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SuperSonic Boom

From Townhall:

"Herbert E. Meyer served during the Reagan administration as special assistant to the director of Central Intelligence, and vice chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council.  He is widely credited as having been the first senior official to predict the fall of the Soviet Union."

In an interview with Meyer, one of the quotes about a global trend he is predicting caught my eye.

"By the way it’s going to be a five billion-person middle class. This will become the most powerful force in the world. Their demand for our goods and services will set off an economic boom…I believe that we’re heading for not just a sonic boom, but maybe a supersonic boom."

Now, I'm not ready to personally predict that, but please note that while some predict gloom, there are more voices than Meyer's predicting a boom.

North American oil, natural gas, coal and minerals are one line of economic thought that some project will get past DC politics and grow our economy in the U.S., as it already is in Canada.

Clarity and Permanence

CNBC's Larry Kudlow gave the recent 'cliff' deal one star out of three, mainly because it avoided still worse tax hikes. But what this deal has accomplished is to set the Bush era income tax cuts permanently for tens of millions (yes, I know there are other taxes that hit virtually everyone, but my focus for this are income taxes).

A manufactured housing industry CEO told me before the cliff deal that the markets hate uncertainty. Clarity on rates will help the markets, he said. If the jump on Wall Street tells us something, it     suggests that successful CEO is onto something. So we may not like the higher taxes, but income tax clarity is coming. That can boost business.

20 million reasons!

All of the above and what follows should beg the question: how can you and your company benefit from the coming boom?

I could give you about 20 million reasons why you and/or your colleagues ought to be in Louisville, KY on Jan 23-25th. They may not be the 20 million you think!

Because many industry firms – from "mom and pops" to the multi-billion dollar corporations – are betting their bucks on the housing recovery turning into a "supersonic" housing boom!  Census Bureau data and trends tell us we literally need 20 million new housing units in the U.S. between now and 2030. Why not grab your "fair share" of those 20 million?


Pre-registrations for the Louisville Show are up over 2012 by about 100, and we still have 2.5 more weeks to go! Land Lease Communities, we are told, have seen the biggest increase in pre-registrations for attendance. Last year 1505 pros of all kinds came to Louisville, more look to be coming in 2013. It can pay to go, so be among those in the know.

What can Your Factory Do?

Most of the region's top factory built home producers will be displaying 39 homes, from developer to community series homes and much more. But all of these factories can produce dozens of other models, so on Thursday, Jan 24th from 11:15 to 12:15, all exhibiting manufacturers are invited to be part of a special power point presentation panel, where they can showcase models NOT on display that you CAN order!

Those factories will also be able to answer questions from attendees about sizes and styles of homes not on display.

By the way, the Louisville Show is an excellent example of MHARR and MHI factories working side by side. Two other examples come to mind, and all of these demonstrate how doing good together can pay off for all involved.

Did you know?

The reason for that manufacturers panel are many. There are those in our industry's ranks who don't realize how many different size and styles of homes you can actually order.

That is valuable – even critical – info for communities, retailers and builder/developers.

But it may be particularly important to those MHC owner/operators who have older communities that need to be updated with new homes, but have lot sizes that are small or unusual size for some of today's models.

I've talked in person and by phone with MHC owners who claim they have called factories and asked about buying specific size models. They must have gotten the wrong person, because they were told that certain sizes were a no-go. But I've also spoken with a number of manufacturing execs, and they assure me that they 'can do' what communities and others need!

The point is clear! Communities and factories need this face to face discussion! Come, see, ask questions and let everyone involved benefit and win.

Community Re-Fi and Financing Options!

Plan to buy an MH Community in 2013? Want to Refi one or more community? One of the packed seminars in 2012 was for the MHCommunity (commercial) Finance/Re-Fi panel! You will see top MHC lenders and loan brokers, more than before!

You should be there to learn what they can do to refi your community. Question and answers will follow a panel presentation moderated by finance expert Dick Ernst.

The most Deal Making and Networking to kick off the Near Year.

We already know the Mayans were wrong! This isn't doomsday! Heading into a super sonic boom suggests that it makes sense to be in Louisville, which has more deal making on almost everything (legal) in MH.

This includes a special presentation on Thursday of what MHCs are on the market at what prices. So if you are looking to grow your your business, or sell your community, this is another good place to be. Jenny Hodge from the National Communities Council (NCC) will be introducing and moderating this panel presentation.

Look for one or two more nice surprises from Jenny and the NCC at Louisville! Watch for news and exclusive insights right hear.

It is time to strap on your boots and see how others are profiting big time in this environment.

The Other Surprises…

There are other GOOD surprises in store at Louisville that will be revealed soon! But for now let me mention some practical ones.

  • Business building seminars.
  • Incredible prices on new homes, products, financing and services that you need to grow your profits in 2013.

The complete line up of Money Tree Seminars are on page 2 of the PDF linked on the page below:

We will do more updates on the show here and at the website.

You can see more details on Wednesday's seminars at this link.

Finally, for those you want to introduce to the manufactured housing industry, please send them this link:

Be a part of the SuperSonic Boom!



Word has it that many (think dozens, maybe 100+) industry leaders will be attending this Year's Louisville Show.

You should be there to meet with and talk to these leaders and network with your peers!

Only those pros who love the industry and want to grow your bottom line tend to come, so you will be in good company.

We will also be in Louisville, please stop by booth #115 and say hi. ##

Image credit in jet photo above, Lockheed-Martin and Wikimedia Commons.

PS: Check our many Exclusive and Red Hot Featured Articles for January and see the

other new stories at too.

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Services:B2BandB2CAds, Proven MH Marketing & Sales Systems, Websites other Industry Solutions.

Office –815-270-0500 or connect with me on Linkedin.


Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right. – Henry Ford

