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Preview – Justice in June for Manufactured Home Owners, Investors and Professionals

It’s safe to say that few if any in publishing have brought more rock-solid MH finance related analysis and reports on issues impacting home owners, investors and professionals – including the problems caused by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and its director, Richrd Cordray.

Tomorrow evening, we’ll have a new video posted with a number of articles and interviews. Some of those articles will in their own unique ways shed light on the financing question. Some are pointed at people like Cordray.  Others will be on different topics, but still may shed light on the financing issue, as well as oversights, fumbles and other concerns within MH.

This will be big.

We love bringing you and the public video. Video is a powerful way to document what someone said in their own words. But the still image – the collage of points and quotes below – captures the essence in a few moments of key comments in the video we will bring you.

If you share this image or link this up, you’ll cause this to rise farther, faster on Google Images. That in turn brings more attention – and more heat – on the CFPB to change the rules that are harming MH home owners and pros.

It could be a devastating blow to the CFPB’s deeply flawed and harmful regulatory posture.

Please check in for an what looks to be some 20 featured articles, videos, interviews, news, commentary and reports – all of which are designed to help you Protect, Educate and Promote the MH Industry.

A leading MH state association exec’s mantra we love to share.

Success for the maximum number of goal and solution oriented MH Pros coupled with robust benefits and respect for MH Home Owners are keys to our mission.

While my or any editorial commentary should always be seen as that of the writer rather than that of sponsors, we also want to tip the hat to those who publicly or behind the scenes contribute to making this and our sister site the runaway #1 place in MHVille for Industry News, Tips and Views that Pros Can Use.  Let me thank our team mates for their tireless work that likewise makes this possible. Likewise, we thank those who privately or publicly share their insights or tips.  All of those factors combined are what makes this trade media site credible and popular.

mhpronews-logo-dropshadow-manufactured-home-pro-news-logo (1)

Please check in tomorrow evening on the MHProNews home page for our big – Justice in June for MH – featured articles, videos and reports. ##

Photo take during the New York Housing Association meeting, Tony questioning regulators.

L. A. “Tony” Kovach
Managing Member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC.
Publisher of, and Inside MH video series.
MHI member, MHI Suppliers Division board member.
Consultant and service provider to the MH industry.

Office 863-213-4090.
Connect on LinkedIn –

Publisher – and

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