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“Sharp Elbow Accountability!”

Juanita Duggan, NFIB President, photo credit, NFIB.

What a difference a day makes,” said National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) President Juanita Duggan, in a widely-hailed report on the Daily Business News.

She was speaking of the jump in small business confidence that began on November 9th, the day after Donald John Trump announced that Secretary Hillary Clinton had conceded the Oval Office race to him.

While NFIB – which has hundreds of manufactured housing connected businesses as members – had officially remained mute on the race for the White House, they put out a very useful chart comparing the policy positions of Secretary Clinton vs. Builder/TV Mogul Trump.

That NFIB chart was one of dozens of tools that sources such as MHProNews and other media could then share with readers. It was part of a mosaic including media, political and Everyman personalities that yielded a historic upset, culminating on Friday, January 20th with the swearing in of President Trump.

By contrast, the pre-election hallway buzz by Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) members in Chicago the week before the election was this. Those members and this writer listened to a pair of paid speakers, who stated that in their expert opinion, that the U.S. Senate was going to go Democratic, and that Hillary Clinton would be POTUS.

MHProNews made a then-bold, different, and correct call — that the Senate, House and the Oval Office could be won by the GOP, led by Donald J. Trump. We worked in concert with millions of other citizens who wanted “America First” for that outcome.

Better Late Than Never

It’s better to be late to a party than not come at all.

It’s therefore better that MHI said in their member message yesterday that then candidate Trump was widely supported by manufactured home residents in key battleground states (to see their document, click here).

Promoting Donald Trump for president among manufactured housing professionals and residents is something that MHLivingNews and MHProNews took on a leadership role in our industry during the 2016 campaign.

In tough times, the argument understandably goes, associations must be cautious.

The Masthead gets and respects that position. Simultaneous to that understanding, we put our own necks out for a year – so that you, any children, grandkids, and loved ones you and we have – could enjoy more of the fruits of our labors once more.

Since his November 9th victory speech, the president himself has extended the hand of friendship to those who opposed him or were neutral during the campaign.

Each of us should do no less, as we strive to work with the new administration – and each other in MHVille – to build a safer and more prosperous America for all.

Sharp Elbow Accountability 

Muay Thai Fighter Hitting With Elbow, image credit, Dreamtime.

The President of the United States (POTUS) Donald Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, sent a pair of messages to the mainstream media Saturday and Monday. Let’s call Spicer’s message Trump-esque, “sharp elbow accountability.”

Spicer’s messages could be boiled down to this. The media would be held to account for their reporting, just as media is supposed to shed honest and accurate light on public officials and policy outcomes.

Manufactured housing pros of all political stripes should cheer the first full day of POTUS Trump in office.  The post-inauguration hours and Day 1 have already yielded American job- and business-saving, job- and business-creating Oval Office initiatives.

One example?

Not even Ronald Reagan pulled together business – and Democratic labor union leaders – together in big meetings on the first full day in office.  Make no mistake, the 2018 and 2020 campaigns are already underway, and if POTUS Trump does as VP Mike Pence has pledged – to be in “the promise keeping business” – then watch for even bigger margins in those upcoming election cycles.

There is already something for most everyone (save perhaps the rent-a-riot protesters and their allies), as a result of the action-oriented down-payment on campaign pledges (see below).

Mark this forecast. POTUS Trump’s combination of pragmatic action and sharp elbow accountability for the media and others will prove potent.

The Business, Middle and Working Class President 

Among the first full day in office action steps of the newly minted president:

Screen capture, Drudge Report.
  • Freezing most federal hiring, outside of national security.
  • Cutting jobs most segments of the federal labor force, outside of public security and safety deparments.
  • Pulling out of the TPP, and calling Canadian and Mexican leaders to set the stage for a replacement to NAFTA.

It won’t surprise the Masthead if this week or next, we see the Dow break the 20,000 mark.

Why? New jobs announcements coupled with America First policy positions are good for the future of American business.

Warren Buffett, Sam Zell and Jim Clayton are among the industry’s billionaires who have said positive things about POTUS Trump since the election.

Mark Weiss, Tim Williams and now MHI are among the industry associations who have come out pro-Trump policies, post-election. “We Provide, You Decide.” ©

Donald Trump, left, and Dr. Ben Carson, right in Detroit during the campaign. Photo credit- CNN – provided here under fair use guidelines.

Once Dr. Ben Carson is confirmed for HUD Secretary, let’s see what the stance of the various associations is on replacing Pam Danner, JD, as head of the MH Program at HUD. The Masthead signaled almost a year ago that Destructive Danner must go, and that Vic DeRose should get a fresh look as her replacement.

pamdannerjdhudmanufacturedhousingprogramfoustcongresspostedmhpronewsDanner has repeatedly harmed MH businesses, consumers and has failed to enforce the MHIA 2000, while going beyond her authority. We’d like to see the state and national association’s sound off on this critical topic about Danner’s future at HUD, in public and soon.

From the Masthead’s perspective, Danner must go. It’s nothing personal, she can be a very pleasant person. But it’s all about accountability for inappropriate actions and inactions. “We Provide, You Decide.” ©

Industry Issues and the Media

MHProNews has – in concert with Industry Voices – lead the way in using sharp-elbow accountability with errant mainstream media reports harmful to the interests of manufactured housing and our home owners.

The collage represents a variety of HUD Code manufactured home styles by various producers from across the United States.

We are routinely the first:

  • to cheer an accurate news report,
  • to spotlight errant news items,
  • and we’ve lead the way for years with foundational stories that document the positive reality of modern manufactured homes.

Of course, we welcome those who join forces on those kinds of efforts.

We must applaud the good, and strive to hold accountable the rest.

Only the Truth Will Set Us Free

It’s sad-but-true that some don’t understand the value and necessity of principled honesty.

Fact-based reports like the one above belies the pictures that NPR or MHAction present. Are there bad or problematic actors in the industry? Sure, and MHPros routinely condemn those who harm home owners and the industry’s image, see Industry Voices.

Years before NPR shot their wad at MHC owner Magar E. Magar Syringa Mobile Home Park, the Daily Business News  reported and tracked that case as a lamentable morality tale.

But in doing so, MHProNews didn’t throw all MH communities under the bus, as NPRs report wrongly did. We spotlighted only real issues and real problems which harmed consumers and ethical enterprises alike.

We aren’t about top-spin.

We’re about the truth-well-told about modern manufactured homes, along with our modular and PreFab home sister-industries.

Media Engagement in Tunica

Please plan to attend the media engagement event the day before the main Tunica Show opens. See this link for more details.

Manufactured home pros don’t have to make excuses for:

  • Our homes,
  • Our lending,
  • For ethical retailers and communities,
  • Our quality installations and safety-minded transporters,
  • Or for the good products, components and services that make our industry great.

We need to learn cohesion and communications that connects with ever-more Americans.

Our thanks to all who in a steady stream came up during Louisville to say ‘thank you for all you do.’ We in turn pointed to those who make our PEP work possible. See and support those banner advertisers on the right.  Thank you! Tallyho! ##

(Image credits are as shown above.)

Standing Room Only seminars are scheduled for the 2017 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show, see this link here.

By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

