media bias


Peer Alleges State Execs Crossed Line, “Kissing Ass” Clayton Homes, Manufactured Housing Institute, Back-Stabbed MHI Member Reacts

“Off the record, but these [other] state associations [in this email thread] have crossed the line with their blind loyalty and kiss a — to Clayton [Homes] and MHI. This is not healthy for the industry well-being and [the] future of the industry,” said one of several news tips received …

Peer Alleges State Execs Crossed Line, “Kissing Ass” Clayton Homes, Manufactured Housing Institute, Back-Stabbed MHI Member Reacts Read More


Drama! Analysis! Action! Results! Manufactured Housing, Controversy is Inevitable

We’re living in a time that’s aptly described by people across the spectrum as a massive cultural and political clash. Controversy is inevitable. Amidst the various claims – many of which impact our industry – hullabaloos are inevitable. Facts are inconvenient for those who want to avoid them. There’s always …

Drama! Analysis! Action! Results! Manufactured Housing, Controversy is Inevitable Read More


“Collusion Delusion,” “An Illegal Takedown that Failed” WH/Media Round-Up, plus MH Stock Updates

It’s dominated broadcast, internet, satellite, and cable news for nearly 2 years.  When the word broke that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report had been delivered to Attorney General Barr and that it exonerated the president, his campaign, and all Americans on the issue of a falsely claimed collusion with Russia, …

“Collusion Delusion,” “An Illegal Takedown that Failed” WH/Media Round-Up, plus MH Stock Updates Read More


Fact Check, Darren Krolewski, MHInsider Claim on 2019 Louisville Show Attendance

Darren Krolewski, Co-President at MHVillage and publisher of their MHInsider magazine made another bold claim in their most recent issue.  As regular and close readers of MHProNews fact-checks may recall, a problematic claim was made in their prior issue too, and no known correction of that factual error took place. In …

Fact Check, Darren Krolewski, MHInsider Claim on 2019 Louisville Show Attendance Read More


Tim Williams, PBS News’ Bad Bargain, Manufactured Housing Institute, Buffett’s Mirror, and Clayton’s Costume

“If you are willing to abandon your principles for convenience, or social acceptability, they are not your principles, they are you costume.”   – Joe Concha, the Hill.  “In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” – Warren Buffett per BrainyQuote.   “What we learn from …

Tim Williams, PBS News’ Bad Bargain, Manufactured Housing Institute, Buffett’s Mirror, and Clayton’s Costume Read More


Apt Warning for Manufactured Housing Professionals, MH Customers, by Award Winning Journalist Sharyl Attkisson, TEDx

“…become a wiser consumer of information, in an increasingly artificial and paid for reality,” said investigative journalist,” Sharyl Attkisson in the TEDx Talk posted below.  This intriguing talk has had over 1 million views. Attkisson is “a five-time Emmy Award winner, a recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting …

Apt Warning for Manufactured Housing Professionals, MH Customers, by Award Winning Journalist Sharyl Attkisson, TEDx Read More


Managing Mueller Russia Probe Outcome? NBC, Other Mainstream Media Reports Soften, Investor Impacts? Plus, MH Market Updates

Manufactured housing tracked stocks closed mixed, as did the broader markets today.  Retail and other headline news found further below drove some declines. Among the more interesting topics in recent days has been the managing of expectations by mainstream news sources – such as NBC News – that for much …

Managing Mueller Russia Probe Outcome? NBC, Other Mainstream Media Reports Soften, Investor Impacts? Plus, MH Market Updates Read More


Trust in News, Washington Post vs Investors Business Daily Poll Results, MHVille Impacts

“After proving to be America’s most accurate national poll in the 2004, 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, preliminary results for 2016 show the IBD/TIPP poll has now been the most accurate in each of the last four election cycles,” said Investors Business Daily (IBD). TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence (TIPP) and IBD collaborate in public polling.  Their website …

Trust in News, Washington Post vs Investors Business Daily Poll Results, MHVille Impacts Read More


“Democrats Are Sinful Hypocrites. Just Like All of Us.” Weaponizing Information, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and MHVille

  Erick Erickson is a one-time never-Trump Republican, who still quibbles over policy, strategy, and tactics with President of the United States (POTUS) Donald J. Trump. Erickson publishes a “Morning Briefing” and does radio.   So what?  It goes without saying for seasoned managers, owners, and investors that facts, performance …

“Democrats Are Sinful Hypocrites. Just Like All of Us.” Weaponizing Information, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and MHVille Read More


