In the memo, MHARR President Danny Ghorbani, wrote in part, quoting:
“Listed below are the seven items addressed in this communication with the program Administrator. It should be noted that two of these (i.e., items 6 and 7) involve critical issues where the Administrator has committed to taking the proper course of action under the 2000 reform law, which MHARR fully supports, encourages – and thanks the Administrator:
1. Unwarranted and discriminatory restrictions on the use of manufactured homes
2. Unnecessary and unnecessarily costly expanded in-plant regulation
3. Unnecessary and unnecessarily costly monthly IPIA Subpart I record inspections
4. Misuse of additional label fee revenues contrary to congressional intent
5. Unjustified retroactive Subpart I treatment for attached garages
6. Necessary regulatory reform for the separation of manufactured homes and RVs
7. Costly and discriminatory Department of Energy standards for HUD Code homes
All of this expanded regulatory activity indicates that the HUD program remains – and continues to progress — seriously “off-track,” veering away from the main focus and objectives of the 2000 reform law and necessitating an intensified effort to roll-back such activities.”
The entire press release and related downloadable letter to Pam Danner, JD, HUD’s Manufactured Housing Program administrator are linked here. ##
(Image credits: HUD Logo, graphic)