“Long overdue.” “Great Interview!” “Powerful!” “Very helpful.” “If this video is widely shared, it has the ability to influence many…”
These are a sampling of comments that have come in on the interview we did with Bill Matchneer, a prior administrator for HUD Code manufactured housing. Matchneer is unique in a variety of ways, including the fact that he closed his federal career out with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

If you have not yet seen samplings of the videos we did with Evan Atkinson, please click the photo linked below. When you do you will better understand our closing point for today’s Masthead.
The traffic – visitors! – at ManufacturedHomeLivingNews.com continues to grow. In its first year, we passed 250,000, then half-a-million to top 1 million visits to this site! This is important for your MH connected business or association, even if you don’t know it. It could be a key and useful part of the lobbying efforts of state or national associations.
It is our industry’s de facto educational/image campaign. Help move the needle through the common sense acts of linking to it and sharing columns and videos via your social media!
Last year, an industry leader told me he walked into a meeting with federal officials and showed one of our videos as part of their meeting. I’m told that went well.
During the MHI meeting in New Orleans, some of the attendees – including a prominent state association executive – told me that the concept of doing video interviewss with our home owners and impacted businesses to lobby for HR 650 made total sense to them. Others said similarly.

It is so obvious that we should use the power of video interviews to lobby Congress. Heck, congressional and presidential candidates use the ‘props of real people’ to lobby us when they want our votes. Why not do this right? Real interviews, with real people.
Please see the videos on the pages linked below and above. Share the links to these stories on MHLivingNews via your social media, blogs and emails to local media.
Who’s Job is it to Improve Manufactured Housing’s Image?
The answer to the question above is simple. It is YOUR job.
Yes, yours.
But you don’t have to do it alone.
Working together smarter, we can move the needle of image – and thus the understanding, respect and sales of – manufactured homes.
See these videos linked above for yourself. Then don’t hog them, share them with your team and colleagues!

More mid week and at the rapidly approaching Tunica Show. Check out our video from Louisville, it will tip you off to two of the business building seminars you’ll find in March at Tunica! See you then? ##