Men in America, “Something Ominous” Sobering Comparisons with Women


Health experts are warning of a crisis in male fertility that they fear is making it harder for couples to conceive – a problem they say is compounded by a lack of scientific understanding,” says iNews.The average sperm count has dived by 52 per cent in the past four decades – while men are leaving it later and later before trying to have a child.”


These are just some of the sobering facts cited in the video report, posted below. They directly impact every business in America, factory built housing clearly included.


That report from England is mirrored in an even more sobering report here in the U.S. As factory-builders and others are often struggling for qualified, dependable workers, Tucker Carlson sheds led light on men in America, in what he claims is an under-reported crisis.


Something ominous is happening to men in America,” says Carlson, as he launched a new periodic series that talked about comparisons between men and women.

In category after category, the women are doing better, Carlson says the data reveals.


Men in America’: It’s odd how rarely you hear the problems with American men publicly acknowledged. Our leaders pledge to create more opportunities for women and girls, whom they imply are failing. Men are fine. But are they? The numbers say otherwise,” per FoxNews.

In offices, factories or wherever they are found, men die younger, are more likely to be in legal or other trouble. Single women are buying more homes at double the rate of single men, says Carlson. “American men are failing,” he says, “It’s a crisis.”

It is something that those in manufactured housing, when considered, suddenly comes to light.

Solutions begin with understanding that a problem exists, in an under 8 minute video report – which is sobering. ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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