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Racism – Getting Increasing Prosperity, Stability, Safety, and Certainty


RacismMartinLutherKingJrProspertiyStablitySafetyCertaintyDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews600x315Some say it is an attempt to emotionally manipulate you and your neighbor’s common sense, or the evidence from your own eyes.


Let’s examine that by stepping back and imagining the following for the next few moments.  

What if an alleged racist and misogynistic president’s policies proved to be better for minorities, women, and most all others in the nation then his Democratic or Republican predecessors?


Read that question again.

Then, hold that thought, as we go back in time a decade to the following hypothetical scenarios.

Picture in your mind a charismatic African American who becomes president. Under he and his party’s directions, costly programs are launched. Strict regulatory controls on financing are passed. A costly new healthcare mandate is created that raises instead of lowers costs. Higher taxes are imposed. Jobs and capital move overseas. Poverty, deficits, and debts all rise dramatically. Home ownership rates drop. Housing becomes less affordable for millions. Drug abuse rises. The Fed uses QEs to the tune of over $3.5 trillion dollars, to artificially prop up the markets and the economy.  

Yet much of the media hails this hypothetical first black president, perhaps in part because of the historic fact that he isn’t white.


The outcomes noted above had little to do with skin tone, other than significant levels of mainstream media support to atone for racial issues of the past. It’s the demonstrably flawed policies and their results that must be questioned, not the race of the president.

Then, imagine this scenario.

An opposition candidate for president rises who is white. He’s a real estate and business success, plus a TV celebrity too. He has a reputation of being a philandering playboy. He has multiple wives, but what’s often described by others as terrific and successful children. He’s been hailed for years by women and people of color for the good things he’s done in business, and to help various people of all racial, religious, and other backgrounds in their careers. He’s tough, controversial, loves the limelight, is a counterpuncher, but he also has a heart. 

When this imaginary billionaire runs for president, he is barraged with a steady stream of allegations of racism and misogyny.  In spite of those allegations, he pledges to improve the working conditions for minorities, women, and the ‘millions of forgotten Americans.’ He says the ‘system is rigged,’ publicly confesses he’s used that manipulated system himself. He launches his campaign with his own money, so he’s not in debt to some interest group. He often says bad trade deals – plus other flawed domestic and foreign policies – have cost the nation trillions of dollars.

He violates all the unstated rules of the political game, so virtually all the experts and polls say he can’t win.  

Yet, this white celebrity billionaire runs a campaign marked by rallies of packed venues with cheering supporters. He wins a larger share of the minority and women’s vote than expected. In spite of the onslaught of routinely negative coverage, plus other machinations, he’s elected president.

With charges of racism and misogyny continuing, various protests and moves against this newly elected white president begin even before he takes office. After being elected, the president-elect begins by doubling down on campaign promises. He draws a stream of foreign and domestic personalities and investors to his headquarters. Promises are made by many visitors to invest billions in the U.S., along with their pledges to hire more workers. 

After taking office, this imagined new president orders the roll back of regulations that stifled job creation. Later, the implementation of tax cuts that worked for a Democratic and a Republican presidents are passed. Efforts are made to tighten legal and illegal immigration. Trade and other non-treaty deals are cancelled over time.

The results? The economy rises. Minority and women’s unemployment fall to record low levels. Incomes begin to rise.  Business profits are going up. Investors are smiling.

Some black celebrities speak favorably of this allegedly racist president. This imaginary 45th president’s approval rises among minorities to record levels, in spite of reports of some 90 percent unfavorable media coverage.  

He holds more rallies, where blacks and women hold up signs supporting this fabled 45th president are visible.  

Jobs that the imaginary 44th president said would never come back to America, are returning.


The stock market goes on a strong rise, until tariffs, trade, and other politically/media hyped issues roil the markets. But a decline in stocks in the first part of year two of this imaginary 45th presidency are followed by a steady recovery back to near record levels. The fundamentals of the market are good for investments, businesses, and thus are good for job growth.


Against that Theoretical Backdrop…

Now, if you were a minority in that theoretical scenario, and your pay was rising, and unemployed friends returned to work, would you give this pictured 45th president and his party another look at election time?  Or if you are a woman, investor, white or blue collar worker, would you rather listen to the ‘talking head’ naysayers?

Would you look at your 401k, higher take home pay, and rising bottom-line profits?  Rephrased, would you believe the often repeated allegations, or would you believe the experience of rising confidence, an improved economy, and what your eyes tell you is occurring?



In the docudrama, Shadows of Liberty, serious MHProNews readers watched a video with mostly progressives and left-leaning news personalities and experts that outlined how some 90 percent of the media are owned by a handful of conglomerates.

They said in Shadows of Liberty – to view the video, see the link above – that the news you see is what their corporate owners want you to see.


Tech Billionaires, “Moral Cowardice,” MH Industry, and National Impact

It’s ” Nihilism,” said Jason Hill, Ph.D., with De Paul University in Chicago. ” An attack on reason.” ” An attack on rational argumentation .” What is Dr. Hill talking about? Among other concerns, he believes there is a growing power wielded by tech giants over free speech.

