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Principles vs Interests and Manufactured Housing Advancement

When you travel the roads of West Virginia, the mountains may at times limit your choices of radio stations. Such was the case this past weekend, as our videographer and I were making the way back to our respective homes; so I could be with my family, he could be with his and we could step back and absorb all that amazing things that happened during the week. But I’ve digressed, let me veer back to the snipet from a radio show that suggested the topic for today’s Masthead blog post.

All too often we see people, businesses or nations let interests dictate their actions. The person on the radio show was making the point that principles should guide us, always. Interests are important, but sound principles will keep you moving ahead instead of causing you to careen into the ditches, which on some roads in WV can be mighty steep slides down.


Engaging the Manufactured Home Owners and Professionals – Sharing their Stories

Skyline Homes’ Terry Decio is featured on the latest video, linked here. He will be followed soon by home owners, along with other pros like Jim Clayton, Sam Landy, Wally Comer and others.

What is the principles we are being guided by?

Full house and Standing Room only at SuperCharged Marketing and Sales seminars during the Louisville Show.

To Tell the Truth!

  • Story telling via videos and articles through the eyes of those who know the industry best.

  • The interests of MH owners and businesses ought to be properly aligned

  • When we take good care of our customers, they will routinely show their appreciation

  • The truth well told is powerful

  • Manufactured homes and communities offer what is routinely the best value in permanent housing found in the U.S. today

Because the mainstream media often takes ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ approach, the good news about MH is often blurred. We must all become part of the solution! YOU must be part of the solution, or else, you are part of the problem.


Solving the problem of image via good communications and training. Come to the 2015 Tunica Show and attend the free business building seminars. Learn how to SuperCharge your Marketing and Sales. Learn the latest in finance news, or lessons learned in MHC management. See the latest homes, products and services in MH. We will be there, and we have stories that will be compelling to share!

Kindly look me up in booth #73, in the seminar room or walking among the homes and exhibits. ##


By L. A. “Tony” Kovach.

