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The Rich, Famous, PreFab Homes, Manufactured Housing, Hypocrisy, and You


RichFamousPreFabHomesManufacturedHOusingHypocrisyYouPrivateJetLuxuryCarPXDailyBusinessNewsMHProNEws600There are some who can’t win based upon sound reason and the truth. So, to obtain their goals, they lie, play act, and deceive others to get what they want. That pattern impacts independent businesses, our industry’s home owners and millions of potential customers.



Millions of Americans, along with hundreds of millions of others around the world, are star struck.  That has been true for decades. If someone is rich or famous, they are automatically accorded a special status that wealth, influence, and their access can bring.

For several reasons, ‘stars’ of all kinds, including athletes, are held up for others to consider as role models. Such figures are thus often used as tool, a prop, a means of manipulating others.

Let’s consider two examples of thousands of possible examples. During Vietnam, actress Jane Fonda went to North Vietnam to condemn the United States. President Trump had not yet been sworn into office, and famous figures like Madonna had already pledged to speak against him at post-election protests.


  • Warren Buffett,
  • Bill Gates,
  • Jeff Bezos,
  • George Soros,
  • Tom Steyer – all of those are billionaires –
  • leaders at giant companies like Apple, Google/YouTube (parent Alphabet), Facebook, or Twitter leaders,
  • athletes like Colin Kaepernick,
  • actors like Jim Carey,

are among those rich and famous who’ve paraded out to cameras and waiting reporters to espouse positions in favor of big government, varied Democratic Party candidates, including many openly espousing socialistic positions.

Why do they do that? And why should MHPros, prefab professionals, or millions of others care?

Simply because these mavens influence the politics that controls the bureaucracies that can limit, influence or destroy your business and/or investments.

Rephrased: you as a business owner, professional, or investor aren’t just trying to sell a product or related services. You also must comply with the rules, or the rules can be used against you.

Those who ignore politics do so at their own professional risk.  All of those rich and famous figures above are deeply engaged in politics.  MHPros like Democratic supporter Nathan Smith of SSK Communities, and former Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Chairman, are deeply engaged in politics. Smith, like Buffett, supported Democratic Senator Barack Obama and Secretary Hillary Clinton for president.

Facts are facts.


Facts are Facts. Click here to see the Full Sized Infographic.


Today – September 17, 2018 – is Constitution Day

Among the things that often left-leaning academics or others like those noted above in positions of influence, money and power do is demean and besmirch the U.S. Constitution and our nation’s founding fathers.

What utter hypocrisy. The U.S. Constitution is what defends their freedom of speech to decry what gives you, me, and some 325 million others in the U.S. the ability to make more of our lives that what our parents attained.

Intellectual curiosity alone is reason enough to challenge commonly promoted assumptions.

But when people seek to exert a serious degree of control over your life, you, I, and those we love should care enough:

  • to learn,
  • ponder,
  • and act accordingly

in order to better and more properly shape the world of tomorrow.


In the Minority

On a personal note, I’m one of those in a minority of Americans who married a woman from the Middle East who was born a Muslim. Her extended family are Muslims. Soheyla is no ordinary woman, as hundreds of professionals in our industry have learned first-hand, and thousands more have learned by reading.

Soheyla speaks 3 languages, and she has studied two others. She’s highly educated, motivated, and quite passionate about many issues. By the way, for those that know Soheyla, her circle of friends and colleagues includes Jews and numerous Christians. She’s demonstrably inclusive, and broad minded.

All of that is background to say the following. Given her background, she supported then-candidate Donald J. Trump, after he promoted during the GOP primaries the “strict vetting” of Muslims, along with strong immigration reform. Soheyla knows what Muslim radicals are capable of doing. She wants no such thing for America, or for the future of our son and your children.

the article was first published in May 2016, but still has points relevant today. While our family supported then – and now – President Trump as the fighter needed to stand up to leftist tactics, the Manufactured Housing Institute put two paid pro-Clinton speakers on stage, just days before the 2016 election. The record matters.

Soheyla studied in a Hungarian University.  Hungary put up a border fence, to stop the flow of illegal immigration from the Middle East into their country.  Many of those were innocents, but enough were dangerous that crime, rape, and terrorism in Europe ha spiked. But not so in Hungary. They dealt with it in a practical way, by protecting their border.

It goes without saying that Soheyla is not anti-Muslim, nor anti-Middle Eastern. She wants better for her family in their native land. She wants better for our son, and that means better for you and your loved ones too.

