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The Winter of Our Discontent

"Now is the winter of our discontent,

made glorious summer by this sun of York."

– William Shakespeare, in Richard III

The meaning of this phrase, the winter of our discontent, is "The time of unhappiness is past." Shakespeare knew how to create a character that spoke to his audience, and how to fashion a phrase as well. We as professionals and as an Industry need to tap into the discontent that is all around us, for the benefit of all involved.

We need to jujutsu discontent as "Inspirational dissatisfaction."

In the Republican primaries Tuesday night, the most under-funded of the four remaining 'major' candidates has won again. Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum has taken an economic and political reform message, wrapping it in the flag, faith and family. Still a long shot, still lacking the support of most of 'the establishment' of his party, Rick has taken a no quit approach, and kept on preaching past the spin others would place upon his campaign.

Doesn't this example give us all a lesson or two? Aren't many of you 'no quit' types too?

The fact is that each of the candidates has a lesson to share with us. Let's ignore the negatives or the baggage that each has for a few moments, and before returning to our own manufactured housing Industry's needs, focus on the strengths each candidate reveals and what insights they offer us:

  • President Barack Obama – whose community organizer roots show. He is an effective speaker, knows how to use social media, knows how to use technology, orchestrate an event, use the media and to get donations small and large. Obama taps into various groups – who may have little in common with each other – to maximize his base of support. Barack looks "presidential." He knows how to use surrogates effectively, and how to 'never let a good crisis go to waste' as his former chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, said.
  • Mitt Romney – his roots as an entrepreneur and investor show. The former governor of Massachusetts, also led the Olympics. Romney clearly is the candidate with the most personal business experience and success. He too has organization, those boots on the ground. He knows how to line up his supporters and understands the importance of staying on topic, staying focused, being disciplined, not letting a failure or set back stop him. About 6 years on the campaign trail, Mitt is still the man to beat among Republicans.
  • Rick Santorum – this former Senator from Pennsylvania taps into economic messages, that touch the blue collar voter. Rick taps foreign policy experience into expressed concerns with respect to Iran and beyond. He pushes back against the media – even conservative media – who he calls out for what he sees are pro-Romney or pro-Obama biases. His pro-manufacturing, tax code simplification, budget cutting ala the Contract with America during the Clinton years, ability to work across the aisle with Democrats are among his strengths. Likability, social and religious conservatism and 'you can trust me' connection with the people keep his campaign moving ahead.
  • Newt Gingrich – the former Speaker of the House is the master of sound bites and bumper sticker phrases. He likes to paint pictures of bold contrasts to make a point and cut through media filters. He pushes back against the media, often calling them out as a group, while connecting with them privately and is seen as the most media accessible by reporters. His plans range from $2.50 gallon gas – which taps into the hot button of rising gas price weary voters – to tax code simplification, entitlement reform, putting a U.S. base on the moon, Newt uses the Reagan line and his experience in Congress that created the only modern American balanced budget era, along with welfare reform with an economy that roared, creating millions of jobs.
  • Ron Paul – former Congressman and retired MD, this man can claim the mantle of voting against every thing he didn't believe in consistently, of being the oldest candidate who amazingly connects with young voters. He believes in a libertarian style message, of slashing debt, sticking to the letter of the U,S. Constitution, including a George Washington style foreign policy. He is apparently campaigning in part to pass the torch to his son, who is seen as a rising star in conservative Republican circles.

One can point out additional policy points listed above for each of the candidates. For examples noteworthy to manufactured housing business owners; each of the Republicans favor repealing Dodd-Frank and Obamacare, increasing domestic production of oil, the Keystone pipeline and tax code simplification, with the promise of regulatory reforms all of which should create jobs and a more trustworthy business climate.

So each candidate has some quality or experience that when pondered, can positively challenge us. Now let's set the stage by saying that all parties and people have to be able to effectively frame a message that either resonates with or gets past the modern media. You have to invest thought, time, money and energy in an intelligent and passionate fashion.

If $2.50 a gallon gas makes for a good bumper sticker slogan, then how about

quality engineered homes that are

stronger, smarter, safer, stylish and offer major savings

as a slogan that rallies potentially millions seeking affordable housing?

If candidates can dance past baggage, why can't we address or cut through the perceptions that hold us back?

If candidates can call for reforms in their party, then can we see and realize that all people and all organizations need reform and improvement? Can we see that organizations – such as manufactured housing associations – are critical, but could use our help to move into ever better and more effective directions?

I mentioned inspirational dissatisfaction at the beginning, and the winter of our discontent. Ron Thomas lead into the introduction of Joe Stegmayer at the Louisville Show hit an important point. As manufactured housing professionals, we have to think in terms of our new base line of around 50,000 shipments. We are now growing for 6 months, and thus we are advancing from that new base line.

This renewed growth is the time to martial our resources, hone and position our messages, and to prepare for a future that could be bright for those who seize the opportunities.

"The time of unhappiness is past." Let us learn from our weaknesses and missteps, turning dissatisfaction into inspiration that makes our failures stepping stones to success.

We need a plan that addresses re-marketing our homes for lenders coping with repossessions and owners seeking to exit.

We need a plan that lines up potentially 19 million owners of mobile and HUD Code manufactured homes to help us lobby legislatures and regulators for fairness in reforms needed on their and our behalf.

We need a positive message that cuts thought the noise and helps us connect with the future boom in housing which is looming beyond the end of the foreclosure debacle.

We have all that now and more in outline form, ready, today.

Scroll past the comments linked on this page, and download the free power point found at the end. Dozens of Industry pros from coast to coast have contributed insights to

an image, re-marketing plan that can turn our Industry into the David of the housing market that conquers the Goliath we've faced.

By teaming up with forward thinkers seeking a more profitable future, we too can bid goodbye to the winter of our discontent. ##


post by

L. A. “Tony” Kovach, MHM or
Innovation – Information – Inspiration for Industry Professionals

Office – 815-270-0500 or


