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Thomas, You’re No Milton (Friedman)

If you are doubting Thomas, perhaps you need to look for Sowell. I enjoyed Thomas Friedman's geo-economic-political OpEd in the New York Times this morning, Follow the Money.

The analysis is fascinating, but the conclusion is flawed. Thus the quip, Thomas (Friedman), You're No Milton (Friedman). Just one pearl as an example.

So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear. That there is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system.”

– Milton Friedman

What we need are stronger doses of the RealEco(nomic)Politic of the Thomas (Sowell's), who connect the dots because they are not clouding said dots before hand by struggling to prove a political agenda, typically via pounding a round-peg argument into a square-hole reality.

Only the clarity of truth ultimately cuts through the smoke of battle, in global, national or manufactured housing's politics.

Clouded Thinking

Sure, avoid war when possible, but what if it isn't (we aren't taking about Crimea here…not all conflict is military) avoidable?british-troops-smoke-battle-el-alamein-1942-credit-wikicommons-posted-masthead-MHProNews-com

When the smoke of battle clouds the field of action, it's understandable that some – or even many – won't see clearly.

This is when clarity of thought must trump mere emotion or habitual reactions born of past patterns.

In the NYT analysis linked above, what's missing (among other puzzle pieces) is the fact that a more robust domestic Fracking Policy would (have):

  • boosted the U.S. economy more,
  • would (have) made Western Europe (NATO nations) less dependent on Russian energy,
  • would (have) made us less dependent on OPEC,
  • would (have) yielded nominally lower U.S. energy costs, and in turn
  • would (have) made U.S. factory goods costs lower viz-a-vis still communist China, because of their need for imported energy and shipping cost differentials.

Those would make the world a safer place, with more working Americans who would be richer instead of poorer, deficits smaller and then we'd all be selling more manufactured homes.

Because to have such policies would imply that the economy would be more robust, PLUS suggests that the kind of over-reach that created Dodd-Frank and the CFPB would be mitigated.

We can achieve such things, not alone, but it can be done when we pull together with enough others.


Chess, Geo-Economic-Politics and Manufactured Housing

When you play chess, you don't think of one piece, you must look at them all. You don't think one move ahead, or you've already lost if you're up against a superior player.


You must think several moves ahead, about your pieces, theirs and the ever fluid situation that develops on the chess (think: Geo-Economic-Political) board.

Our MH Industry could hold the keys to the 2014 mid-terms and beyond, with –

  • some 200,000 MHIndustry Pros,
  • plus some 20,000,000 residents living in our homes! –

…but the clock is ticking…

…and we will return to the above, hopefully within the next ten days.

For the moment, let's shift gears to immediate issue(s ;-).

April Showers! (us with great, new featured articles!)

Whatever segment of the industry you happen to be in:

  • Manufacturing (home or component building),
  • Manufactured Home (MH) Communities or MH Retailing,
  • Finance and Insurance
  • Supply, Services or Support,

I frankly don't see how you can run your business without good, solid information!

Which is why an average of 5,419 visits (think readers) a day came to, for the red-hot Industry News, Tips and Views You Can Use. 

Is that important to you?

For an industry our size? You bet.

For example, if you don't think there is a clear correlation between industry events such as the Louisville Show and readership here, please speak to Dennis Hill at Show Ways Unlimited.

Or analyze what is happening with MHI's fast approaching 2014 Congress and Expo, which is up 39% over last year, per our sources at MHI.

chet-murphree-deer-valley-homes-a-cup-of-coffee-with-chet-murphree-mhpronews-comWhat's amazing is that 70-something (pardon me Dennis, but this is a well earned complement coming) Dennis Hill exemplifies what the industry as a whole needs to accept. Technology is not coming, it's been here for Years!

Dennis knew something different had to be done to recover from the previously declining (and then canceled in 2010) Louisville Show. Dennis adapted, bringing the best of the past and the WebTech needed to drive our industry's future together at that show.

