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Tip of the Iceberg – Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Revelations – What’s Next?

Among the calls, emails and messages regarding the various MHI related topics in our new June issue, was this one by a Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) member. “Tony, what you reported is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more (that could be reported) about MHI.”

Note: the parenthetical comment in the quote in brown text above was implied, but not stated.

The Masthead’s goal is not to harm the national association, but rather to correct its problematic path by exposing to the MH industry and the association members what’s happening – or not – and spotlight facts that may imply why MHI is doing what it does on the issues linked below.

A high ranking official asked MHProNews, to “keep the heat on” MHI. The rest of that message contained reasons why more “heat” on MHI is needed.


In a comment on the Sunday Daily Business News article and related, another corporate president said:

Mislead “team members”…(assuming all are working for common goal)

Isn’t that called lying in some circles?” 

Note that in the above, the parenthetical remark was in the original.

MHI – Duck, Dodge…

An informed member said that MHI seems to be applying their unspoken rule that when they get a negative media report, as was the case with PBS NewsHour report, they often duck or dodge any kind of public response. The may treat it as if it never happened, waiting for the matter to blow over in the minds of busy industry professionals.

But there can also be a different dynamic when an industry member is involved. The alleged MHI – D strategy  can be a combination of: Duck, Dodge, Distract, Defame, Diminish or if possible, Destroy.

Tony, as you well know, at the last MHI Winter Meeting, Dick Jennison was giving away incentives to state association execs, free or reduced costs attendance and other things that could best be called a veiled bribe to keep them on board.”  The observer said that was done precisely to quell concerns from a prior round of revelations about MHI’s president.

Other incentives we’re given at the same meeting to certain company members. 

Shifting Gears

The question of the motivation(s) behind the misleading Gooch/Jennison Housing Alert to members is just part of what troubles members and others in the industry, as was reported at the link below. Doesn’t it raises questions about the sincerity behind the larger association’s paid staff goals, methods and ethics? 

And will elected leadership hold them responsible?  And if not, why not?


80% friends

My 80 percent friend is not my 20 percent enemy,” observed Ronald Reagan.

It’s one thing to disagree on approaches, but isn’t it an entirely different matter when the trade association that hundreds pay dues to is saying one thing, but doing another, and misleading members in the process? 

Besides the obvious need to remove or see Gooch and Jennison resign as a first step to regaining lost credibility with MH industry members and in DC, there needs to be a candid review of how actions and inactions by the larger of the two national trade associations is limiting or harming all members and non-members alike. 

See more, click the image above.

We estimate the direct and indirect cost to the MH industry in failing to advance lending, regulatory and other needed reforms to be in the billions of dollars annually; and it harms operations and associations of all sizes. 

The Masthead and MHProNews has patiently followed developments and will continue to do so for industry readers and followers. There’s more that can be done or revealed, as it seems prudent or necessary.

We Provide, You Decide ©

The website traffic on these reports and articles suggests that industry members are reading and sharing by the thousands. Links to stories and videos on this and related MHI issues are here:

• Open Letter – CFPB Director Richard Cordray – On Taking Responsibility for Harming Millions

• Why did 4-9-16 MHI’s Housing Alert Mislead Association and Industry Members?

See link below or click image above to learn more.

• Why Richard “Dick” Jennison and Lesli Gooch at MHI Should Resign or Go 

• Why has MHI Issued a News Release on DOE Proposals Prior to the Rule Being Published? Q&A with M. Mark Weiss of MHARR 

• Open Letter – Tim Williams, MHI Chairman – Correcting Errors, Crossing the Goal Line 

Manufactured Housing Institute members react-Allegations of Misleading MHI Housing Alert


Other featured articles and reports – including the read-hot Kenny Lipschutz interview, Frank Rolfe video/story and others – are linked here. Unless something big breaks, the next Masthead will shift gears…watch for that new topic. ##

l-a-tony-kovach-mhlivingnews-mhpronews-latonykovach-com-By L. A. “Tony” Kovach.

Managing Member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC.
Publisher of, and Inside MH video series.
MHI member, MHI Suppliers Division board member.
Consultant and service provider to the MH industry.

Office 863-213-4090.
Connect on LinkedIn –

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