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The High Cost of Apathy & Weakness & Tunica Show Talk

We’ll keep it short and sweet this evening. If high volume manufactured home retailer Alan Amy is right, then current CFPB regulations are costing manufactured housing about 30% more in MH sales. That means instead of 70,000 new homes in 2015, we’d have more like 91,000+ new MHs for the year.


If CMHI’s Jess Maxcy’s correct, then most people in CA are buying those lower cost MHs for cash. Why?  Because MH personal property lending has been harmed by current federal regulations.

Jess Maxcy, Hill Congress Blog comment.

The video we posted on MHLivingNews has been called ‘potent,’ ‘useful‘ and a ‘great video!’ is because it uses the very words of major faces in the DC drama – CFPB’s Richard Cordray, HUD’s Julian Castro and Senator Bob Corker – speaking about manufactured housing and the impact of MH lending in their own words.

We juxtapose their comments with facts, add in the on-the-record statements made via video of UMH’s CEO Sam Landy, and then finish by showing residents who raise their hands to say that they want to see fairness toward MH in the regulations, and the restoration of the lending available two years ago.


Let the light of truth shine on behalf of MH. Let’s not be apathetic. Let’s not sit on some politically correct ceremony. Make this potent, new video work for you. You can send a link to the video to your Represenative and Senators. Find your contact for the House and Senate, at this link here.

Together, we can shine the light of truth on why today’s MH is the solution to the affordable housing crisis in America.

Together, we can let people know that these are homes that home owners are proud of – and that we in MH proudly serve our fellow Americans.

Apathy harms us, MH Evangelism helps us.

Original image credit, WIkiCommons. Poster credit – MHProNews © 2015-2016, all rights reserved.

Odds are good you’re an MH Evangelist, because you’re reading this.  But where are your colleagues and associates in this professional activism mix?  Are they sitting on their hands?  Or are they making an effort to get reform done in DC – at CFPB – and by pushing Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing through the Senate?  Please share this with your team too.  Many already have, one pro let us know he sent the link to 74 of his contacts. Wow!

Photo credit, Hollywood & Resorts Casino and Hotels, site of the 2016 Tunica MH Show.

Tunica Talk

We’ve launched the new Tunica Manufactured Housing Show website. Please see the link below.

We’ll be updating our banner ads and other information, to promote the upcoming show. We’ll be a booth #74 at Tunica.

More on Tunica, DC talk and the news about MH in the days ahead.

In the meantime, thanks so much for the big boost in traffic. As I’m writing this, MHProNews has 2,937 unique visitors (“guests”) on our website at this time. Amazing. Many are no doubt reading Matthew Silver’s Daily Business News.

Remember, that’s how many were online AT THE TIME SHOWN. You can check this number for yourself, at the base of the MHProNews home page. That guest count number changes during the day, as thousands come here to get the Industry News, Tips and Views that Pros Can Use. ©

That’s 2,937 guests at once is a stunning number for an industry of our size! Think – MHI has said that there are 100,000 FTEs in our industry, we think that number is low and needs to be updated – but at the moment in time show – imagine if 3% of all in our industry are on our website in a moment in time? Imagine if more than 29 times the number of MH Pros are online – right now – than came to MHI’s DC event over the course of three days.

That’s a strong statement of support for the work that we do.  

But the reality is that while some 90%+ of the guests are from our MH Industry, there are routinely also media, public officials, investors, educators, non-profits also on our MHProNews website too.  Toss in MHLivingNews, and that number jumps far higher.

This is far from a one person show. We can’t do it without pros like you, our team members, sponsors, writers and those sources which feed us news tips and topics. The writing on the Masthead blog is mine, but the work on this website and our sister site at MHLivingNews are all about team work. My sincere thanks to the team — and to readers and viewers like you.

We are better working together. Onward!

Let’s advance our Industry! We will see thousands of you in Tunica in about 5 weeks. Booth number 74, and at MH Pro Education day, which will be March 22nd. ##

Standing Room Only seminars are scheduled for the 2016 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show, including SuperCharged Marketing and Sales, Financing and MHC/Retail Lessons Learned. More Tunica Show details, linked here.

By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

