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The Future of MH, Scott Roberts and the Tunica Manufactured Home Show!

There are many paths to success in Manufactured Housing. For example, we are seeing more communities doing what we suggested some time ago. Namely, that they should be community-based so they can sell into their own MH Land Lease Community or sell onto private property. There are actual new street retail locations opening, as we report new locations periodically in our industry’s best Daily Business News.

There are also a growing number of new MHCs opening, as well as MHC expansions, for the first time in years.

Those who are recycling the used MHs in the MHCs for the 4th, 5th or 10th time have one type of business model that can work. Then there are those – like Scott Roberts – who are investing in new operations that focus on new, appealing and more upscale product.

No wonder that A Cup of Coffee with...Scott Roberts has been a red hot read. Scott will be part of our panel discussion at the Tunica MH Show, The Future of Manufactured Housing. Please see this link for more details.

Speaking of Tunica, this year will be – as MHI Chairman Nathan Smith described it – a “layered event.” What that means is you bring a jacket in the morning, which you might shed in the afternoon. It looks like an umbrella might be a good idea, but it will be worth it to see the dozens of new models, the latest from MH lenders and exhibitors and of course the popular business building seminar series.  In other words, it will be worth the trip no matter what the weather man says or does.


The link to the 2015 Tunica Show Brochure and more is found here. We’ll be at booth #73, when we aren’t in the seminar room, among the models or in the exhibit hall! We’ll be there starting Monday morning, we hope to see you there too. Kindly stop by and say hi.  

If you aren’t pre-registered, you should bring a photo ID and your business card to get in. Affordable housing is the future, and we’ve got it with MH.  Learn more to earn more, come to Tunica as pros from coast to coast will be doing in the next few days. ##

latonykovach-louisiville2015-mhpronews-business-building-seminars-By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

