Pros know that there are thousands of components that make up even a basic factory-built home. There are many tens of thousands of professionals who are an integral part of this diverse industry. Just as the head can’t intelligently tell the toes, ‘I don’t need you,’ similarly each component and every role in our manufactured and modular home industry has a special place – that properly understood and implemented – makes our industry stronger.
5 Reasons – MODs with HUDs, not Versus!
Some on the MODs side of factory home building think they must toss “HUDs” under the bus to advance their cause, but they’re missing some obvious realities. First, manufactured homes (MHs) outsell MODs by a wide margin.
Next, a number of MODs are sold every year that began as an MH sale; then appraisal, zoning or other issues caused the consumer and retailer to move to the MOD to close the deal.
Third, it’s consumers who often confuse or conflate MH and MODs, just as the mainstream media or even public officials who sometimes confuses or conflates the two. Given that reality, how does it help MOD builders to demean the MH, which the consumer or official who needs more education may at first disdain?
>> Isn’t it obviously far wiser to elevate the MH, which thus elevates the MOD in the public mind too?!!
Fourth, you don’t see Mercedes or Lexus toss a SmartCar or Toyota Yaris under the bus, do you? Duh! The RVer who began with a pop-up tent camper may over time go on to a travel trailer, fifth wheel and finally to a motor home. You don’t bash the entry level HUD Code MH to promote the mid-range or higher-cost products, be they modular or manufactured homes.
Fifth. Another obvious point is that while you can ‘load up’ a HUD – the sky and your budget are the limits – for some on super-modest budgets, the cost of the MOD will never work. By contrast, the MD who wants an 8,000 square foot custom house really is unlikely to consider a big MH that might in a triple sectional hit 3,500 square feet; the MOD can be 8,000 sq. ft. or more, and is thus the obvious solution for that kind of prospect and project.
There’s more on the so-called HUDs vs MODs topic, but let the 5 common-sense points above on to this topic hold for now.
The point for today is that product diversity is an advantage. So too can diversity of talent and roles in the industry be seen as necessary and wholesome for industry advancement. For example, we need you, and you need us too.
The Truth Will Set Us Free
We’ve never advocated for lying or misrepresenting the facts; we do believe in the truth well told.
It is also common sense to begin where someone is in their understanding (right, wrong, in between…), and then build on what’s good while clearing up any misconceptions.
Once you know what and how people think, it becomes easier to meet people where they are, take them by the hand, and move them toward the promised land. It should also be obvious that no one article covers every topic in depth.
Education! Public and Professional ED!
Good media should shed light on a subject. All too often, ignorance or errors found in media translates to misunderstandings by the public too.
We have two new videos that each serve a different yet complimentary role in helping professionals share the truth with others, inside or beyond MH.
State Inspector Becki Jackson – Safety & Quality of Manufactured Homes
While we did this Conventional Housings vs. MODs and HUDs video some years back, it still has relevant insights for newcomers – or the confused/misinformed – alike. There are professional insights on land lease included in the above video too. Enjoy.
Bottom line
Working together – Synchronized Diversity – from pros of good will can use their unique talents and insights to advance the interests of the public, their own operation and the industry at large.
Please see this related article from industry veteran, John Bostick.
Let’s catch up mid week, before we hit the road for another round of Inside MH – The Road Show. ##
L. A. “Tony” Kovach
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