That WebTech – properly understood and applied to MH – holds the keys to driving more business by attracting more pros to events! The costs are modest, the ROI real and measurable.

WebTech also holds the key to unlocking the minds of prospective homebuyers, politicos and thought-leaders at places like the NYTimes and beyond.

Which brings us to:

  • the interview about the controversial NYTimes column we did with Frank Rolfe,
  • or the insightful, forward thinking found in A Cup of Coffee with…Chet Murphree (see photo above),
  • Or any of the other expert insights, all found linked below in our April issue's Featured Articles.

Non-Profits could yield More Profits for MH

One of the keys to our industry's future passes through the portals of the non-profit world. Which is one of many reasons why (some) industry pros can't afford to blindly nuke what they don't understand or know! Please see the clear-thinking of rising non-profit star NextStep's Stacey Epperson, among the 16 important reads in our April 2014 Featured Articles.

We will soon post an Industry in Focus Report from Darren Krolewski on an MHC rent study done in MI; this is not a yawn, but a must-read for MH and MHC savvy pros!


Turning the Page…?

Part of me sometimes feels a bit of angst as we leave a month of terrific reads like March 2014's behind. But one of the many great things about digital publishing vs. print is that you can 'turn the page,' and still go back days, weeks, months or years to read previously published articles!

Don't forget, you can – and thousands do! – dive deeply into our archives of past articles and posts by using the search tools, exploring via the drop down menus and much more.

Some of our top 1% of all read articles every month are interviews or columns published months or even years ago.

The reason that readership is growing year over year here are many. One is that we tackle that topics others fear to examine. The smoke of (a brief) battle can't be avoided if we are to advance as an industry.

The need for clarity of thought vs. some arcane attachment to past ways is near-absolute if we are to proceed ahead.

Don't get me wrong, we strongly believe some principles – such as truth, justice, balance, fairness – are eternal. By contrast, some modes of behavior or thinking are done – history! –  and a few have just not realized that the battle is over, because the smoke of battle has not yet cleared the field.

Thomas (Friedman), You are No Milton (Friedman), very much applies to us pros and investors in manufactured housing.

Please take a deep dive into the Tunica Show recap linked below, as well as:Ignroance-costs-knowledge-pays

  • the upcoming Congress and Expo updates,
  • tech talk from Brad Nelms and Joe Karns,
  • Sales/Motivation/Management/Inspiration from James Cook, Tim Connor, Scott Stroud, Zig Ziglar and moi,
  • legal from William Dahlin, Nadeen Green and DJ Pendleton (courtesy of Harold Hunt, PhD!).

It's all linked below, thanks to our team of writers and sponsors.

When you learn more, you can earn more. When you are armed with facts and insights, you can play the chess game of (business, political, personal) life so much better.

Having made the de rigueur entre, let's tweak the Bard and make Much Ado about Something! Here follows our April 'Showers of Insights' Featured Articles!

Featured Articles and Reports for Vol. 5, No. 7, 2014

Alphabetically by Category


• The Newest Chapter in the “Only in California” News 

by C. William Dahlin, JD


There are many jurisdictions within California that have forms of rent control for mobile home parks. This phenomenon of price fixing has infected many locations within California where there are an abundance of mobile home parks or 'land lease manufactured home communities.

Read more…


• Where Are You From?

by Nadeen Green, JD



Four such innocent words comprising a simple question. And this is a question I have asked of others many times. Travel for work throughout the U.S. in my “Fair Housing Lady” role and the opportunity to enjoy international travel as well have resulted in a variety of accents and vocal patterns entering my ear canals.

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• The Impact of Dodd-Frank on Manufactured Housing

by Harold D. Hunt, PhD rules mandated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank) took effect on January 14th and are expected to have a significant impact on residential mortgage markets.

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• Crucial Communications

by James Cook


I am going to go way out on a limb and say that you feel frustrated, angry, maybe even hurt when you feel like somebody did not really hear what you were saying.