How is that done? By sound information and education. By sharing the facts via the “News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use.”  © Third-party data ranks our news site the runaway #1 in MHVille. We are not going to be politically correct when that means warping the truth.  Providing fact and evidence based articles have made us number 1, and we’ve more than doubled traffic in the last year.  We seek to promote a common sense agenda that are good for the vast majority of Americans.

That means we editorially support the legitimate aspirations of all people of any backgrounds, demographic groups, or beliefs.



The Wealthy Can Literally Buy 0r Manipulate News, That’s Used to Influence Others

We’ve said for years, we are all for honestly earned wealth. That said, many in positions of wealth, influence or power – wittingly or not – divide and segment Americans into groups that are then pitted against each other.



  • Why are blacks, Hispanics or other minority groups artificially pitted against whites?
  • Why are women in the news or in story lines often pitted against men?
  • Why are everyday Democratic or socialist supporters set against everyday conservatives, Libertarians, or Republicans?

Actively retired Rev. Donald Tye Jr., a manufactured home advocate who owns an updated pre-HUD Code factory-built home said why. “Divide and Rule.” Tye is an independent today, buy was active in GOP politics for years.

Tony took the photo at the right.

Tye is also a big believer in the U.S. Constitution. So are we, along with millions of other Americans.

There’s a strong narrative that’s being pushed by many in media, among the rich and by people in positions of power that are promoting socialist, big government, or leftist ideals. Then why are they Democrats or socialists, but still keep their money and power?

Propaganda and manipulation are alive and well in America today. Not all news is tainted. But some is. That said, I’ve seen first hand – going back over twenty years in media stories I happened to be involved in – how a narrative is spun by a reporter, producer or editor that was different than reality. There is real news, and there is faked news. That’s not new, it goes back hundreds or years.

We, the People” must therefor learn to discern right from wrong. I’m not sure how that can be done other than by applying Godly moral, reason-based, evidenced supported, and ethical principles.

Socialism has a history of taking from one group what they earned, and by force or coercion, giving it to another. Before Karl Marx and the first socialists, big governments throughout history have done similarly. Marxists just dressed up legalized theft in different clothing.

As soon as someone is pitching a socialist solution, you can reject it as immoral and contrary to the interests of society. “Thou shall not steal” is believed by Christians, Jews and other religious groups too.


Theft by Government is Still Theft

The Democratic leaders of today are not the Democrats of the President Jack Kennedy era.

President Kennedy (D) rolled back taxes, as did President Ronald Reagan (R), and now former Democrat turned Republican, President Donald J. Trump.

My friends and colleagues include sincere Democrats. We’ve had clients who support Democrats. I’m not trying to insult anyone or hurt someone’s feelings. My younger brother Tom is a Democratic supporter, has won city elections, and has said publicly said to me, “I disagree with your politics, but not your ethics.”  Tom’s tested IQ is 156, way over the genius level.

Tom and I agree to disagree without malice, but have robustly debated numerous issues. We listen to each other, so we can understand each other’s perspectives. It’s what our genius father and gifted mother taught all of us siblings.  Our parents were Kennedy Democrats, who became Reagan Republicans.

Facts are facts. Facts must be distinct from opinions. The quote below is by a famous Democrat, who likely wouldn’t recognize the party he was a member of today.


What did former President Bill Clinton mean when he said the famous quote below?


CNS reported that federal revenues have hit a new high, after tax reform. Several of the successful economic principles of Presidents Kennedy and Reagan are being applied by President Trump.

Was former President Clinton only being pragmatic when he said that, because the political winds had then shifted against his party? Because today, he’s back to being big government Slick Willy.” Bill is about as crooked – and rich – as they come.  Look carefully at the history of who’s caused our industry’s image issues?  Look at who they associate with?

Democratic leaders today sound sympathetic to the poor and needy, but they are either:

  • badly misinformed,
  • frauds,
  • con artists,
  • hypocrites,
  • ignorant of history,
  • Ignore economic evidence,
  • don’t understand the harm of socialism, or the good in free enterprise,
  • or they are fools. Take your pick, or some combination of them.


We the People

America’s first constitution, the so-called Articles of Confederation, was failing. So in “order to form a more perfect Union,” representatives of “We, the People” gathered to pass reforms that yielded the U.S. Constitution as amended.

Hillsdale College, and Prager University create videos to teach Constitutional principles to those who were never taught or learned them in school. Here’s the Bill of Rights, below.


I’m still a political independent, but I’m far more likely to vote for a President Trump backing Republican, for reasons similar to what Jon Voight and Peter Thiel outlined.

