received from an industry leader, with my thanks for the kind words shared.

So by Tuesday, perhaps as soon as Monday evening, the new June issue will be live on our home page. That means you have about a day to enjoy the current features, before they go to our ever growing archive.


Coming in the June 2015 issue,
which should go live late Monday night or Tuesday.

As regular readers know, featured articles are found under the Daily Business News center column module.

Thanks for making us the runaway #1 in MH trade publishing. That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact. Our readers and page views typically yielded last summer the equivalent of reading 62,500 thirty two page magazines, cover-to-cover. We continue to grow! Thanks to our combination of writers, sponsors and readers – joined here by thousands of others like you daily – this is the place for Manufactured Housing industry trade News, Tips and Views Pros can Use ©.

Together with other forward thinkers and doers, we can turn pains into gains.

Thank you as always for checking in. We’ll bring you the collection of reports and perspectives found no place else in Manufactured Housing.

We Provide, You Decide. © ##

l.a.'tony'kovach-us-supreme-court-washington-dc-mhpronews-com-By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

