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Voter Fraud?

As a former student of the University of Oklahoma, I can tell you about the year that Arkansas University kicked our cans in football before a national audience. Lou Holtz was their head coach. Holtz had benched two of his starters for rules violations, just before the big game. OU fans were smiling at that, right up to the point that we got beaten by the team that had done not the easy, but the right things at the right time.

My younger sister used to baby sit for one of OU's coaches back then. There were routine rumors floating around the team about this or that "no no" behavior.

So while many Sooner fans revered coach Barry Switzer as a 'winner,' it is coach Lou Holtz's 'Do It Right' that hangs over my desk.

I absolutely believe in honest free enterprise and – properly understood – our constitutional system of limited government as being superior to socialism or big government. Voter Fraud is the topic, not football. But the lessons ought to be the same, as you will see.

What Democrats and Republicans agree upon

What both major parties agree on this year is that this is the most important election in a generation. What they widely disagree upon, is the use of state issued voter ID. Why is that?

A recent report came out that says that 30,000 voter registrations in NC could be fake.

Another report from Media Trackers says that in CO, 10 counties have 104-140% of their potential voters already registered.

Is it early? Have you smelled the coffee or sipped your favorite go juice yet today? This is no small matter.

Some Democrats accuse Republicans of wanting dirty air, dirty water and of wanting to suppress the vote by requiring state issued photo ID to vote. But the Democratic convention website says that photo ID is required to attend their convention…

…hello? Whichever team you are for – and I am an independent – does anyone think 'hypocrisy' when they read this fact?

Elections need to be as fair and honest as possible. As soon as we allow any party, team or group to cheat and win, we are inviting protests – or violence – from those who feel their rights are being suppressed.

I have to show photo ID to:

  • Before boarding an airplane,
  • Buy certain medications,
  • Buy alcohol or other products.

Should we be protesting those kinds of laws bullet pointed above too? Should I have to use photo ID to use my platinum or diamond card? Are my rights – or yours – suppressed by such realities as those just mentioned?

Certainly there are groups who think so about those bullet points, and the leftists call those groups right wing radicals…

…right up to the point that the photo ID gets in the way of their own agenda.

The same people who thoughtfully want to take others to the polls on election day can surely take those same souls to get a photo ID before an election, if they don't already have one.

Friends and colleagues, it is sound principles – not posturing or partisanship – that produces proper outcomes.

We gladly provide a platform for commentary that impacts manufactured or factory-built housing. Certainly both parties agree that this election will impact us all, for good or ill. Agree with this thought, disagree with this, post a comment or send an OpEd that is cogent, we can publish it in Industry Voices. Honest discussion is the free speech ideal.

We oppose voter fraud, regardless of who would benefit from it. Give us a free, fair and honest election. We send monitors overseas for some of their elections. We might as well forget the 'respect' of the world if we end up with an election that is stolen through voter fraud. With serious dishonesty comes division, doubt and demagoguery. With those can come civil unrest.

An easy way You can help prevent voter fraud

As a tip, have you or someone you know moved in the last few years from one polling place to another? If so, call that district you moved from, and have them remove your name from the voting rolls. Why? Consider to this quote from Red State:

"When Media Trackers requested comment on the voter bloat in Gilpin county, Chief Deputy Gail Maxwell explained that “This is just a reminder Gilpin is a Gaming Community. The voters come and go!”

While these voters come and go, they manage to turnout to vote. Records show Gilpin County had 61 percent voter turnout in the 2010 election and Hinsdale County had an astounding 92 percent voter turnout. This is far above the Colorado average turnout of 48 percent, and the national average of 41 percent.

All ten counties investigated by Media Trackers reported voter turnout greater than the national average. Nine out of ten also showed voter turnout well above the Colorado average. Mineral and San Juan counties, which have voter registration numbers of 126 percent and 112 percent respectively, had voter turnout of 96 and 83 percent respectively."

Support photo ID, no matter who your candidate may be. Do your part to Do It Right. See MB's fine article – linked below – that cites a famous verse well worth remembering. The rights you defend and save may be your own.

Maybe another time, we will talk about ballot access, because in many states, the two major parties collude to limit the potential for third – or more – political parties.

Let's take a page from Lou Holtz's play book. Do what's Right. ##

l-a--tony-kovachL. A. "Tony" Kovach and Spotlighting the MHLifeStyle = Industry News, Tips and Views Pros can Use

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Office –815-270-0500 or connect with me on Linkedin.


Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right. – Henry Ford

