Let’s stipulate that both President Donald J. Trump and his anti-Trump opponents at times error in various ways. No one is perfect.
Let’s note later why the bullets below matters for the cause of the economy, affordable housing in general, and manufactured homes in particular.
But we’ll do this systematically, by first laying out a series of bullets, to set the stage.
There are:
- Muslims,
- Jews,
- Christians,
- Blacks,
- Hispanics,
- Women,
- Men,
- Rich,
- Poor,
- Working Class,
- Media,
- Other groups and professions,
that appreciate, and respect the 45th President – Donald J. Trump’s – polices and accomplishments. Unlike many politicos, the 45th President of the United States (POTUS) is methodically doing what he said he would do.
Depending on what media sources you read, watch or prefer to listen to, you will either agree or perhaps strongly disagree with those bullets. But those points are nevertheless accurate and demonstrably true. More on that further below.
The president isn’t a choir boy, and never claimed to be. That’s not a defense, it’s a statement of reality. God bless his candor on that point.
Yet this non-choir boy president has tackled vexing domestic and foreign policy issues that faced the U.S. as recently as two years ago, which are already seeing significant improvement.
Jobs in:
- manufacturing,
- mining,
- energy,
- steel, and more are returning to America.
- Recall that President Barack H. Obama said many of those are jobs that are “never coming back.” But under 45, they’re coming back.
- Better trade deals are being struck by 45. Yet former President Obama said better trade deals would require a “magic wand.”
- As a reminder, Secretary Hillary Clinton would have continued the policies of her predecessor in most cases, she said so.
- Several of the policies of former Presidents George W. Bush and Obama led to massive deficits that roughly tripled the federal debt in 16 years.
- So, this is not a simple GOP vs. Democratic policies issue.
Candidate Trump wasn’t the first to tap the agenda he did. Others like Pat Buchanan, former Senator Rick Santorum, and former Gov. Mike Huckabee had similar planks and policies. But “The Donald” won.
Rephrased, the core beliefs of the Trump coalition were already found among:
- blue dog Democrats,
- The Tea Party,
- Evangelicals,
- Constitutionalists,
- Free enterprise proponents, and others.
People ought to be honest enough to give the president the credit he is due. Love or hate his style, jokes, or tweets, his policies are working.
By contrast, prior to the Trump era, the wealth of the oligarchic class grew rapidly during the prior 3 administrations. Democrat, Republican, it didn’t matter. That’s not a slam on capitalism or the 2 party system. It’s a slam on crony capitalism and a rigged political system.
The Problem of Monopoly and Oligopolies
“The rigged system” is a common point between Bernie Sanders backers and the followers of Donald J. Trump.
Danny Glover is a fine actor. My citing the quote below, or any other quote from other persons or sources, doesn’t imply I think everything the quote source said or did is perfect. We use a wheat and chaff approach with everyone.
That said, Mr. Glover was close to the mark with that statement above. It is part of the powerful video found at the link below.
America has spent huge sums on education. “Total expenditures for public elementary and secondary schools in the United States in 2014–15 amounted to $668 billion, or $13,119 per public school student enrolled in the fall (in constant 2016–17 dollars),” per NCES.ED.gov.

Then why does the U.S. trail so many other nations globally in education? See the data above, per the BBC.
America has spent huge sums on poverty programs, which includes ‘affordable housing’ programs. Then why after spending north of $22 trillion dollars – per the Heritage Foundation in 2014 – does the U.S. trail so much of the world in home ownership rates?

Or why does poverty programs enrich a few, while the poverty remains? Let’s sum up the powerful video below with these words, poverty is business and politics for certain people. ICYMI, or for later viewing, check out the multiple award winning video found in the linked post below.
Why is much of the mainstream media so dead set against President Trump? Think about what Mr. Glover above, and others in quotes below, said on this issue of news as a business.
A well informed manufactured home industry executive told me recently, ‘Tony, a lot of what you guys [MHProNews] write about I already knew.’ No doubt. There are numbers of industry pros who knew all of the above, long before we published the data. But what about the thousands who don’t know? How do you educate and inform them, without articles like this that lay out the facts and evidence?

