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Sources Backing Off, But Troubling MH Issue Looms

Two brief topics and some programming notes for today. First, more than one source has given MHProNews feedback on a new, looming issue that is rearing its ugly head right before keen industry observers’ eyes.

While it is NOT connected to the troubling reports about ITT, see link here, the ITT Tech issue holds clues to potential future headaches for manufactured housing.

Photo credit, WIPX, text credit, MHProNews.

One challenge is, that this new headache/potential threat might appear subtle, until looked at closely.

Another challenge on the same topic is that some will mistakenly think that what’s taking place is positive, when actually it’s problematic, negative or even costly.

Let’s hope one or more sources step forward, we’d like to bring you the report.  Ideally, we need an attorney who knows our industry, isn’t afraid of politics, ready to speak out.  Those who’ve been asked, see the concern, but are not (yet) ready to go on-the-record.

Among my concerns? That the enemies of this MH industry don’t pick up on this before we can line up that prudent legal voice, and which would allow us to bring the topic up here first.  We could roll it out now, but we want an independent, third party legal mind to sound off publicly.

The Masthead has little doubts that this is harmful, avoidable and regrettably originates within the ranks of our profession.  The main question is when and how much harm would come…

This looming challenge could prove to be a costly issue, it will be embarrassing at a minimum, and sadly comes from within our industry. Image credit, SeniorMotif.

…and once we have a brave, MH savvy legal mind ready to step forward, we’ll strive to bring you that report, hopefully sooner than later.

Clinton v Trump – the Commander in Chief Forum – Wed 8 PM ET NBC, MSNBC

Credit, NBC News.

Presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will face off for the first time in public, in a kind of pre-debate forum, hosted by NBC, which will be carried as well on their sister station, MSNBC.

This comes as Trump had risen steadily in the polls in the past two to three weeks, since his new campaign team took the helm, in the wake of his visit with Mexico’s president and since his messaging has been tightened.

Meanwhile, the steady drip, drip, drip of legal, security and ethics (pay-to-play, Clinton Foundation) issues continue to blossom and dog Hillary.

Wikileaks’ Julian Assange has hinted he will drop another leak of documents on Clinton, perhaps as soon as next week.

Whatever it is, Assange says it’s “significant.”  Since he doesn’t want to hurt his street cred, it would be no surprise if what he has is just that…important for voters to know and consider.

Photo credit, TJCNewsPapers.

While it may be troubling that a voice outside of the U.S. is playing a serious role in our election run-up, is that any less serious than hundreds of millions flowing into the Clinton’s coffers from sources overseas (and domestic…) during and since her time as Secretary of State?

The foreign Clinton cash, by the way, if ever proven to be pay-for-play, is illegal. Even the NYTimes and other pro-Clinton media outlets says the Clinton Foundation optics are troubling.

By contrast, foreign sources sharing news is often legit, or at least not automatically illegal; though the obtaining of the documents could have been illegal for whoever took/hacked them.

As generals and admirals line up to support both Clinton and Trump, the edge among the military heavy weights at the moment is slightly in Clinton’s favor, but in public polling among the military and veterans, that goes to Trump by some 19% in a recent NBC News poll.

From an MH, and many other, perspectives, this electoral choice for our next POTUS ought to be easy. Trump’s stated policies would clearly be better for MH than Hillary’s.

From taxes, to regulations in general, to Dodd-Frank, to ObamaCare, job creation, to the appointment of federal judges and Supreme Court justices, Trump is hands down the easy choice.

Besides, the Trump family is now documented to have a potent factory-built housing connection.

Wouldn’t it be cool to have class in the Oval Office, and for that class to be housing, and factory-built – housing friendly? Click on the image above to go to page, and see the image credits, video and more.

My bride and yours truly are “all in” for Mr. Trump, others viewpoints are of course respected, it is America.

With just 2 months to Election Day, and it’s still a wide open race. We’ll bring you periodic looks, that you won’t find anywhere else in factory-built housing news.

Programming notes…

We have one more new Cup of Coffee interview that should be coming in soon, another new one that posted yesterday, and Joe Dyton will have another featured article for the Daily Business News that should be ready by noonish tomorrow. Watch for it all, to be found only right here, on the leading source for Industry News, Tips and Views, Pros Can Use © – ##

(Image credits as shown).

L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach caricature. Kovach is the publisher and managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC parent to MHLivingNews and MHProNews, and their various consulting and professional services. Kovach is perhaps the most recommended/endoresed MH personality on LinkedIn.

By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

