Economic, personal, religious, and political freedom are never free. Each one always comes at a cost.
We stand, and live free in the shadow of those who have safeguarded our freedoms.
Memorial Day honors those who gave their lives for others.
Unlike many nations, Americans have fought, bled, and died not only for our own freedom, but also in many cases for the freedom of others.
· France and many nations in Europe,
· Morocco and nations in Africa,
· South Korea and nations in Asia
are among those who are free today because Americans bled and died to liberate or keep them free.
So, those who spin American history to be one of pure oppression are either ignorant of – or worse, ignore – the good that soldiers, sailors, airmen, or others who serve in intelligence, and support services have done. Many of them paid the ultimate price of giving their lives for others.
We should look at history with clear eyes and historic perspectives. We should not project our advantages back onto those who did not have the same insights. We can’t condemn those who had no internet at their fingertips for lacking that technology which some of them created, and which we enjoy today.
World history is largely a long series of stories that are often about slavery, domination, and oppression.
The civil rights movement accomplishments of the past 50 years in America, and the freeing of slaves during the Civil War a century before, must be understood in a context of a world we’re slavery was commonplace. Slavery sadly still exists in the world today. Sex trafficking, and other forms of human bondage still occurs daily. There are places in the world where humans are auctioned off to others, just as happened over 150 years ago on this continent.
We’ve made progress in certain ways, but the world still needs more work. The fight for freedom is never over.
America isn’t perfect, and never has been. But that imperfection isn’t a reason to lament, or reject our past. We aren’t perfect either. An candid look at reality can inspire us to do even better. Let us lift up those who have fallen in thoughts and prayers of thanksgiving, and in our memories.
There are divisions which some will exploit, with the notion of gaining some power over others. It’s entirely wrong-headed to look back at only the bad, when the USA – more than any nation in world history – sacrificed for each other, and for so many others abroad too. Memories of the total sacrifice of the fallen should inspire us personally to do better.

Today isn’t Veterans Day. Memorial Day is for those who have fallen.
Without those who gave it all, we might be living in a Communist, Nazi, and other kind of dictatorship today.
You are able to do good business as a free person, in concert with other free people, because of the sacrifices of others. Today, we honor those who made our freedoms possible. ## (Event news, analysis, and commentary.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – Masthead commentary, for MHProNews.com.
Tony is the multiple award-winning managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
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