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The Evolution of Manufactured Housing & October 2015 Issue

6 years ago, the our first issue went live on our home page in the middle of the month. Over time, we moved the issue ‘launch’ or ‘go live’ date on Featured Articles up, until it starts as it does currently around the first of each month. Because there is so much to do digitally (technically) to make current articles go into archives and the new articles magically appear where the prior month’s did on the home page, those new issue switch-overs often take place during a weekend.

This month, our unique 6th Anniversary October issue will go live on Saturday.

See 5th anniversary comments by some people from all ranks and sides of MH, movers and shakers, linked here.

MHI’s annual meeting and the New York Housing’s Association’s 65th annual meeting looms, its just a week away! Your’s truly has been asked to present again in New York, and I’m looking forward to seeing the executive director – Nancy Geer – and to share time anew with her savvy membership. I love association meetings and corporate meetings, and presenting at one – such as this big event in NY – is always an energizing honor.

Speaking of the MH evolution…

There is one going on, many in fact. One is in MH communities, which have been selling homes on site for years to fill the vacuum caused by a vanishing retail base in the late 00s. But MHCs are in some cases doing what UMH Properties is doing. Namely, creating retail centers associated with their community operation that will sell homes into MHCs or even off-site on private property.

UMH is looking to buy an MH retail sales center; so if you know someone looking to exit, you may want to send them to this link above and tell them to check in with their team.

UMH are also looking to fill another GM spot, please check that out on our Jobs board page. UMHPropertiesIncLogo=postedMHProNews-com-

Because we are swamped with client and new issue work, we will be hiring ourselves in October.

Good News for the Industry…

Today’s mid-week blog post will also be used to draw your attention to something new that’s good for the MH industry and thus good for forward thinkers and doers, much like you.

Behind dark clouds, the sun shines. Behind the dark challenges of today, are opportunities for those willing to go beyond the darkness, into the light. Click the above.

The evolution of public focused is continuing. To catch the vision, this next linked article may be helpful.

A Home-Shoppers Eye View of MH vs a Professional’s Vantage Point

To understand the value of the concept above, see some of the comments by other MH Pros, found on the article/video combo, found at the link below.

A Surprising Solution to America’s Affordable Housing Crisis

MH and Windstorms

One of the most watched MH videos in all of the MH Industry is one produced off this desktop, 3 years ago. Its about MH in windstorms. Award-winning consumer affairs ‘depth reporter’ Jan Hollingsworth has provided us a report on that topic for MHLivingNews that will blow many away. You’ll see that live on in a matter of days.

Please watch for Jan’s article, and once, live – share it with your local media! Share it with your local weather person!

That’s part of how by working together we fuel the ongoing MH Revolution’s evolution. That’s how we advance, by forward thinkers working ‘better together.’

FYI, while I must keep the source anonymous, who because of their role outside of our industry, had this to say:

Should I ever retire, I will sing MH praises from the rooftops.” and the writer was speaking about the new video, “This is so well done (!) and you know that I am an MH-enthusiast.”

We have dedicated readers in the federal government, in competing industries, investors, educators, roughly 5% of our readers are Canadian or international and in other places of influence. Look for more to do what Bill Matchneer did, when they are allowed to openly speak what they quietly already believe and advocate for among movers and shakers.

Back to the 6th

Jim Fryer, Jr Master of Ceremonies, Mark Glaser, GreenBerg Traurig, The Honorable NY State Senator Catherine Young, Nancy Geer, Exec Dir NYHousing posted
L-R = Jim Fryer, Jr Master of Ceremonies, Mark Glaser, GreenBerg Traurig, The Honorable NY State Senator Catherine Young, Nancy Geer, Exec Dir NYHousing

Which brings me to a kind 6th anniversary comment by a reader who sent one in, and then followed it with the words, we are family, encouraging me to modify what was sent as needed to make it fit our needs. What was sent was perfect, so there’s no need to do a thing, but that’s humbling. It fits well with what Marty Lavin closed his video on Dodd-Frank and the CFPB‘s regulations.

While Marty’s comment is nice, the video page has rocked! Don’t be the last to see it. Click on the link above, as it is going to be important in DC politically on S 682.

ROC on…

Speaking of better together, that’s the tag line for ROC USA, which just announced they’ve closed another MH community. We’ll have that news item for you, which is well timed with a home owner interview we did at a property in New Hampshire, with a resident-leader at that ROC. Kindly keep your eyes on for that one too.

We’ll have a number of ‘different’ things we will test on the home page this month. You’ll see something from new sponsor MHRE, and from JLT and others too. There is one tech glitch we have to work out, related to our Industry in Focus Reports module.

As discerning minds can see, this is a stream-of-consciousness blog post, no time for anything else! Let’s pray for our nation and our world, which is in Crisis, becoming an ever more dangerous place due to leadership missteps at home and abroad. That’s why (IMHO and that of scores of pundits) so many people are following the more ‘outsider’ in the GOP and on the Dem side, ‘rival’ candidates to Hillary.

And that’s emblematic of the opportunity MH has to tap into. There is a national malaise, a gloom or disquiet that yearns for an uplift.

If we as an industry channel that unrest for an ever greater number of housing seeking individuals, couples and families – you’ll see more people at your sales centers and community offices.

That means locations and operations like yours must be ready to meet them. That means, its time to pull it together, step-up to the next level of professionalism.

The opportunities are there, and we’ll close today on that cheerful and true-to-life note. ##

L. A. “Tony’ Kovach shown here in an MH Industry Pros educational session.  Please check out the program for the NY Housing Association’s 65th annual meeting, which is just one week away, and will include a special 90 minute presentation by Tony.

By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

