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Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post and the Des Moines Register are among the publications which have called here to talk about stories they have done or plan to cover. Last week, BuilderRadio called me to do an interview that is scheduled to air in early January. What's up?

Short answer: sincere interest in factory-built homes.

Last year, the Montreal Gazette did a series of attack pieces on an situation in Haiti that sounded terrible, until you dug under the surface of their arguably under-researched story. I sent some emails, did a phone call or two and a letter to the editor.

The MG hacked up my letter to the editor before publishing it, but it was still better than nada and their series come to a halt within days of the engagement. Prior to my direct engagement, their series of slanted pieces had made news headlines in the U.S. and Canada.

When faced with facts they couldn't argue with, it all rapidly ground to a halt.

Perfection isn't necessary

I would rather have a good, solid albeit imperfect effort than wait for a perfect effort that never comes. Or as Gilbert Keith paradoxically said it:

"Sometimes the perfect is the enemy of the good."

G. K. Chesterton

We learn by doing. We aren't perfect at first, or maybe ever. But a good goal makes an imperfect effort worthwhile.

When an automaker has a model that is recalled, there may be a short term, negative impact. But long term, the car makers bounce back. Doing the right thing pays off. That said, when was the last time you heard an attack news story about a 35+ year old car?

So why do we allow our industry to suffer under the "mobile home" image when there has legally been no mobile homes built in the U.S. over 35 years?

A Battle?

We are engaged in a battle against myths, outdated facts along with some true stories of ne'er do wells who managed to give too many of us a black eye. If we cede the field of the communications struggle to those who don't understand, but we fail to pick up the phone and/or email them to share the truth, whose fault is it?

Who is responsible?

Short answer. We all are! We have to do a better job of internal and external messaging.


To members or our own industry, our own company and our own location.

When visiting companies, I've witnessed too many ignorant comments by staff members of those firms that underscored Abe Lincoln's comment: "Better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

We as owners and managers have to train ALL our team members some basic manufactured housing facts, plus teach them to remain silent – 'let me get back to you on that question' – rather than appear as a fool and thereby reflect badly upon themselves and your location's operation.


Besides solid marketing, we also have to do a better job of external PR messaging. We've done the "how to" Engaging the Media seminar at some Industry events, and it came back each time with excellent feedback. We've seen dozens of good stories published for clients.

If one person can, if we can do it, you can do it too.

Speaking of Educational seminars…

You and your peers have an opportunity without parallel on the Wednesday that opens the Louisville Show. That's a strong statement, but it hits close to the mark. Because it is a team presentation that Dan Rinzema and I will give on how Industry members can directly profit from the sale of your "competitors" homes.

This approach can be a game changer. Every retailer and community should be there with at least one senior person.

Every serious manufactured home lender in the country needs to have at least one senior team member in that room, because it is part of a process that would be a game changer for lender remarketing and profitability too.

That seminar's information is part of our Industry's growing up process. The good news is that it is available right now! We just have to learn and apply today what Realtors have known with conventional housing for years.

16% Higher Resale Prices

Speaking of Realtors, they have a radio spot airing that includes the fact that you can make up to a 16% higher sale price by using a Realtor than by doing a FSBO (For Sale By Owner). Don't we need something like that statement as part of our marketing and selling?

There is only one correct answer. Of course.

Do what it takes to grow your business. Be in Louisville for the Show. There is not a seminar I'd want to miss as a retailer or as a manufactured home community owner/operator. Every one of them has legitimate profit making potential for owners, managers, plus the rank and file. That is why they are called the Money Tree Seminars! See page two of the brochure linked here and register for the event.


BuilderRadio's interview spent time focused on this topic: Introduction to Manufactured Homes Opportunities Day. Check out the page. Send a link to your local banker, realtors, investors and those conventional stick builders. Do your part to change the image. Don't fight them, get them to see the light and possibly join us.


 Diamond Sponsors

Clayton Homes Family of Factory Home Builderssacu-family-intro-mh-opportunities-day-ani-posted-louisvilleshow-com-










Silver Sponsors


Bronze Sponsors



Look at the line up of sponsor/presenters for this event! Those who attend will be impressed. Which is just what we need to do, impress others with our quality, affordable appealing homes.

Green Courte's latest Accomplishment

The link that follows is to a story about Green Courte Partners latest accomplishment. If you missed that Daily Business News brief, you missed a goodie.

Folks, don't let a few "blame gamers" rattle your cage. It is harder, more costly and time consuming to builds a bridge than it is to blow one up. But the fact that blowing up bridges is easier doesn't mean we should all go out and do it. It is America, and people have free speech rights.

But when we willingly give eyes or ears to negative, ignorant or blame game speech from within our industry's ranks, we have fueled it. One age old approach is to caution the speaker/writer, if they don't listen, walk away.

Be a part of the positive, bridge building solutions. Let's catch up this weekend, just beyond the Mayan Calendar!  

See you in Louisville at the Show. Our booth is number 115. ##

Photo credit, FlickrCC/dpsytles

PS: Check our many Exclusive and Red Hot Featured Articles for December and see the

other new stories and 'Purely Political' cartoons at too.

l-a--tony-kovachL. A. "Tony" Kovach and Spotlighting the MHLifeStyle = Industry News, Tips and Views Pros can Use

Services:B2BandB2CAds, Proven MH Marketing & Sales Systems, Websites other Industry Solutions.

Office –815-270-0500 or connect with me on Linkedin.


Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right. – Henry Ford

