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The War Over MH – It’s Elementary

There are battles ragging all over the world. Some are obvious conflicts with bricks, bullets and bombs; others are less bloody, but can still be heated. Let there be no mistake. There is a war ranging – a genuine conflict – over MH and housing in general. Are we in manufactured housing (MH) in this to win, lose or…what?

We have the answer to America’s hunger for quality, appealing and affordable new home living. But the image is quite the contrary. For many, “image is everything,” so even with all of our advantages, it is no wonder we sit at a point so far below the rest of mainstream housing.


There are MH Pros who simply accept the fact we have a poor image, with no real concern about how we could catapult upward to new, record levels, given the right strategy. We want to be in the vanguard with those who want to improve the outcomes with more quality MH sales by defining the image in a healthier more positive way.

On the other hand…

…there is a growing number of pros who are putting their time and money into an effort to change how MH is seen. They – and we – believe that our industry can compete with conventional housing best by defining ourselves in a positive way.

The way to do that, please? By letting MH Home owners, MH Professionals and other experts who “get it” about MH tell the story of why are are a great option. We let those who know tell their stories through video interviews.

The Tiny House movement has their own TV show, and yet the vast majority of Americans won’t ever consider a house from 100 to 300 square feet. I recall reading about a study done by the military on what is an acceptable sized space for a family of 4. The answer was amazingly like the square footage of a 14×70 3 bedroom 2 bath home!

MH Pros, do you see what I see? Opportunities abound, but they won’t fall into your lap. You have to work for it, just like the farmer plants a crop, tends it and then weeks or months later enjoys a harvest.

An Under Tapped Market for MH?

Do you know someone going to college and renting a room or apartment? BestColleges reports that: “According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, 2009-2011, 25.1% of enrolled students over that period (about 5.8 million young adults) lived off-campus in non-family households.”

Are you like me and think that spells 5.8 million potential opportunities? Or even if you think not, please see this following video. Then, tell me what you think this might mean; one of many under-served markets that could rapidly grow MH.


Tyson Blattner – University Graduate Student

How Many people want a custom home? Millions! About half of home seekers surveyed would prefer a new custom home vs. someone else’s second-hand house. Want to tell a tale? Consider the following video and article.

Model Home Village and Design Center

Ever wish you could team up with local businesses and create win-win opportunities? Then consider this video that promotes both! Tell us what you think of business owner…


Olga Pecanac


Want to project a professional image of your business and our Industry? Then imagine a class act in your market and check out the latest on award winning independent, WBS …

Evan Atkinson

New Model Home


Teaming up with forward thinkers from coast-to-coast, we plan to cover the nation with local stories of quality companies doing Manufactured Housing right. Here is a mover and shaker example from Louisiana…and don’t miss his take on the impact of federal regulations on MH!

Alan Amy

We have a series of manufactured home builders that will tell their stories. Here is one of them…enjoy this video!


Chet Murphree and James McGee Deer Valley Homebuilders

To learn more about some of the dozens of videos we have in process, check out this link please.

Because these up-and-coming videos have the power to change perceptions. That in turn can increase MH sales in your state or market(s).

The Battle for the Minds of the home shopping public is on!

It’s elementary. We must define ourselves or others will define us. Tiny House Nation is defining their movement. We are defining the realities of MH, as seen through the eyes of those who know our homes best. It isn’t just about videos, as nice as they may be. It is about third party story telling. It is about being interviewed by a third party. That moves it away from a commercial, and into the realm of news, tips and views folks can use.

Got a customer on the fence? Pick the right video(s) on the third party website, and share it with that fence walker. We know pros right now, today, that are using these videos to close more sales.

Be a part of this Pro MH movement. Be the change in your market. ##

LATonyKovach-Louisville-2015-mhpronews-com-275x156-1By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

See what others say, click the link on the photo or above.



