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Where I Come From

Collage credit, Masthead Blog, MHProNews.

Where I come from –  kids are taught 10 Commandments, and respect.

Where I come from – faith, flag, and freedom aren’t words twisted to elect.


Where I come from – a gentleman opens a lady’s door.

Where I come from – dishonesty is something to abhor.


Where I come from – people try their best, seeking better day-by-day.

Where I come from – mediocre doesn’t cut it, nor do good folks do their worst, hoping with it to get away.


Where I come from – liars, cheats, and thieves are avoided, reformed, or jailed.

Where I come from – money is honestly earned, and is not greenmailed.


Where I come from – mistakes occasion learning, humility, and more.

Where I come from – money comes in handy, but the Lord alone we adore.


Where I come from – a man’s word is his bond.

Where I come from – serenity is a prayer, not some phony golden pond.


Where I come from – when you mistakenly step on someone’s toes, you say “pardon me.”

Where I come from – “golly, gee” is not a mere line from ‘Gomer Pile, USMC.’


Where I come from – robots are science fiction for movies, TV, or books.

Where I come from – people matter more than automation of someone’s jobs which gadgets took.


Where I come from – you teach a woman or man to fish, so you feed them for a lifetime.

Where I come from – you don’t hook souls on drugs or drink, and drain the social lifeline.


Where I come from – songs inspire hearts, minds, and souls.

Where I come from – songs aren’t meant to cause crime, jail time, and paroles.


Where I come from – people know freedom isn’t free.

Where I come from – folks celebrate liberty, and opportunity.


Where I come from – telling it like it is gains respect, but doing what’s right is even better.

Where I come from – manipulating people, markets or votes are an offense against God’s Letter.


Where I come from – the bad guys get arrested, and imprisoned for their crimes.

Where I come from – good guys protect what’s right, and curse to hell ‘politically correct’ ideas, plans, and rhymes.


Where I come from – swindles are exposed, while truth and goodness sets us free, my friend. 

Where I come from – we sing God Bless America, may the truth and the good for all prosper once again.  ##


The Revised Serenity Prayer

Oh God, please grant me the serenity to accept the things that can’t be changed,

The courage to change the things I can, 

And the wisdom that know the difference,

Without making wisdom an excuse to sit idly by 

while others nobly try. 

Amen. ###

Team Kovach, (l-r) Soheyla (prounounced “So Hey La”), Tamas (pronounced “Tah Mash”) and Tony Kovach (prounounced “Co-Vatch” like a “Watch with a V”). The Kovach family, along with Matthew Silver, RC Williams – plus many volunters and sponsors – who join together daily to bring you the MH “Industry News, Tips and Views Pros Can Use.” © Photo above, from 83 Degress Media.

By L. A. “Tony” Kovach. 