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• Dirty Laundry

by Stacey Epperson

Stacey-Epperson-mhpronews-comWhat is it about dirty laundry we don’t want anyone to see? Mine finds its way to my 50 year old Maytag washer every day. This relic is older than me, and it has worked hard.

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• Controversial New York Times article on 'mobile homes' and 'trailer parks' lands Frank Rolfe, Dave Reynolds and Mobile Home University in the Spotlight

by L. A. 'Tony' Kovach

tony-kovach-mhpronews-comIn the aftermath of the controversial New York Times article – The Cold, Hard Lessons of Mobile Home U by Gary Rivlin – has many MH Industry professionals reacting.

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• Let's Be Positive!

by L. A. 'Tony' Kovach

tony-kovach-Let's all put actions to our words! When we say, “let's be positive,” the vast majority of what MHProNews has published from our beginning in October 2009 has been positive, solution oriented stories and videos.

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• A Cup of Coffee with…Chet Murphree



1) Who, What and Where: (Your name and your formal title at Deer Valley Homebuilders).

Chet Murphree, Vice President, General Manager, Deer Valley Homebuilders, Inc..

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• Strategic Thinking Myths

by Tim Connor


I am frequently amazed at how many intelligent, talented and well meaning executives and business owners often have blinders on that prevents them from accurately seeing their organization for what it really is.

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• Three Takes on Tunica 2014!

by Maria Horton, Tammy Fonk and L. A. 'Tony' Kovach


After returning home to a swarm of earthquakes in Southern California, I must admit that the rain, thunder and lightning that visited the Mississippi south of Memphis during our 2014 Tunica Show were not quite so overwhelming!

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• Get Your Business To The Top Of Google… …Guaranteed (!?) 

by Joe Karns


I know what you're thinking.  This sounds too good to be true, right?  Must be a scam, right?  Actually, it's not.  What business wouldn't want to appear at or near the top of Google search results every time?

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• Your Business Image Matters, and Technology can Help! 

by Brad Nelms

brad-nelms-manufacturedhomes-com-posted-mhpronews-com-50x50Professionalism is an important element for success in any business, including all elements of manufactured housing (MH).  If you doubt that, imagine an hypothetical MH community (MHC) owner up north who never mows their lawns and doesn't require their residents to do it either.

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• Self-accountability – The Single most Important Trait Necessary for Enduring Success

by Tim Connor, CSP

tim-connor-50There are many traits that when embraced can contribute to enduring success. At last count when it comes to success, I found over; 2500 books, 3 million articles on the internet, 500,000 seminars of various kinds and 250,000 personal/career success coaches who proclaim they can guide your journey towards your dreams, desires and goals. That’s a lot of resources folks.

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ZigOn Handling Critics

by Zig Ziglar


I'm comfortable in saying that anyone who has ever done anything of significance has been, at one time or another, unfairly criticized by those who believe they deserve a reward for finding fault.

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• Gauging the Customer’s Intent

by Tim Connor, CSP

tim-connor-50Intent and intention seems to be a hot topic these days. Wayne Dyer has a book on the power of intention, Brian Klemmer has a book on intent and I am sure there are more out there that I haven’t read yet.

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• Be The One and Only in Your Market

by Scott Stroud

scott-stroud-mhpronews-comOne of the Top 5 Questions you as manufactured or modular home pros should be asking yourself now is: Why should your potential customers – buyers, renters, tenants, whatever – choose to do business with you rather than your competitor?

Read more…



(Image Credits: Chess Sets and battle scene, Wikicommons, all others, MHProNews)

L. A. "Tony" KovachL. A. 'Tony' Kovach | |
Business and Public Marketing & Ads: B2B | B2C
Websites, Contract Marketing & Sales Training, Consulting, Speaking: | | Office 863-213-4090

Connect on LinkedIN: 