In retrospect, PayPal billionaire cofounder, Peter Thiel – who’s invested in prefab/modular homes at sea, nailed the Trump phenomenon:

I think one thing that should be distinguished here is that the media is always taking Trump literally. It never takes him seriously, but it always takes him literally. … I think a lot of voters who vote for Trump take Trump seriously but not literally, so when they hear things like the Muslim comment or the wall comment, their question is not, ‘Are you going to build a wall like the Great Wall of China?’ or, you know, ‘How exactly are you going to enforce these tests?’ What they hear is we’re going to have a saner, more sensible immigration policy.”

Jon Voight has stared in numerous movies like Deliverance, with co-star the late Burt Reynolds.  He’s stood up for candidate and now President Trump, when much of Hollywood is pro-Democratic.  Here in his own words, why.

The recent, full interview with actor Jon Voight on Life, Liberty and Lavin is below.

Today as I write this, the Nov 6, 2018 midterms are only 50 days away. Millions will be sincere, but will nevertheless be duped into voting for a leftist, socialistic, or Democratic figure.

As an award-winning history major with a journalism scholarship, that loves manufactured housing as a profession, let me tell you that

  • the Democrats are the party that created the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).
  • The man who assassinated Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat, actor John Wilkes Booth.
  • Jim Crow laws were passed by Democrats.
  • President Woodrow Wilson was a racist Democrat, who manipulated America into World War I.
  • Wilson’s manipulation of the media was studied by Adolf Hitler and famous Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels.
  • Please don’t take my word for it, because you can find a lot of this on Wikipedia, and/or other resources online in moments.
  • These are easily sourced facts.  But unless you look, listening to the wrong source can lead good people to wrong conclusions.

President Lyndon Banes Johnson (LBJ) pulled a clever pivot in the aftermath of the Kennedy assassination. It was mostly Republicans who supported the Civil Rights Act. LBJ got enough of his racist Democratic buddies in Congress to vote for the Civil Rights Act that they earned the trust of the very minority group they hated, blacks. LBJ’s Great Society programs were arguably another clever way to hook people in government programs and government jobs.


Consider the evidence.

Quora and HuffPo both are among those that cite the following about the crafty Democratic bigot, LBJ.  LBJ, speaking to some of his racist Democratic buddies, he said: “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days.” He said something had t be done, because they were gaining political power. So he crafted pivots and programs – and got his buddies to buy in with the following promise, “I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democrat for two-hundred years.” Ouch, tragic, but per several sources, apparently true.

LBJ already achieved 50 of those two hundred years. Part of their game is to call their opponents racists, when they are the ones using “plantation politics.” Democratic policies are what has run devastated Detroit. Democrats ran Puerto Rico, so that when Hurricanes Irma and Maria hit last year, their infrastructure was already a mess, before the storm, and they were near bankruptcy economically. Chicago is a Democratic town, and in some ways, has parts of that great city as more deadly for Americans than Afghanistan is for our military.

The list could go on and on.  But a growing number of high profile blacks are rejecting plantation politics.


As an independent, but also as a pro-business, pro-free enterprise history buff, if I knew nothing about a GOP or Democratic candidate – other than their party label – I’d tend toward a modern GOP candidate.  That would be especially so if the GOP candidate was pro-President Trump.

So why do Warren Buffett, and so many rich and famous want Democrats in power? Why do they want socialistic policies?  Simple. Because big government they can control would give them more power.

Venezuelans voted in socialism, and millions today regret the lies they were sold.

It is critical for every American to learn basic history and the U.S. Constitution. Our form of government was developed by men who risked all to be free of English tyranny. It has been twisted over the years, and it won’t be fixed overnight.  POTUS Trump and those in Congress who support him are improving the economic conditions of blacks, Hispanics, businesses and others.

So, if you want to be free of tyranny in our age, don’t vote for a socialist or most Democrats.  Take the time to share the information that might keep a colleague, worker, friend or family from voting for a Democratic or socialist candidate.

Listen to the Jon Voigt interview. Voigt is compelling intellectually and emotionally.

Please share the related resources below. They could be the difference in your district – or to those living in another – between a pro-Trump GOP member, and an ignorant, misled, manipulative, or duplicitous socialist or Democratic one.

You or a loved one’s rights and investments may depend upon it. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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FactoryBuiltCarsClothingAppliancesElectronicsCellsSmartPhonesHomesItJustFollowsLATonyKovachC2017MHproNewsBy L.A. “Tony” Kovach – Masthead commentary, for

Tony is the multiple award-winning managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

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Related References:

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Life, Liberty, Property – Supreme Court – and Manufactured Housing

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FEDs, MHI, Buffett’s Berkshire’s Clayton Homes Moat, Affordable Housing, and Billion$ in Manufactured Home Market Manipulation

