“More than 800 houses, condominiums and other dwellings were destroyed in Mexico Beach, nearly half of the town’s residential units, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. Of the residences still standing, less than 400 have both electricity and running water,” said the Weather Channel about the aftermath of Hurricane Michael.
“Michael roared ashore as a Category 4 hurricane with winds up to 155 miles per hour on April 10, six months ago this week. The storm killed 49 people and cut a swath of devastation across 12 counties, but none more so than Bay County and Mexico Beach,” per that same source in a report linked here.
A disaster recovery firm made the video posted below, which sums up the stark devastation that occurred in Mexico City from Hurricane Michael.
“On October 10, 2018 Category 4 Hurricane Michael made landfall along Florida’s Golf Coast. The impact was… devastating. Destruction was unprecedented. Recovery will take years. CDR Maguire was prepared. Bay County Alone: 15 Million Cubic Yards of Debris, $400M estimated Public Assistance Funds, 75% of Housing Inventory sustained damage,” said the CDR Maguire Team’s YouTube page.
With that backdrop, check out this still below from drone video this week – one of 8 photos from the Panama City News Herald, at this link here. The photo posted below shows what appears to be a hard-hit manufactured home community in Mexico City, FL. While some homes are badly damaged or destroyed, there are clearly newer HUD Code manufactured homes that fared as well or better than many of the conventional and commercial construction in the same area.
That’s why the National Association of Realtor’s Scholastica ‘Gay’ Cororaton said what she did, as quoted below.
No one at MHProNews has claimed that manufactured homes are tornado or hurricane proof. What we’ve said repeatedly is that properly installed, they can be as durable as conventional ‘stick built’ housing, sometimes more so. Given the amazing price savings, that’s impressive, isn’t it?
We’ll plan a report soon for MHLivingNews on this topic. Watch for it, because that will be for the general public. Until then, keep these facts in mind every time you have questions from others. And don’t forget, we already have several reports on MHLivingNews – including powerful video footage – of manufactured homes that survived tornadoes, hurricanes, windstorms, and more. There are facts from weather experts found on MHLivingNews, and no where else.
See those links in the related reports, beyond the byline and notices, further below.
There are years of recovery efforts ahead in parts of the Florida panhandle, South Georgia and other areas hit by Hurricane Michael. Some will likely never return. Some feel forgotten, per local reports. But the recovery does plod on.
There has been so many tragedies – like this one in Mexico City, FL – that nevertheless have a potential silver lining for our industry and consumers seeking to recover more quickly or for lower costs. The manufactured home industry doesn’t have to oversell, all that the honest independents and other good professionals in our business must do is tell the truth loud, and proud. No hype is needed. If we do so, the truth well told is an overall good reflection on the honest professionals in our industry.
That’s tonight’s installment of “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory built housing.” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

Your link to industry praise for our coverage, is found here.
For the examples of our kudos linked above…plus well over 1,000 positive, public comments, we say – “Thank You for your vote of confidence.”
“We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis and commentary.)
(Image credits and information are as shown above, and when provided by third parties, are shared under fair use guidelines.)
Submitted by Soheyla Kovach to the Daily Business News for MHProNews.com.

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