Yesterday, in a much shorter video, we heard De Paul Professor Jason Hill lament “moral cowardice” in the face of the various ways that information is manipulated in America.


What is clear to objective observers is that what some have called “the swamp” isn’t limited to Washington, D.C.


The national trajectory has been a multiple decade decline for the majority of Americans. That, in spite of the 44th president who promised “hope and change” had come to America. After blasting his predecessor for big deficits, the 44th president doubled the national debt in just two terms. President Barack Obama promised transparency, but his architect for ObamaCare admitted on video that the program was sold based upon lies.



Are we to seriously believe that Grubner’s was the only lie told during the Obama years? Do we recall the multiple-millions in settlement last week in the IRS corruption tax case, that date back to the Obama Administration years?

“We Shouldn’t Fear Our Government,” Feds Pay Out Millions in Case, Plus MH Market Updates

” We Shouldn’t Fear Our Government,” said True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht in a video in our featured report this evening. The IRS targeting scandal of conservative groups during the Obama Administration may not seem to have anything to do with the markets, or manufactured housing, does it?


The nation is finally seeing tried and true, common sense policies being implemented. Those policies are already working.

Progress is happening, often in the face of opposition from so-called elites in both major parties. The donor class – as both Senator Bernie Sanders and candidate Trump said – largely controls the political class.

But people still have their votes. There’s the election vote. There the power of jury nullification in a jury vote, along side other powers that citizen-jurors hold. There’s who you support, and who you oppose in politics, businesses, associations, and beyond.  There’s a struggle against a “rigged system.”

Crying children in holding cells will move people. But the deeper question is why elites in failed to seal the southern border, or tighten our immigration laws for decades. Americans have a right to know who is coming into our nation, and why.  

The law of supply and demand tells us that as unemployment drops, and when all types of immigration are finally correctly regulated, wages for Americans will rise even faster than they have been. 

Business and investors desire maximum certainty.

Workers want to make an honest living, that can provide them and their loved ones with a good life. 

Our once-proud industry can, should, and ought to be part of the mix of providing a better life to potentially millions of more of our fellows.  Just as manufacturing in America is coming back, so too can manufactured homes make a sustainable comeback.

To do so sustainably, we need common sense policies, equal access to lots and loans, law enforcement, plus equal justice.

To keep common sense policies, and get more positive changes going, we must personally sift out the efforts to manipulate us or other voters into voting against their own interests.

My wife Soheyla Kovach is a minority, who came legally into this country. She understood the value of President Trump’s policies. She did so publicly. Donald Trump’s then campaign site posted her article months, used with our permission.


The markets are rising, not due to FED generated QEs, but due to honest growth.  

What’s really occurring is free enterprise finally being unleashed. Why not create jobs in the U.S., instead of China or some other nation, that then compels billions more in U.S. defense dollars? 

I don’t expect the 45th president to necessarily raise the issue of antitrust actions against giants in tech, media or our industry before the midterms. But it would be wise to do so at some point, especially if the wave is red vs. blue. The midterms are no more set in stone that the 2016 election was.  We editorially said before the voting that it was all about turnout, there were good signals in the internals of some polls, and that President Trump could win.

The old GOP isn’t dead, but it is becoming-in-stages the party of President Donald J. Trump.  

The old Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy morphed years ago into a party that is leaning ever more towards programs and positions that proved to have failed for decades.

Heritage did a study a few years ago that said that $22 trillion was the cost over 5 decades of so-called Great Society era programs. The needle on poverty was barely moved, as it fluctuated up and down. Why continue policies proven to fail?

The wise thing is to boost the economy, so people can naturally be removed from those various assistance program rolls.  That’s what the Trump Administration is demonstrably doing.

There is no reason to think that if China can get 6, 7 or higher percentages of annual GDP growth, that the U.S. can’t in time do so too. It all comes down to getting and keeping right policies and laws. 

We need to get defend ourselves from the emotional and other forms of manipulation, and often repeated propaganda.  

Common sense and enforcing existing laws would lead to America into an era of unprecedented growth. That would be good for our industry, along side other professions too. 

Those cries of racism, misogyny or separated children of those who crossed a border illegally beg deeper questions. But even if it were all true – and you and I don’t have to believe that – aren’t minority, women, children and most all lives improving now? 

Why would we derail the president’s policies that are proven to honestly help all segments of society?  Will we toss that aside for the latest person hawking a sensational book?We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

(Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)

FactoryBuiltCarsClothingAppliancesElectronicsCellsSmartPhonesHomesItJustFollowsLATonyKovachC2017MHproNewsBy L.A. “Tony” Kovach – Masthead commentary, for

Tony is the multiple award-winning managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

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Related References:

“Thou Shall Not Steal,” $2 Trillion Annually Lost to Lack of Affordable Homes, Making the Manufactured Home Case – Manufactured and Modular Housing Industry News

After years of arguably failed polite talk, perhaps more direct and blunt words are needed. The logic of research economists Chang-Tai Hsieh and Enrico Moretti is that improper land use policies are costing the nation some $2 trillion dollars a year.


