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U.S. Economic Hit by COVID19 in Photos, MHVille Implications, plus Doctor Sara Kayat on “Herd Immunity”


The epidemic goes faster than our bureaucracy

– Angelo Borrelli
Chief of the Italian Protezione Civile
(Italy’s version of FEMA) 23 March 2020


There is no sector of the U.S. economy that’s not somehow been affected by the coronavirus outbreak. That hit has typically caused economic harm, hundreds of thousands of illnesses and tens of thousands of premature deaths.


But in certain cases, some businesses and individuals have already begun to cash in.


The report linked here explains how Bill Ackman, who’s firm is a Berkshire Hathaway investor, did it.


A look at examples from manufactured housing are linked above and below.


While other sources are cited, this report is built around a news tip from an industry insider.


Per CNBC, Since emerging from Wuhan, China, in late 2019, the coronavirus has spread to 190 countries, areas or territories.”


When you see these photos, think millions of workers across all industries that have suddenly been thrown out of work. Those who don’t work and have income viability issues are not going to be in the market for housing.


The photos and satellite images shown are sourced from left-of-center CNBC and reflect the vivid contrast – before and after of the pandemic’s sudden influence on global and national professions. While there is an argument for that hoped for V shape economic drop and recovery in the U.S., realistically, there are also risk factors that it won’t be so for a variety of possible reasons.

These planes are reportedly Delta Airlines.




Not to take sides, but to illustrate the point, is the following reference from often-quoted Dr. Anthony Fauci follows the quote from Dr. Shengjie Lai from the University of Southampton.


I cannot see that all of a sudden, next week or two weeks from now it is going to be over. I don’t think there is a chance of that,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in an interview on NBC’s “Today” show late last week, per CNBC.


According to what was described as a ground-breaking research funded in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a 2019 report said the U.S. was the nation best prepared to cope with a pandemic. Really? It should be noted that Taiwan, the Republic of China which has held its independence from mainland communist China, appears to have been omitted in this research.


There are numerous controversies raging.

  • Was it somewhat or largely avoidable?
  • To name but a few, was this pandemic accidental or intentional?
  • Was this a naturally occurring virus or was it a bio-weapon, a claim some strongly deny.




A common feature of donations by a foundation is reporting and accountability. It is to be expected that what WHO knows, the Gates Foundation is at some level informed about, that’s commonplace. Indeed, Bill Gates’ own statements suggest as much.


Those are mentioned but won’t be the focus here, while another controversy is introduced.

  • That controversy is the notion of “herd immunity.”

Studies in the U.S., England and elsewhere have proposed the notion that there may already be millions of cases of COVID19 in the U.S., or also in England. There are those in the medical community who assert that the prudent strategy at this point is to shelter the population that is most at risk, maintaining the social distancing and hygienic recommendations for all, but allowing those in good health and who have no symptoms to go to work.

With that backdrop is the following pull quotes from an Al Jazeera column by Sara Kayat, M.D., shown in the featured photo at the top of this report, posted on March 25, 2020 titled and subtitled as follows.



Doctor’s Note: Can herd immunity solve coronavirus?

A doctor explains what herd immunity is, how it works and whether it could help in the fight against COVID-19.

These pull quotes explain the dynamics.

  • There are two ways to become immune to an infection. One is through the natural process of catching it and building an immunity; the other is by having a vaccination against it.”
  • Due to the body’s ability to build immunity, once enough of the population has had an infection, or has been vaccinated against it, the infection is no longer as active within the population and doesn’t spread from person to person as easily.”
  • This then means that those who haven’t had the infection or can’t have the vaccine are more protected. This is what is known as herd immunity.”



This report and analysis will introduce that idea, and is not specifically arguing for or against it at this time. The intellectually curious – and those impacted – should want to know what the discussions are about.

The stock up on cash video posted below is only to show reasoning that while the reasoning is not necessarily flawed, it does have potentially negative repercussions. Hoarding cash once this crisis ends will logically slow economic recovery. Prudence has always been the effort to find the happy medium.



To sum up, there is already a serious discussion underway, previously referred to on the Daily Business News on MHProNews, that there are two broadly competing interests with respect to what to do at this stage of the contagion. The COVID19 Diaries doctor cited at length in the report below makes reference to it, and says it isn’t an easy act to balance.





There should be a through exploration and then a factual explanation for how this crisis came to be. There have been delayed and conflicting reports from early on. It shouldn’t be brushed aside or swept under a rug by new issues like so many other tragedies were allowed to do in recent decades. There are those who are calling for just such an investigation in Congress.




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All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested on our 12.3.2019 visits. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is near a package that they gave him that included the Constitution of the United States and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and was recognized with the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he also studied business management with a perfect 4.0 and made the Dean’s List. Tony has earned multiple awards in manufactured housing and in history. He’s a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

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