Marketing is all about:
- Standing out from the crowd,
- Setting yourself apart from the rest,
- Attracting positive attention and
- Bringing a stream of good prospects to your sales professional(s).
A good ad, graphic or website draws the eye and makes people want to know more. The old marketer’s acronym still holds true:
- Attention
- Information
- Desire
- Action
- Golden Egg graphic by Tony Kovach.
- Photos courtesy of Myki_Roventine & aloshbennet
When you are promoting your factory built homes – be it manufactured, panelized, pre-fab or modular – and your marketing and advertising hits the points of AIDA, you’ll have:
- phones ringing and
- doors swinging.
When your marketing is properly teamed up with good sales efforts, you have:
- Cash registers ringing,
- sales people and management singing!
Truly, there are those foolish enough in a ‘down market’ or ‘down economy’ who decide they should ‘cut back’ on ads, marketing or sales development in its many forms. That’s like killing the goose that lays the golden egg!
It is precisely when markets are challenging that you have to be creative and aggressive in marketing and sales development.
Many are gifted in these areas in our industry. For those who have the need, but lack the gift, let me share a piece of wisdom:
“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional
to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur!” ~ Red Adair
Without a doubt you have to know what our Bob Stovall does about the power of Socialnomics. Maybe you need to see what Greg McClanahan shared on the importance of Validation. Maybe you need the “View from the Trenches.” Perhaps you need to know Just How Easy the Turn-Around Could Be. Certainly you have to understand that one key is Changing Perceptions. Or to paraphrase what my friend Tim Connor says, what are you vacant sites and unsold homes costing you every month?##