America is great, but a number of things are notably wrong in the Republic. Recall that all problems are opportunities in disguise, and we’ll tie dis-ease together with our profession shortly.
Thursday, I sent Bill O’Reilly at Fox the following:
If the KY clerk is going to be arrested for not enforcing the SCOTUS decision on so-called gay marriage, should POTUS or ICE agents be arrested for not enforcing federal immigration law?
L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach
There are reasons that Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, Bernie Sanders or Carly Fiorina are surging in the polls. They represent stark contrasts, but they’re speaking out on ills in our society in their unique ways. If the pollsters are correct, Trump, Fiorina and Carson represent about half of the total Republican support. In a field of 17 candidates, that’s astonishing.
America was founded in large measure by those who fled Europe for reasons of religious persecution. While Rowan County KY Clerk, Kim Davis is a Democrat jailed for not issuing marriage liscences to same sex couples, the same could happen to a Republican or an independent.
We don’t throw homosexuals off buildings to their deaths in the U.S., as ISIS and other Islamic fundamentalists do. Why are radical Islamists often given a pass by the PC class, while it’s okay to attack Christians?
We should not jail converts to Christianity, as Ms. Davis says she is, for her peacefully held beliefs. Every other clerk in every other county around her would, so reports say, issue that same license sought by LGBT couples.
What’s happening to America?
That’s the angst boiling among tens of millions of Americans that the anti-establishment candidates named above are tapping into.
Cracking the PC Mental Manipulations?
Make no mistake. “Political correctness,” PC, is a form of mind control. When Democratic leaning comics to Republican leaning conservatives are increasingly saying they’re sick and tired of PC, and that PC has gone too far…
…that’s a shift toward rebellion against the subtle-to-blunt Jedi mind tricks the PC class has foisted upon American thought.
Even those who normally care only about the wallet, here’s why these points matter in MHville.
Politically Incorrect Housing for Americans?
Make no mistake. Manufactured housing is politically incorrect.
We’ve seen over 2 trillion dollars lost in the U.S. Stock markets in under 2 weeks. Canada and China are sliding too. Gas prices are falling, but are we seeing consumers rush to stores with those extra dollars?
Manufactured housing is uniquely positioned to take advantage of the economic and political mood of America. It’s Labor Day weekend. Labor in America is being pummeled, as the headlines from Drudge shown above reveal.
Quality affordable living is an amazing opportunity. What we’re doing on could easily be scaled in ways that would send waves of new shoppers into sales centers and communities across the country.
I can’t say if Hillary Clinton will pay the price for her apparently ignoring the law, common sense, or her written promises to POTUS in decisions such as her private server, Benghazi, the silly Russian reset, etc.. Can you? But just as H is sliding in polls, so too is Jeb Bush. The political class is suffering in polling compared to the insurgency candidates on the left and the right.
500 to 1 returns?
Based on what we see on-the-ground and online, for about every $2 million dollars invested by manufactured housing firms of all sizes in savvy marketing (vs. a national TV campaign; that’s another story, another time), we could generate $1 billion dollars in new manufactured home sales at retail. We’re seeing more firms of all sizes willing to be a part of such an effort.
So a program like ours backed by 4 million dollars invested over 2 years could significantly change the ways the Public and Officials sees MH, while driving 2 billion+ in new MH business.
Ready to tap a New anti-PC Wave?
What about you? Are you ready to tap into the silent majority’s angst and needs? (FYI, that phrase used on MHProNews, is an expression that dates back to the 70s, one published here before Donald Trump did on the campaign trail. Speaking of The Donald, please check out Kurt Kelley’s OpEd on Frank Rolfe and Chris Parrish, linked here.)
The facts are often on the side of MH, and the good looks and appeal of our homes speak for themselves too. We have to shatter the anti-MH mind set.
The more Americans we get across the threshold of our manufactured homes, the more MH can can be part of the solution for America.
MHPros are frankly often slow to change. But change is happening. More change is coming. Regarding business, political, local, state or national issues – which side of history do you want to be on?
Slavery took time to overcome, and it took those willing to resist the PC thought controllers of their era.
Doing what’s right is always the right thing to do. ##