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Removing the Blinders – The Profitable Power of more Knowledge

It is self evident that:

  • customer satisfaction,

  • input from the market,

  • knowledge from experts and veterans from inside and outside the industry passed onto industry professionals,

are all necessary elements for the growth and advancement of manufactured housing.


Would Apple be as huge as they are today if they lacked happy customers, insights into the markets’ current and future desires, needs and budgets?

Or could Apple dominate if they lacked the information from experts – in and out of their firm’s ranks – needed to anticipate and respond to the ebb and flow of the market and regulations? Two letter answer, no!

We need to learn and mimic those who earn more.


The smartphone market in the U.S. is some $41 billion a year. Look at this growth curve, courtesy of Statista.


Our industry needs to rub the sleep out of its eyes! Today, ours may be a ‘small,’ or “boutique industry as MHI Chairman Nathan Smith has referred to it. But the needs of a nation demanding quality affordable living. In the U.S. alone, we have a 1 trillion dollar a year housing market.  U.S. Housing is 41 times the size of the smart phone market in 2014!


Credit: blahdyblahblahblahg blogspot.

What do we need to grow factory built housing to its true potential?

1) First, happy customers, which for the most part, studies like this suggests we already have. That said, we need the reality of happy home owners to be more widely known. We also need to create more of them!

2) Along side that, we need to feed the front line, middle and upper management alike with timely information, inspiration and innovation that creates confidence and insights leading to growth. 

Hoarding knowledge starves minds which have a natural desire to know!  By contrast, sharing experience and information is the proven path for career satisfaction and progress.


It should go without saying that the more you understand a career or subject and it’s relationship to others, the greater the Opportunities.


We believe in the future potential of our industry. So do legendary investors like Warren Buffett and Sam Zell. That’s why we launched this platform, and why 5 years ago we made the “Two Words Case for Why Manufactured Housing Would Survive and Thrive!”

These are among the reasons why we at MHProNews  are taking another evolutionary step in MH trade publishing – to offer enhanced insight to pros like you – and your peers.  That in turn fuels the ability for you and others to earn more. Please check these examples below out!


Friends of ours in the Association world will look at the above link and see critical facts they’ll get or are already passionate about.

But more need to understand, all for the purpose of fueling business growth!


This next news article is a mix of threat and opportunity for MH. Understanding the issue better, could lead to informed decisions that grow our industry.


Please read Steve Lefler’s related commentary:

What’s Happened to the HUD Code Manufactured Housing Industry?

Then look at this news article and video below. Are MH firms and associations missing a huge chance to leverage these trends and developments into tens of thousands of more manufactured and modular home sales?

We Provide. You Decide.” 




If you’re in the largest, smallest or in-between size business or organization in MH, you should want your firm to succeed. In an industry our size, that means you want to see others like yours behave and do well.

You can’t forge that outcome solo.

But in concert with others – networking and learning at live association events – like the FMHA’s fine annual gathering in Orlando this past week! – plus a healthy dose of good pro-industry trade journalism, you can.


Thousands like you are already logging on 15 minutes a day here on this site. We thank all those – and those still writing in – for the 5th anniversary congratulatory messages – samples of which are linked here. We can only do this in concert with others, so we walk the talk being shared!


7 minutes a day at is critical for you and your team too. Business is being closed by pros learning to link or show stories on this pro-industry, public focused website. But your team can’t do that if you and they don’t know the content personally.

More firms are supporting these efforts with content and advertising that makes these 24/7 resources possible. Together, we advance the cause of factory built housing in America.

Alone, anyone is more likely to stumble, fall and then who will help us up?


Open your eyes…Credit 123RF

Together, we can tap more of a 1 trillion dollar a year U.S. housing market. Would you rather feast, or settle for the scraps that fall off the table?

Synergistic Collaboration is a key to a brighter future. That takes knowledge shared, which you will find here in abundance.

We are calling you and all others to join the effort, by sharing knowledge, commentary and yes, advertising support that allow us to continue to deliver and grow MH’s runaway #1 Industry News Tips and Views Pros can Use.


This finale may sound ambitious to some, but no more so than what the RV-MH Hall of Fame is also accomplishing via zest, gusto and leadership! A million dollars a year invested here for 2 years by the industry pros and organizations would exponentially grow the factory-built housing’s image, education and results. That’s a modest $1,000 a month for 24 months by 100 firms or organizations.

By the way, that’s a tiny fraction of what the GoRVing campaign invests right now, and a reason why more expensive RVs outsell MH by 5 to 1. They are recreational, we in MH are a necessity! Do you see more of the true MH potential?

Together, yes we can grow this industry and YOUR career and business performance!

More, soon. Until then, think – All for One and One for All.  That mantra applied daily to MH would take us to record heights. ##