But there are thousands in our industry that didn’t know, until they read this, or until they read articles we did previously over the years on the Daily Business News, on MHLivingNews, or here on the Masthead.
There’s power in greater numbers understanding the truth.
Facts, evidence, morality, and common-sense ought to rule, not blind passion or emotionally manipulated people of any persuasion.
Threats, Bullying and Intimidation Tactics
Yet, there are rent-a-rioter protesting and/or leading protests.
Who says?
ABC News.
CNN. They call themselves antifascist – or AntiFa. But in fact, they are using violent tactics much like the brownshirts in 1930s Germany. They take on their opponents “by any means necessary.” They talk about opposing “white nationalists,” but very few white nationalists ever show up to their own events. So, clearly, AntiFa has a different agenda.
Note that in the video above, one planner said that they’ve been doing such organizing for years. It is only more noticeable now. He admits the masks are to make it harder to identify and arrest lawbreakers.
Do we want a society where bullying, violence, and intimidation tactics rules? “Organized descent,” is what a woman in this video says. Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA-D) is prominent in this.
Odds are good you’ve seen Representative Maxine Waters (CA-D) tell a group to “push back on them” any time you see a Trump administration member in public. What’s that? Is that love, that they often claim, or is it hate?
The Manufactured Housing Connections
We spotlighted on MHLivingNews just one of several possible looks on why more manufactured homes aren’t already being sold.
MHI recently came out in apparent support of a bill by Senator Warren that arguably would be harmful to the interests of thousands of manufactured housing professionals, and based upon decades of history, would hurt the interests of millions of affordable housing seekers.
Don’t think that protestors are irrelevant to manufactured housing professionals. MHAction disrputed the MHI meeting when HUD Secretary Carson spoke.
MHAction’s own video reflects them targeting industry professionals like Frank Rolfe or the Blackstone Group. In the MHAction video below, our commentary is on the left, but it is their video on the right.
If it happens to others, isn’t it reasonable to think that it can happen to you?
If there isn’t a line in the sand now, then when?
Why Isn’t Manufactured Housing Doing Better?
For years, MHProNews and MHLivingNews has spotlighted issues in depth, and laced with facts that others with bigger budgets ignore. Why?
Ignorance is Costly, Accurate Understanding Followed by Sound Action Pays
We spend time spotlighting issues regarding Berkshire Hathaway, which has drawn coverage from left and right-of-center mainstream media.
But almost no one in MHVille media – outside of MHProNews, and/or MHARR on specific topics – has called Berkshire Hathaway out by name, and then provided the facts and evidence as to why they were being called out.
MHARR and MHProNews have led the charge for spotlighting the various ways that has sold out the interests of the independents in the industry.
Two state association broke away from MHI precisely because MHI failed to represent their interests.
We could go on and on with examples of how MHI has protected big money billionaires, or people like Nathan Smith, who is highly connected in the Democratic party.
Democrats and the GOP – Republicans – both needed reforms. President Trump is fundamentally changing some parts of Republican politics on issues like the border, trade, and tariffs.
As a political independent, it must be said that President Trump is making the GOP into a pro-worker, pro-business – notably small business – party. That’s why MHARR praised President Trump. That’s why the NFIB sings his policies praises too.
MHI postures being for less regulation, but they have time and again failed the independents of the industry. Frank Rolfe may have gone silent, but he was right when he said that the problems the industry faces are internal. Rolfe named MHI as part of the problem.
Marty Lavin was a long-time MHI member. He won one of their highest awards. He said that they work for the interests of the big boys, not the independents.
It’s sad that so few will speak out publicly, but it is because they are:
- afraid, as people that work for Clayton and intendents have told us.
- Still don’t understand, because they can’t get passed a good time(s) they’ve had at an MHI meeting, or with Clayton or 21st, etc. But how many felt that before they were forced out of business by 21st and or Clayton after 2009?
- If the ‘big boys’ did it to the industry before, can’t they do it again? Did you know some believe that is what MHI/Clayton/21st/VMF have been doing with the GSEs?
There is no lack of evidence to what’s happening to our nation, and to our industry. MHI has purportedly sold our industry’s independents out many times. We share some MHARR links just to mix it up, but we’ve covered these topics several times.
Next Steps for Independents, and Free Enterprise Supporters
Job One is to support pro-Trump candidates. They must expand their hold of Congress. We’ve shown just how that can happen in 2018, in spite of what the pollsters say. Recall, those same pollsters said Trump couldn’t win in 2016. Vote and get others lined up to do the same.
What some call “RINO” Republicans – more aptly, squishy on the Trump-agenda – politicos like Jeff Flake are stepping down. Pro-Trump candidates are stepping up in their place.
Who is MHI supporting with their PAC? Flake’s Democratic opponent, and in Indiana, the anti-Trump Joe Donnelly (D). There are more examples, but let’s just let those two sink in.
Facts are facts. The Trump track record is very different than some elements of the media portray. POTUS Trump is not a typical Republican from the 10 or 20 years ago. That’s not saying the GOP was bad then, it is only to say that President Trump has taken elements of Republican thinking, brought in some blue-collar elements from the Democratic thinking, and blended it together.
MHI postures being for everyone, but they have time and again failing independents. Former MHI chairman, and MHI PAC Chairman Nathan Smith said as much on a video.
The outcome is consolidation. Smith laughs about it, but that’s the game. The more a few control businesses, including manufactured housing, the worse it is for consumers.
Manufactured housing is poised for historic growth. But the foot purportedly has been kept on the metaphorical brakes. The time to expose the rigged system, in all its elements is now. The need to continue to expose it won’t end until the vast majority of Americans realize just how failed and corrupted the system has become.
American workers, American consumers, and independent American businesses first. Its common sense. There is an opportunity to take the evidence that the Trump Administration is producing and use it to show how it can turn years of tragedy into triumph.
The good results speak for themselves. More is needed, specifically in our industry, which is why the Omaha, Knoxville, Arlington triangle must be arguably be exposed and broken up. Antitrust laws could be useful in MHVille and beyond. The Trump administration has already signaled that antitrust – anti-monopolistic actions – is coming, perhaps soon after the midterms.
I for one can’t wait. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
(See Related Reports, further below. Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.
Tony is the multiple award-winning managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
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