Borden, per their own brief bio, “is the Executive Director of MHAction, a growing national movement of manufactured home owners who work to protect the affordability and quality of their communities through local and state campaigns.”
That same bio says that “Westin is the Executive Director at New York Communities for Change, a coalition of working families in low and moderate income communities fighting for social and economic justice.”
MHProNews’ publisher researched and prepared a report, but then the NPR story hit, so the reaction article was not published until today.
Using a step-by-step fact-based response, you’ll see how the mainstream media is being used once again to attack the manufactured home community sector, and by extension, the industry at large.
It should be noted that The Hill has a disclaimer at the end of the Borden and Westin op-ed. It reads as follows: “The views expressed by Contributors are their own and are not the views of The Hill.” The Hill is widely read by those in Washington, D.C. – and beyond.
To read the Borden and Westin column, click here.
To see the analysis and response article – Paving the Road to Hell – click here. ##
(Image credits are as shown above.)