SOTU 2019

It is entirely unclear to the objective, independent mind how someone can view their own profession through a purely myopic lens. The affordable housing industry’s hidden gems are arguably manufactured homes.  Yet the industry is underperforming at a time when the need and demand for affordable homes are high. Further, …

SOTU 2019 Read More


Sidney Powell, JD, Former Federal Prosecutor on “Licensed to Lie”

  Stating the obvious can bring clarity to any subject. Objectivity is necessary in the affordable housing sector, as well as the manufactured home segment of housing. Businesses and investors act upon reality, or what they think is reality.   More broadly, objectivity – the search for truth vs. a …

Sidney Powell, JD, Former Federal Prosecutor on “Licensed to Lie” Read More


NPR Targets Manufactured Home Communities, Including Sun, RV Horizons, Frank Rolfe, Buffett-Berkshire Hathaway Related Details

  NPR’s Anna Casey begins her narrative about manufactured homes and communities with two errors in her first very sentence.  She missed the estimated totals and is mostly incorrect about the proper terminology for this type of factory-built housing. “Roughly 20 million Americans live in mobile homes, once billed as …

NPR Targets Manufactured Home Communities, Including Sun, RV Horizons, Frank Rolfe, Buffett-Berkshire Hathaway Related Details Read More


PBS & NPR Reporting on Manufactured Housing News, Pulling Back the Veil

For some years, PBS and NPR have covered numerous stories that directly connect to the manufactured housing industry. The screen captures further below will reflect just two of several. To be polite, those reports have not been flattering for the manufactured home industry. To be blunt, those publicly-funded (in part) reports …

PBS & NPR Reporting on Manufactured Housing News, Pulling Back the Veil Read More


An “Ideological Echo Chamber” – and Manufactured Housing Progress

  That quoted part of the headline phrase comes from the Prager University video, post further below.  But before we get to that, a few manufactured housing industry related thoughts. An “ideological echo chamber” arguably exists inside manufactured housing, and outside of the factory-built housing industry too.   The video …

An “Ideological Echo Chamber” – and Manufactured Housing Progress Read More


Teen Sex Slaves, Lawlessness, Affordable Housing, Weaponized News, MH Accountability, as Nation Awakens to House Divided

  “…And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand,” – Mark 3:25, cited by Abraham Lincoln in the following quote. “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all …

Teen Sex Slaves, Lawlessness, Affordable Housing, Weaponized News, MH Accountability, as Nation Awakens to House Divided Read More


Children, Grandchildren, Family, Manufactured Housing, Money, and You

  Many if not most Manufactured Housing Professionals – MHPros – know the truth about our industry’s products and services. That said, millions of people don’t know.  You might say that they have been conditioned into thinking something that is untrue. Hold that thought, because in many ways it is …

Children, Grandchildren, Family, Manufactured Housing, Money, and You Read More


“Check Your Facts,” “Follow the Money” – Journalist Sharyl Attkisson, Fake News, MHVille Takeaways

  “Few themes arise” in mainstream media “organically,” said Attkisson in this TEDx talk video. She relates a story by a propagandist.  “It’s like a movie,” the propagandist explained, giving her chills at that moment. “Nearly every scene or image that crosses our path in our daily life was put …

“Check Your Facts,” “Follow the Money” – Journalist Sharyl Attkisson, Fake News, MHVille Takeaways Read More


Teen, Adult Charged in Troubling Tragedy Involving MH Community

  “Deputies investigated…and prosecutors charged Walter Kenneth Baldwin, 69, 1916 Happy Hollow Road North, West Lafayette, with conspiracy to torture or mutilate a vertebrate animal, torture or mutilating a vertebrate animal, conspiracy to killing a domestic animal and killing a domestic animal,” per the JCOnline, part of the USA Today …

Teen, Adult Charged in Troubling Tragedy Involving MH Community Read More


Hanukkah at the White House, Video, Visuals and Formal Presidential Statement

  Judaism, like Christianity or Islam, are not monolithic in their beliefs. There are branches of Jewish belief, not unlike the symbolic branches of the menorah.   At dinner with a Jewish friend on the first evening of Hanukkah, among the comments from our guest?  “If you have 10 Jews …

Hanukkah at the White House, Video, Visuals and Formal Presidential Statement Read More


Understanding the News as Business, and Manufactured Housing

News is a business. Period.   News as a business can provide useful, authentic, manipulated, and/or weaponized information.  Like any product or service, there are better ones, and worse ones.   Manufactured housing professionals have plenty of reasons to properly engage with news media, but also need to be wary …

Understanding the News as Business, and Manufactured Housing Read More

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