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Tunica Manufactured Housing Show 2012 Photo Gallery

As I write this, after returning home via Amtrack's "City of New Orleans", the 2012 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show is now history. 1178 attendees, 331 suppliers and 460 manufacturers came; including owners, executives, managers and staff attended, as of 9:54 AM on Friday March 30, 2012. Manufactured housing state executives, retailers, community operators, installers, transporters, lenders, insurance and other professionals came.

Get a snap shot of what brought them into Harrah's Convention Center in the pages that follow. The homes were displayed outdoors with over 80 homes from some 23 builders, and you will see them all soon in part two of this exciting double-feature.

The new April 2012 Feature Articles are ready, and here is this month's line up for professionals!


Featured Articles and Reports for Vol. 3, No. 7, 2012

Alphabetically by Category


• Ouch! That Burns!

by Nadeen Green, JD


This is a brief message that has nothing at all to do with fair housing (my usual topic upon which I expound), but which I felt compelled to share. Recently in Atlanta (my home base) we had an apartment community fire (sadly, that in and of itself is not news).

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• NEW Manufactured Home Land Lease Community Development. . . If not now, when?

by Eddie Hicks



Now, in early 2012 we are seeing a fairly rapid filling of area apartments to capacity, with the result that many landlords are increasing rents, and eliminating many of the incentives they were offering just a year or two ago. This "surge" is due in part to a pent up demand for housing by those displaced from their defaulted mortgages, and an inability to repair their credit to former levels to qualify for the purchase of another home so soon after the foreclosure, and the general increase in employment due to an apparent increase in consumer spending, creating hopefully an end to the long, long recession.

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• They’re Heeeerrrrrrree: The Wind and Hail Season

by Kurt Kelly, JD

kurt kelly american insurance agency aia 50x50

As the recent storm activity proves, the wind and hail months are here. It’s the time of year insurance companies, property owners, and business owners dread. Historically, one half of all wind and hail losses in the U.S. outside the coastal areas occur between April 1st and June 30th.

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• Need to evict deadbeat tenant? Let your Health Dept. do it!

by John Merchant, JD


“What? Now how in the world would that work and why in the world might the Health Dept. be interested in doing that? And what would give them that right?”

Well, in many (most? all?) cities and counties around the country, it’s a violation of their Municipal Ordinances or County Regs and state laws, and their Health Regulations in particular, to live in any residence without lights, water or sewer or septic all working and in order.

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• Rate War Resumes: Major MH Lender Lowers Rates, best terms in the Industry

by Dave Shanklin


It appears that the “rate war” that started last summer among our MH lenders is continuing.

Our major lender based in San Diego last week announced a deep cut in its floor rate for top-tier loan applicants. Their new “floor” rate has dipped below 6% for 1992 and newer homes in Manufactured Home Land Lease Communities (MH LLC’s), with 20% down and FICO scores of 740 and higher.

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• 2012 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show Post Show Photo Report – Part 1

by L. A. 'Tony' Kovach


The 2012 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show is now history. 1178 attendees, 331 suppliers and 460 manufacturers came; including owners, executives, managers and staff attended, as of 9:54 AM on Friday March 30, 2012. Manufactured housing state executives, retailers, community operators, installers, transporters, lenders, insurance and other professionals came.

Get a snap shot of what brought them in the pages that follow. The homes were displayed outdoors with over 80 homes from some 23 builders.

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• Perception or Reality: Framing the Truth

by Martin V. "Marty" Lavin, JD

marty-lavin-50Anyone attuned to the immense flood of media today knows that the true facts of any situation can be contorted to create a “new reality." Reality a or the truth – falls to the avalanche of the noise telling you another reality. So the mainstream media bombardment turns Sarah Palin into 'a mean whore' rather than a hard-nosed conservative.

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• An IRA Can Be The Manufactured Home Lender

by John Merchant, JD


Lots (most?) of IRA owners probably never think of using their IRA money for Manufactured Home investing.

But as my book: How to Use Your IRA for Realty or Other Investments points out, there are lots of dollars in IRAs, or available by tax-free roll-overs or transfers from other retirement plans, that might be used for good private investments such as buying and selling mobile homes.

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• Are you Working Too Much?

by Chad Carr


This is going to sound strange, but one of the biggest issues I see with most of the Retailers I work with is that the owner is working too much.

How is that possible? What am I talking about? Doesn’t business reward hard work?

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• Do you have any “Emotional Deadwood” hiding out in your organization?

by Tim Connor, CSP


Just what is emotional deadwood?

It's an employee that is nearing retirement and has stopped being productive as they are in a "waiting" mode. It's an employee who has lost their motivation due to any number of causes.

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• The Marketing Game

by Jeff Templeton


Opening day in Major League Baseball is here. Today when I turned on the local sports radio station, the conversation was about Peyton Manning joining the Denver Broncos, Tim Tebow being traded to the New York Jets and who will be the best rookie quarterback.

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• Model Homes……or Not Part 3

by Katy Weldon


In this edition of Model Homes….or Not we will at first consider the subject of “Ballpark” estimates on what your project may require. Secondly, some tips to enhance the home and add to its customer appeal.


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• Is your net-worth more important to you than your self-worth?

by Tim Connor, CSP


I was reflecting recently on the mindsets of several friends and acquaintances that seem to be willing to sacrifice their self-worth for the uncertainty of their net-worth. Why would I say uncertainty in the previous sentence?

I don’t care how much money you have in the bank, CD’s, your retirement fund or any other equity in other sources – nothing in the future is ever totally secure which I’m sure some of you have already discovered.

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• Driver’s Education

by Greg McClanahan


My youngest daughter just got her learners permit. It has reminded me of the pain I have been through with all of my children in teaching them how to be safe drivers. As a passenger, my daughter did not pay attention to most of the driver responsibilities that are now required of her.

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• ZigOn Choosing Sides

by Zig Ziglar


One of my favorite stories concerns a young lad who was confronted by three bullies with violence in mind. Quickly the little guy drew a line on the ground, stepped back several feet, looked the biggest bully in the eye and said, "Now, you just step over that line." Confidently, the big bully stepped over the line, preparing to commit mayhem on the little guy.

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• The Art and Science of Selling

by Tim Connor, CSP


At first glance you might wonder why I call selling both an art and a science. Well, consider;

Successful art requires creativity, passion, patience, imagination, uniqueness, effort, practice and the desire to be of serve others.

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• Hail Mary, Marketing and Sales Systems

by L. A. 'Tony' Kovach


Having just come back from another manufactured housing industry event, some of the questions, comments and feedback from professionals like you are fresh on my mind. As an ever growing number of business owners and executives are reading us every month, some who meet me at an event will want to talk shop.

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post by

L. A. 'Tony' Kovach, MHM or
Innovation – Information – Inspiration for Industry Professionals

Office – 815-270-0500 or


