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The Answer May Surprise You! Modular and Manufactured Housing News

What do:
•    Government officials, contractors and lobbyists
•    MH Business Owners
•    Associations
•    MH ‘rank and file,’ managers and executives
•    Experts interested in manufactured housing
all have in common?

The answer may surprise you!

Each of these groups represents numerous individuals from across the nation that are sources for our news tips.

Here is a partial sampling of recent Manufactured and Modular Housing Daily Business News articles that were done as a result of tips from readers like YOU.

Those news tips come in by email, text or phone.

News tips come in on subjects about modular and manufactured housing.  It can be about legislative issues.  It can be about some local news or event.  It can be a suggestion on a topic.

Those topics or issues become the news articles and podcasts that you and thousands of others are reading daily at – which will soon be re-branded as

Note that most if not all news in our Industry is now reported first here.  We are days, sometimes weeks ahead of any other news resource available.

You can be the next source.  See below for more details.

All news tips are ‘anonymous’ unless you specify otherwise.

Because we also aggregate news, you get the news from associations and other sources here, too.  This makes us a true one-stop-shop for free manufactured and modular housing news, tips and views you can use.

By sharing news tips via this trade journal (actually, we are trade media, since we do podcasts!) everyone involved benefits.  A free sign up on podcasts lets you listen to news as well as to feature articles by industry professionals.

Readers become reporters here.  But reader-reporters also get to read what others have shared!  We all stay better informed, and more on top of the day-to-day events that shape our businesses and make for a better industry.

We should note that we are the only publication in factory built housing today that has an Industry in Focus reporter.  So some tips lead to interviews, etc.

Besides news tips are guest articles for our Industry Voices Guest Blog.  These are also by or about Industry professionals like yourself.

A sampling of some recent Industry Voices guest columns articles and topics, in reverse chronological orders, is as follows:

Regular readers know that we believe that associations are a key part of survival in the short run, and turning the corner back towards prosperity for our industry.  You or I don’t have to agree on everything someone in an association says or does to see the critical importance such associations represent.

For example:

How else besides through some form of MH association will grass roots support be organized so Congressmen and Senators can be enlisted to reform Dodd-Frank?

There is a need for synergy – a unity of effort and purpose – among manufactured housing professionals and associations.  In the Internet age, thousands of industry pros agree there is a need for a platform like

Here at you can suggest story lines.  Post comments.  Submit guest columns.

Please use:

For news tips, please have the Subject line read:  NEWS TIP

On Industry related topics, you can:

  • Send links to online MH, regulatory or housing related news by others
  • Documents related to a story idea or news tip
  • YouTube Videos
  • Whatever is truly Industry news related.

It may seem self-serving to some, who may say, ideas like this benefits  No doubt.

But this benefits readers like YOU:

Hi Tony,
I love reading MHMSM, excellent. I’m thirsty for knowledge, what an awesome resource for all folks in our Industry.
Thank you!

That comment came in to my email from a reader, but here is another posted publicly:

“You guys do a great job!  Keep it up, Tony.”

Mike at

More links to comments here.

These are among the most recent of such comments.  We love getting these messages or such posted comments.  But let’s be real.

Every time you or others logon to, you are voting with your web browsers and smart-phones!  You are voting this as YOUR news source.  This is your resource for coaching tips from professionals in their monthly feature articles.

There is no other resource quite like this anywhere in our Industry.  Other publications serve their own unique purpose.  We actually name other publications here.  But when an estimated 60,000-plus professional visitors like you logon in the month of June, 2011, that speaks volumes.

But there is a way to go.  Even though some estimate the MH Industry at 100,000 people, we believe that number is far too low.  More likely there are 250,000-350,000 owners, employees, contractors and MH Industry related.  Add in modulars, and the number goes even higher still.  So there is room for growth.

So please be a part of the action!

Share a news tip.

Share our links.

Post a comment.

Make this your one stop shop for manufactured and modular housing news, tips and views you can use.

Be sure to thank our sponsors and featured writers.  We are all in this together.

MH businesses and professionals like You.
Manufactured housing associations. (a.k.a. or Manufactured Home Marketing Sales Management)

We are in it together.

Together, we can tackle what is needed and make the world a safer, more understanding and enthusiastic place for factory built housing.

When we get our team members fired up about manufactured housing, then more customers will be, too.

When we connect with and better serve our millions of customers, we will gain the ground needed from the county seat, to the state and federal capitals.

To borrow a phrase from ROC USA, we are better together. # #

