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The Appraisal Rule, Manufactured Housing and the Road to Success in 2015

The mid-term elections are almost on us. Some say it will be another wave, sweeping Republicans into control of the Senate like the 2010 mid-term gave Republicans control of the House. A close look at some key races suggests that is less than certain, which means turn out is going to be crucial for supporters of either major party. But that’s not our topic today!

Rather, we want to focus today on doing more business in 2015, the Appraisal Rule, financing and manufactured housing’s Road to Success in 2015.

dick-ernst-finmarkusa-posted-masthead-blog-mhpronews-com-There are few – if any – as qualified as MHI Financial Services Chairman Dick Ernst of FinMarkUSA to lead a discussion by a panel of lenders and experts on the soon to be implemented Appraisal Rule and its impact on manufactured housing. We expect retailers and community operators literally from coast to coast to attend the 2015 Louisville Manufactured Housing Show.

One of MANY reasons is to hear the facts at the first major discussion on the nuts and bolts of how the appraisal rule impacts MH.

Dick Ernst will be joined by Sherri Clevenger of NADA and Dan Rinzema of DataComp/MHVillage/JLT in a brisk panel presentation on the appraisal rule. They will be joined by representatives of top industry lenders too!

This is a not-to-be-missed session that is free to communities, retailers and builder-developers attending the show.

More on this in the days ahead, mark your calendar now for both Wednesday January 21st and Thursday January 22nd, don’t miss it! As we’ve done previously, educational/business building seminars will be held in the mornings during the show. This allows attendees to spend time in the afternoons touring dozens of homes on display, over 100 exhibitors booths and networking at various evening functions, many of them also free to industry pros.

Financing on Manufactured Homes, Commercial Financing on MH Communities!

Just as the finance panel is one of the sessions that has been SRO (standing room only) at previous Louisville Seminars, so too has the commercial lending panel. Perhaps 80% of all MHCs have commercial loans on them. Many of loans are written on long term amortization, but come up for renewal more quickly.

What that means is that commercial lenders are needed who understand the evolving manufactured home community (MHC) business model! What was a no go 2 or 3 years ago on commercial MH loans, may be doable today. The MHC sector has performed very well, and with the growing affordable housing shortage, MHCs and MH in general are well positioned for future growth.


So its no surprise that Investors and MH Professionals are also looking to acquire and/or sell MHCs.

Once more, award winning consultant and finance expert Dick Ernst has agreed to moderate a panel discussion made up of lenders and brokers who do manufactured home community loans. Previous sessions have been very lively with much time devoted to Q&A’s with audience members. Don’t miss this free session.

Sell more homes and fill more vacant sites in 2015 – MH Marketing and Sales Coaching!

l-a-tony-kovach-2014-louisville-manufactured-housing-show-modern-marketing-mhpronews-com-manufacturedhomelivingnews-com (1)

As this photo shows, my marketing and sales focused sessions also bring SRO crowds! There are good reasons why attendees of our training session rate them 4 or 5 out of a possible 5 for quality content they learn from year after year.

In fact, with so many SRO sessions in 2014, we’ve expanded the space for 2015 seminars!

My thanks to all who’ve passed along kudos and congrats. But let me immediately point those back to our professional experts, associates and sponsors who make this possible! My purposes in sharing this is to say, odds are good you’ll benefit if you come.

We’ll cover at this year’s marketing and sales seminar a concept that will be eye opening for individuals from all segments of the industry. Factories, associations, retailers, communities, financial services and other suppliers, this is a session you won’t want to miss.

There are clearly reasons why attendees find our training to be the way to grow your business even during the tough Dodd-Frank, CFPB era.

The reason? We show you proven ways to attract the customers with better credit or who can pay cash.

Nothing Good Happens to your bottom line until more products or services are SOLD!


We’ll provide more details on our educational offerings at the 2015 Louisville Show in the days and weeks ahead. It is less than 3 months to show time!

But the short story is simple. The Road to Success for 2015 truly passes through the Louisville Manufactured Housing Show. There is nothing else quite like it in all of North America. We are proud to provide the education and promotion for this, the #1 best attended industry event in the country!

It’s more than just a great place to get business done. As our videos reveal, the atmosphere is upbeat! If you need to get your motor or that of a colleague of your’s running for 2015, hard to imagine a better place to do that than the 2015 Louisville MH Show.

See what 2014 attendees say and we’ll see you at the 2015 Show.


Will you and your team be there? Will you let your competitors hear and learn what you should know too?


  • swing by our business building seminars (more to be announced soon)
  • or see me at our booth,
  • when we aren’t shooting videos with great industry professionals like you.


All this and more are happening at the 2015 Louisville MH Show

Today’s post just scratches the surface. You’ll have all the products and services of the great, all-indoor Louisville Show there for you to compare side by side in climate controlled comfort. Fantastic! ##

la-tony-kovach-latonykovach-com-by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach

